Premium Essay

Stolpestad by William Lychack


Submitted By juliemariejensen
Words 1121
Pages 5
Stolpestad by William Lychack (2008) Have you ever felt that your life is just being repeated? Nothing new happens, nothing that you aren’t used to. Your life continues as you know it, and it bores you. This is what this story Stolpestad (marker) by William Lychack, from 2008, is about. The story is about a man named Stolpestad, who is a police officer. On yet another lazy Saturday he receives a call and has to deal with a young boy’s suffering dog. He is not pleased with the task and it tortures him to see the dog suffering - knowing what has to be done. He has to shoot the dog twice in order to stop its suffering. Stolpestad then continues his lazy Saturday evening - spending some time in a bar, calling his wife to say he will be home late. Everything is like a blur. He returns to his home, just to find out that the boy and his father is waiting for him. They want to thank him for his bravery and tell him that the dog didn’t die. Stolpestad lives in a little town and he has been living there from his very early years. For him his life is just the same as it has always been. It’s like he is stuck and he doesn’t go any further - it’s the same routine day after day and all this is the main theme. From the very beginning there is a good example on the setting in the story and how he feels about it on page 1, line 2-3: “(...) - sun never burning through the clouds, clouds never breaking into rain (...)”. Here the whether symbolize his mood and days in this town. It says how monotonous his life is and the qoute is an example on how anything never happens; it’s not a really good day and it’s not a really bad day. It’s just the same and it’s boring - like a grey sky. The suffering dog can symbolize the neighbourhood Stolpestad is stuck in. By killing his dog he will also crack those things, which have tied him to this

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