...Facilities are based in the UAE and covers production areas including Tablets, Syrups and Suspensions. In 2013, Julphar launched a twelfth manufacturing facility in Ethiopia, as part of its ongoing international expansion strategy. Julphar maintains a diverse product portfolio which targets major therapeutic segments including endocrinology, anti-infective, cardiovascular and gastroenterology, over-the-counter, nephrology, dermatology, respiratory, metabolic and burn and wound management. Julphar’s core business is manufacturing and is into Generics. Generic medicines help in reducing the cost of manufacturing by allowing the company to buy raw material for their products from various raw material manufacturers. The product line chosen is Julphar Diabetes; it is one of the profitable lines of Julphar’s production. Julphar Diabetes is the division of Julphar that manages the manufacturing and commercialization of Diabetes products including orals and insulin. Julphar has made an important strategic decision to become one of the Middle East’s leaders in offering a world class treatment for...
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...The Strategic Marketing Management Analysis of Lenovo Group Wang, Wen Cheng, Dept. of Business Management, Hwa Hsia Institute of Technology, Taiwan Chu, Ying Chien, Department of Tourism and Leisure, National Penghu University,Taiwan Chen, Ying Chang, Department of Hotel and Restaurant Management, Ching Kuo Institute of Management and Health ABSTRACT In recent years, market competition in the market economy is fierce, the different economic performances and behaviors based on the enterprises’ own interests, to enhance their own economic strength and to achieve the exclusion of similar economic agents. Competition in the IT market is to drive their own material interests, because of the inherent dynamic of all economic actors, as well as the loss of their material interests are similar in the market by crowding out of economic actors. But How a newly established global brand build its brand awareness and be a successful global brand become a critical issue. 2005, Lenovo PC merge IBM computer and become the No.3 computer company in the world. As for Lenovo Group, in order to achieve success in the fierce competition of the products market it needs effective marketing strategy to attain profit and improve its development in Chinese IT market. The Lenovo Group operating activities are often completed through marketing products, producing, research, marketing portfolio. The Lenovo Group product and the quality of products constrain the results of pricing, promotion...
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...Srategic Management Paper Format Table of Contents Acknowledgement i. Introduction a. Company background - 1 page b. Paper Design and Methodology - methods, - the things you’re about to do. - Narrative. ii. External Analysis (basis in Chapter V. Study Formulation) A. Economic Forces - Purchasing power B. Social, Cultural and Demographic Forces - Income, culture, lifestyle c. Technological Forces - Improvements of overall system/technologies d. Political, Legal & Gov’t Forces - Gov’t support to the automobile industry - Bill Laws (sabi ni sir.) e. Envt’l Forces - Typhoon, climate change iii. Industry Analysis A. Definition of the Industry B. Marketing Mix 1. Product and Market Share 2. Price 3. Promotion 4. Distribution Channels 5. Customer 6. Target Market 7. Competition a. Porter’s 5 Forces (Porter’s Five Forces model has been identified as a powerful tool for systematically diagnosing the principal competitive pressures in a market and assessing how strong and important each one is.) C. Operation/Production iv. Industry Financial v. Company Analysis a. History b. Ownership c. Management d. Culture e. Organizational Structure f. Human Resources g. Mission Statement h. Vision Statement i. Corporate Objectives j. Strategies k. Marketing Mix 1. Price 2. Promotion 3. Distribution Channel 4. Customer o Target Market o Competition l. Production/Operation m. Financial Performance n. NPI Trends o. NPI Problems ...
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...SWARTHMORE COLLEGE LONDON ATHE Level 6 Diploma in Management STRATEGIC MARKETING SHS Task | Table of Contents | Page No | Introduction | 03 | Task 01 | 1.1: Assess the role of Strategic Marketing in an organization | 04 | | 1.2: Analyse the relationship between corporate strategy and marketing strategy | 04 | | 1.3: Analyse how marketing strategy is developed | 05 | Task 02 | 2.1: Evaluate approaches to internal environmental analysis | 06 | | 2.2: Evaluate approaches to external environmental analysis | 06 | | 2.3: Explain how internal and external analysis are integrated | 06 | Task 03 | 3.1: Analyse decisions and choices to be made at a corporate level | 09 | | 3.2: Assess how these decisions influence marketing at business unit and functional level | 09 | | 3.3: Analyse approaches to competitive positioning of organizations | 10 | Task 04 | 4.1: Identify a range of strategies that can contribute to competitive advantage | 11 | | 4.2: Analyse marketing communication strategies | 11 | | 4.3: Analyse marketing strategies, their application and implementation for an | 11 | Conclusion | 12 | References | 13 | Introduction: A marketing strategy is something that every single business, how big or small it is, no matter- needs to have in place. Some business owners are hesitant to set up an actual marketing strategy because they simply don’t know how to do it. All this kind of approach means simply trying something...
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...following ) 1.1 Discuss the role of strategic marketing in an organization. For AC1.1, learners need to show that they understand the difference between strategic and tactical marketing. They need to use established models and definitions to develop theirdiscussion. 1.2 Explain the processes involved in strategic marketing. For AC1.2, learners will be expected to understand and explain the processes involved in strategic marketing. This will involve looking at a range of processes and learners may wish to draw on their own experiences in the workplace to amplify their points. 1.3 Evaluate the links between strategic marketing and corporate strategy For AC1.3, learners are expected to understand that the process of strategic marketing does not take place in a vacuum. They will need to show that they can evaluate the links between strategic marketing and corporate strategy and provide examples of those links. 2.1 Assess the value of models used in strategic marketing planning. For AC2.1, learners need to research the models used in strategic planning. They will need to make judgments and assess the value of the models for strategic marketing planning. 2.2 Discuss the links between strategic positioning and marketing tactics. For AC2.2, learners need to understand that when strategic plans are put into operation, dayto-day tactical decisions have to be made. In their discussion, they need to provide examples of how tactics are related to strategic positioning decisions. 2.3 Analyse...
