...Testament Bible Dictionary Project Genesis The book of Genesis is one of the better-known books of the Bible. Not only is it the first book of the Bible it is also the first documentation of our existence. The book was originally written in Hebrew with the title of bereshit, which means “in the beginning.” (Bible.org) While the author of Genesis is never actually named, it is believed that Moses wrote the book of Genesis. In Acts 7:22 Luke recaps that Moses was trained in the “wisdom of the Egyptians” and was the only one who was prepared to integrate and understand the manuscripts and oral narratives in the Pentateuch. Only Moses was qualified enough to be given the task of writing Israel’s history. Genesis starts with our creation and spans “approximately 2400 years.” (bible.org) The book starts with God creating the heavens and the earth and ends with the Israelites arriving in Egypt and growing into a nation. This can be dated back to around 1800 B.C. The purpose and theme of the book is to reveal how the sin of man is met by the intervention and redemption of God and God’s choice of a nation through whom he would bless the nations. This is conveyed through several key people and events. The four greatest events in Genesis include the creation of the world and man, the fall of man when Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, Noah’s ark and the Great Flood, and the confusion of tongues. There are several main personalities in Genesis but the four greatest men include...
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...From reading the story of Genesis and comparing Michelangelo’s famous artistic paintings. Reading and observing each detail, I have concluded that the story of Genesis reveals the means of how God created the havens and earth and the paintings of Michelangelo has justified each creation to the details of the story. The first creation described how God created the world by bringing chaos. In this state the world was considered to be preexistent; which is said to mean that God didn’t create the world out of just nothing. “The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface over the surface of the deep” (Genesis 1:2) In this case it is clear that God had a goal to bring goodness into the world and from my understanding it has to be in a state of bad before any goodness may come. In Michelangelo’s painting, Gods legs are cut by the frame, and its as if the whole sky is filled with Him. As one arm pushes back darkness, the light is rolling in...
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...Protecting God’s Creation Liberty University Interdisciplinary Studies APA Introduction “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1, NIV). The first verse of the Bible clearly states the earth and all of its inhabitants are God’s creation; therefore we are merely tenants of what is rightfully His. God has created mankind above all else and entrusted us with ruling over the land, seas, and skies, while caring for all living things. To understand our roles, we must understand the inherent responsibility of a ruler and a tenant. Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary (2014) defines a Ruler as someone responsible for commanding a certain area, group, or people; and a Tenant as “one who has the occupation or temporary possession of lands or tenements of another.” Not unlike a landlord as we know them today, if we fail to care for the property and lives God has entrusted us to keep, we will likely face permeant eviction. As Christians we should pride ourselves in caring for God’s creation, using each and every resource wisely, and not to meaninglessly waste, kill, poison, and destroy. Over the course of our existence, we have prospered from every intricate detail God has bestowed, and often times we have abused His generosity and trust; vulgarly displayed by Adam and Eve. In the book of Genesis (2:15, NIV) it states “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” God’s intent has remained the same as He wishes...
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...Furthermore, a multitude of critics agree that there are several connotations that signify religion in this ballad; however, very few agree upon it being an allegory that mainly reflects the specific ideology of Christianity. Christianity preaches that life is basically a test by which we either pass and go to heaven, or fail and go to hell. Also, the human body is a victim of the human thought and action, which is represented by the soul. Therefore, in relation to the ballad, we can refer to the ship as the human body and the Mariner who steers the ship and leads it to destruction as the human soul. This ship led by the Mariner goes through a trial of storm and winds, but fails because of the Mariner. In Christianity, when a person is over with the trial (dies), his body rots away, " for dust you are and to dust you will return," (Genesis 3:16 19), and the soul remains alive, either tortured, or pleased. The ship sinks. However, the Mariner becomes a captive of Life-in-Death (purgatory) and remains perpetually cursed for the mistake he has done. Another symbolism...
