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Stoney Tribe Research Paper

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The Stoney Tribe or called by its speakers as Nakoda or Nakota, which means “The Friendly People”, is one of the many Plains Indian Tribes . The Stoney Tribe might be known by their name because they used hot/broiled stones to boil their food. The Stoney Tribe is also known as the Assiniboines. This name comes from the Ojibwe language. In Ojibwe, Assiniboines mean “Stone Sioux.” The Tribe comes from Multiple different places but some notable places of living are Montana, North Dakota and Canada. These are places where some descendants still live till this day. In the U.S., the Native Assiniboine tribe, has two reservations known as Fort Belknap and Fort Peck. In Canada, the tribe has eight different groupings of Stonies, that each …show more content…
Leaders of each tribe had responsibilities such as: keeper of whip, keeper of knife and so on. When source of food became scarce the Stonies split many ways to hunt for Buffalo, this is why they have multiple places of living. The lived in teepees. Teepees are shelters that is structured by a large piece of wood lined with buffalo skin to provide heat and warmth. These were normally made by women. If the teepee was not made correctly it could get blown over and create harm for their families/friends in the teepee. The Assiniboine men wore what any traditional Native American man would consider traditional. A typical outfit was clothes, hip lengthed leggings and warm buffalo coats when the climate was cold and rainy. Also many men had tribal tattoos and long hair. These tribal tattoos contained many meaning. The men would be the hunters of the family. Stoney men would be soldiers and protective structures that would provide for their families. Both men and women wore moccasins. The Assiniboine women wore knee-length dresses, leggings as well as buffalo coats in inclement weather. Stoney women would take care of the house, move heavy posts whenever they had to leave, and would be the master of cooking and cleaning in

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