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...Hurricanes Introduction Few things in nature can compare to destructive force of a hurricane. Called the greatest storm on Earth, a hurricane is capable of annihilating coastal areas with sustained winds of 155 miles per hour or higher, intense areas of rainfall, and a storm surge. In fact, during its life cycle a hurricane can expend as much energy as 10,000 nuclear bombs. The term hurricane is derived from “Huracan”, a god of evil recognized by the Tainos, an ancient aboriginal tribe from Central America. In other parts of the world, Hurricanes are known by different names. In the western Pacific and China Sea area, Hurricanes are known as typhoons, from the Cantonese Tai-Fung meaning great wind. In Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, and Australia, they are known as cyclones, and finally, in the Philippines, they are known as bagyo. The scientific name for a hurricane, regardless of its location, is tropical cyclone. In general, a cyclone is a large system of spinning air that rotates around a point of low pressure. Only tropical cyclones, which have warm air at their center, become the powerful storms that are called hurricanes. Hurricane Formation and Decay Hurricanes form over tropical waters (between 8 and 20 degrees latitude) in areas of high humidity, light winds, and warm sea surface temperatures [typically 26.5 degrees Celsius (80 Fahrenheit) or greater]. These conditions usually prevail in the summer and early fall months of the tropical North Atlantic and North Pacific...
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...Dr. Na Religion 207 Dec 11, 2015 Stilling of the Storm The canonical gospels are a result of the spreading of the news of the death and resurrection of Jesus. Therefore, they must be studied when interested in gathering an account of Jesus’ life and death. The synoptic gospels include the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. It is assumed that the author of the Gospel According to Mark wrote his gospel first and therefore becomes a blueprint for the gospels of Matthew and Luke. Therefore the synoptic gospels have similar events, structure, and timeframes. One major event in all three synoptic gospels is the story of the stilling of the storm. Assuming markan priority, this paper will discuss the Gospel According to Mark’s command that Jesus uses to rebuke the wind and sea: “Peace! Be still!” The stilling of the storm is a triple tradition event, meaning it is found in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. This event is contained in the passages of Mark 4:35-41, Matt 8:23-27, and Luke 8:22-25. Some similarities throughout this particular event are very evident and can be shown through the main course of events in the pericope. The first similarity is all gospels have Jesus asleep in the boat during a storm. Another similarity is that Jesus rebukes the natural elements and comments on the disciples’ lack of faith. Another important similarity is that the disciples question the authority of Jesus when the wind and water obey him. These three similarities lay out the foundation...
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...Mythological and Biblical Characters The Titans According to Greek mythology, the Titans were a race of primordial, powerful deities that ruled during the legendary Golden Age. The Titans were created by Gaea and her surrounding Uranus (Heaven), who embraced her strongly with his starry mantle and they became the first divine couple of the World. The Titans were first dwelling in Mount Olympus in Ancient Greece, but were overthrown expelled to the lower basement of Hades, the Tartarus, after their defeat in a huge battle with the Olympian Gods. The Superior Titans are Gaea, Mother Earth, and Uranus, Ruler of the Heaven and the Sky. The Main Titans are Atlas, the Titan of Astronomy, and Prometheus, the Titan of Wisdom and Forethought. There are also several Titan Couples. These include Cronus and Rhea, the mother and father of the Olympian Gods, Coeus and Phoebe, the Titan of Intelligence and the Titaness of Brilliance and the Moon, Hyperion and Theia, Titan of Life and Sun and Titaness of Sight, and Oceanus and Tethys, Ruler of the Waters and the Seas, and Titaness of the Wet Element and the Oceans. Other Titans of Ancient Greece include Crius, Titan of Leadership and Domestic Animals, Iapetus, Titan of Morality, Mnemosyne, Titaness of Memory, and Themis, Titaness of Law, Justice and Order. The Twelve Olympians The Olympian gods were the main deities in Ancient Greece. All gods were associated with birth myths, but they were unaging. After overthrowing their ancestors...
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...Abraham covenant (Deu 29). Moses’ final acts as the Lord’s appointed servant for Israel are so important and meaningful that Deuteronomy’s account of them marks the finale of the Pentateuch (first 5 books of the OT). Exodus The genre of the book of Exodus is largely a narrative of the departure of God’s people from slavery in Egypt into the desert. Exodus literally means “exit” or “departure”. Keys names mentioned throughout the book are Moses, Aaron, Miriam, Pharaoh, Joshua, and Jethro. The book contains numerous accounts of plagues: frogs, gnats, flies, hail, locusts, and plagues on livestock. The book of Exodus was not intended to exist alone, but instead was thought to be an annex or continuance of a narrative that began in Genesis, then completed in Numbers, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy. This book accounts of God’s call to his people to deliver them from slavery in Egypt and begin a covenant with them somewhere in the rural desert. God...
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...The Battle Is For Your Future Shaborn Vail Genesis 37:5-37:8 “And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more. And he said unto them, Hear, I pray you, this dream which I have dreamed: For, Behold, we were binding sheaves in the field, and, lo, my sheaf arose, and also stood upright; and, behold, your sheaves stood round about, and made obeisance to my sheaf. And his brethren said to him, Shalt thou indeed reign over us? or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us? And they hated him yet the more for his dreams, and for his words.” Genesis 37:5-8 Joseph’s brothers already hated him because he was the favorite son of their father. But once Joseph began to talk about his dreams, once he began to talk about his future, their hatred for him increased and they began to question him by asking him “Shalt you indeed reign over us? Shall you indeed have dominion over us?” Josephs brothers were not so concerned about who he was, as a seventeen year old dreamer. Their concern was over who he was going to become. They were not afraid of his present, they were afraid of his future. And they wanted to stop him from becoming who God said he would become and going where God said he would go. They wanted to stop him from entering into his destiny. If there is anything Satan desires to do today it is to keep you from entering into your destiny. He wants to keep you from your future! Satan does not care if you live in your past...
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...Babylonian Creation Myth (summary) The Babylonian creation myth is recounted in the "Epic of Creation" also known as the Enûma Elish. The Mesopotamian "Epic of Creation" dates to the late second millennium B.C.E. In the poem, the god Marduk (or Assur in the Assyrian versions of the poem) is created to defend the divine beings from an attack plotted by the ocean goddess Tiamat. The hero Marduk offers to save the gods only if he is appointed their supreme unquestioned leader and is allowed to remain so even after the threat passes. The gods agree to Marduk's terms. Marduk challenges Tiamat to combat and destroys her. He then rips her corpse into two halves with which he fashions the earth and the skies. Marduk then creates the calendar, organizes the planets, stars and regulates the moon, sun, and weather. The gods pledge their allegiance to Marduk and he creates Babylon as the terrestrial counterpart to the realm of the gods. Marduk then destroys Tiamat's husband, Kingu using his blood to create humankind so that they can do the work of the gods. (Sources, Foster, B.R., From Distant Days : Myths, Tales, and Poetry of Ancient Mesopotamia. 1995, Bethesda, Md.: CDL Press. vi, 438 p., Bottéro, J., Religion in Ancient Mesopotamia. 2004, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. x, 246 p., Jacobsen, T., The Treasures of Darkness : A History of Mesopotamian Religion. 1976, New Haven: Yale University Press. 273.) Enuma Elish 'When on high' The Babylonian Epic of Creation...
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...BOOK SUMMARY: ANCIENT NEAR EASTERN THOUGHT AND THE OLD TESTAMENT BY JOHN H. WALTON Old Testament Introduction OBST 510 May 4, 2014 Part 1 – Comparative Studies Chapter 1: History and Methods History: Walton begins the chapter with the “rediscovery of Egypt which began in the eighteenth century AD and of Mesopotamia in the mid nineteenth century AD.” There were discoveries of tens of thousands of texts that were excavated, translated and studied. Many of these tablets and texts did coincide with the Bible. Walton outlines comparative study which is the study that attempts to understand things when compared to their broader cultural context. The goal in this case is to understand the Old Testament compared to the ANE. There have been many debates on comparative study and the way in which is executed. Comparative studies deal with the cultures, myths, religions, worldviews and literature of all the people living in the ANE. A comparative study acknowledges that cultures are separate, but that these separate cultures are aware of and understand the religions and rituals of the other surrounding cultures and at times even engages in those rituals. Many of the Scholars were so biased that they tended to argue for the importance of the Old Testament, or vice-versa defended the mythology concept of scripture so vehemently that the cultural comparison was lost. Not until Friedrich Delitzsch, who was the son of the famous biblical commentator Franz Delitzsch, did a more focused...
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...Introduction: The Bible Among The Myths by John N. Oswalt The author Oswalt spent much time studying the subject of the ANE (Ancient Near East). This book will investigate the Idealism, history, culture and how they related to the relevance of the critical worldview of the Old Testament and the Hebrew belief as compared to the surrounding ANE. Oswalt’s views, thinking and direction have changed completely over his 50 years studying the ANE and the Bible. This book will show the similarities and differences in thought between the Hebrew Old Testament and the ANE. Oswalt will define what a myth is and argue why the Old Testament is not and cannot be considered a myth. The Bible, when compared to ANE literature, has a completely different understanding of creation and how the spiritual and natural realms interact and exist. There is not a continuous existence that just repeats itself over and over, but rather a series of single events that lead to a greater purpose. It is Oswalt’s position that the Bible is an accurate historical account of a people who received their relevance of belief from a single living transcendent God. The historical basis is important as God reveals himself through humans, in non-recurring human-historical events, to impose God’s will and direction to affect the will of humans. Chapter 1: The Bible In Its World In this chapter Oswalt addresses different beliefs on the existence of the world. Specifically how the Israelites and Greeks viewed the...
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...STRUCTURE OF THE ATMOSPHERE Troposphere | Closest to the earth and most weather happens here. Temperature drops as you go higher. Wind speeds increase. Most unstable layer. End of the sphere is marked by the tropoPAUSE- an isothermal layer where temp remains constant. | Stratosphere | Steady increase in temperature. Marked by the STRATOPAUSE. Atmosphere is thinner here. | Mesosphere | Temperature decreases to -90. No water vapour or dust to absorb radiation. Very strong winds at 3000 km/hr. MESOPAUSE | Thermosphere | Increase in temperature from the absorption of UV radiation | Greatest amount of energy coming into the atmosphere is from insolation (short wave solar radiation). The amount of this energy from the sun is determined by: *Solar constant- varies slightly & affects longer term climate rather than short term *Distance from the sun- Earth’s orbit around sun can cause variation in distant *Altitude of the sun in the sky- equator receives more energy as rays are head on. At 60 degrees N or S its at an angle so there’s twice the area to heat up & more atmosphere to pass through *Length of the day & night Some radiation is absorbed by ozone, water vapour, co2, ice particles, and dust reduce the amount reaching Earth. & clouds also reflect radiation back! ALBEDO is the ratio between the amount of incoming and reflected radiation. (Usually at 4%) Short wave radiation is converted to heat and heats the surface of earth, while longer...
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...Percy D. Johnson, Jr. Of Beulah Heights University In Partial Fulfillment Of the Research Paper for the Course Interpretation of the Old Testament Bi601 Damon Richardson April 29, 2012 Introduction Exodus chapter 20 is foundational for the proper understanding of the basis of ancient Israel’s relationship with YHWH and the significance of the covenant that YHWH made with them. Therefore the focus of this paper will be to provide the basic framework for viewing this important chapter not only from an exegetical standpoint but more contextually from its ancient Near Eastern cultural matrix in order to gain some perspective and understanding as to the meaning of this familiar text. Genre of Exodus 20ff Over 50 years ago, George Mendenhall, wrote a series of articles centered on newly discovered documents from ancient Mesopotamia upon which he developed a six point formula from the examination of these fourteenth and thirteenth century Hittite treaties that shaped the way many later scholars came to understand the Biblical text in light of these ancient Hittite suzerainty-vassal covenants. Irvin A. Busenitz in his article Introduction to the Biblical Covenants wrote: The rise of the Documentary Hypothesis, fueled by the concept that religion in Israel developed along evolutionary lines, has in recent centuries suggested that the whole idea of covenants in Israel was a very late development. Following Julius Wellhausen’s...
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...is the world's fourth largest automobile manufacturer based on annual vehicle sales in 2010.[3] In 2008, Hyundai (without Kia) ranked as the eighth largest automaker.[4] In 2010, Hyundai sold over 3.6 million vehicles worldwide. Hyundai operates the world's largest integrated automobile manufacturing facility[5] in Ulsan, which is capable of producing 1.6 million units annually. The company employs about 75,000 persons worldwide. Hyundai vehicles are sold in 193 countries through some 6,000 dealerships and showrooms. Contents [hide] 1 History 1.1 Research and Development 1.2 Business 1.3 Hyundai in North America 1.3.1 United States 1.3.2 Hyundai in Canada 1.4 Hyundai In India 1.5 Hyundai in Europe 1.6 Hyundai in Turkey 1.7 Hyundai in Egypt 1.8 Hyundai In Russia 1.9 Hyundai in China 1.9.1 Beijing Hyundai 1.9.2 Hawtai partnership 1.9.3 Commercial vehicles 1.10 Hyundai in Japan 1.11 Hyundai in the Philippines 1.12 Hyundai in New Zealand 2 Electric vehicles 3 Environmental record 4 Motorsport 5 Model lineup 5.1 SUVs and vans 5.2 Commercial vehicles 6 Concept car 7 Corporate social responsibility 8 Controversies 9 See also 10 References 11 External links [edit]History The world's largest automobile manufacturing plant in Ulsan, South Korea, produces over 1.6 million vehicles annually. Chung Ju-Yung founded the Hyundai Engineering and Construction Company in 1947. Hyundai Motor Company was later established in 1967. The company's first model...
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