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...200087 Strategic Marketing Management School of Business│Learning guide Autumn 2012 HOW TO USE THIS LEARNING GUIDE ICON KEY Activity Checklist Deadline Handout Hint Important information Online activity Reading Toolkit Warning This learning guide supplements the unit outline and is designed to help you navigate through the unit. It will help you focus on what you need to do for classes and the various assessment tasks. You should consult the relevant section of the learning guide as you plan your study – it will highlight the main things that you should be getting out of the resources available and provide guidance on teaching activities and class preparation. The learning guide also offers some study tips to assist you in developing the skills and techniques of an effective learner at university level. In addition to acquiring information and skills relevant to this unit, you should also focus on developing the habits and tools of a successful university student. As an adult learner you need to take control of your own learning and ensure your own success. This learning guide is specifically designed to help you achieve this. A standard set of icons is used throughout the learning guide to make navigation easier. Use the icons to quickly identify important information, things you need to do and hints for doing them. STAFF Unit Coordinator Peter Cordina Building ED.G.68, Parramatta campus Phone: 9685 9583 Point of first contact Unit administration...
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...Strategic Marketing Management Research of the HTC Corporation: HTC Corporation was founded in at 15.5.1997 and built its reputation as the designer and manufacturer of many of the most popular OEM-branded mobile devices on the market. Since 2006 its portfolio includes many mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) powered by the Android or Windows Phone operating systems. The company uses customized user experience to guide everything they produce and do and beliefs that each mobile device needs to fit its owner. HTC Corporation builds brand value through innovative products and friendly user experience, fast responses to market changes and delivers product choice to the market. Based on assumption that HTC Corporation not just makes the product put through group tests but explores how individuals choose to interact with technology we can show up main definitions of the Company: 1) Success starts with the Customer: company believes that brand recognition, ongoing momentum and high rate of products have strong correlation with good recommendations from family, friends, retailers, customer opinions and press media. 2) Interactive Design and tested technologies: company focuses on product design together with performance, durability, craftsmanship and easy intuitive tools and interfaces that provide customers elegant experience in a small functional package. HTC supply a variety of innovations as cameras, HD video, sound Beats technology and etc. 3)...
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...(A.1) Referral selling is when a consumer is persuaded to purchase goods or services by promising a rebate, commission or other benefit for supplying information that helps the trader sell to other consumers. The consumer does not get the promised benefits unless the supplied information is fulfilled. For example a salesman for a telephone company persuades you to sign up to a contract for a mobile phone plan and says that you will receive a commission for introducing the product to other customers who buy the same product. (A.2) Unconscionable conduct is when the consequences of a contract is unfair and harsh. Where one party is in a position to exploit a particular weakness of the other; either a business to business contract or a business to consumer contract. For example if a real estate agent drew up a lease agreement for a mentally deficient man and the contents in that contract exploited the lessor because of his condition. The contract for example would include things such as obligating the lessor to replace fixtures of the property even though the damage was not at fault of the lessor it was general fair wear and tear. The lessee exploited the fact that the lessor did not fully understand the laws regarding to the landlord’s obligation to replace fixtures of his property if the fixture is not fit for its use due to wear and tear. (A.3) i) A compliance program is designed to identify and reduce the risk of breaching the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and...
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...gary a. sanchez * Blog * How I Can Help * Corporate * Small Business * About Me * subscribe via RSS Understand the Difference Between Strategy and Tactics to Unlock the Power of Your Social Media Marketing by garyasanchez “Strategy is doing the right things. Tactics is doing things right.” ~various attributions, including Peter Drucker and paraphrased from Sun Tzu I recently posted a series of slides from prominent social media thought-leaders as to why social media is not a retail marketing strategy. The point was not to diminish the potential value of social media or inbound marketing, for there are considerable benefits to be realized. Rather, my point was to assert that the use of social media and inbound marketing tactics can benefit tremendously by being used to support general marketing strategies and online content strategies. Starting your marketing efforts with well thought out strategies will help you manage limited resources, help you understand what’s driving success and failure, and accelerate success by unlocking the creativity that exists within your organization. Goals, strategies and tactics Before you can speak intelligently about the differences between strategies and tactics, you first need to start with the purpose of having strategies and tactics. The biggest reason is to help you achieve a goal. A goal is a specific result that your business needs to achieve in order to sustain itself, usually through revenue growth or expense...
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...Introduction This document serves as a road map that details the context of marketing activities including * Goals and objectives of the distribution centre in the southern African region * Situational analysis mainly the strengths and opportunities that the organisation can maximise in the Sothern Africa region * Marketing strategies to establish market in the region Goals and objectives * To establish market for Dreamland products in the Southern Africa Region * To market and distribute the products extensively * To be the most preferable organisation that supplies and distributes its products extensively. * To establish marketing and distribution systems that meets the needs of our customers using the most efficient and effective technology. * To provide distinctive, high quality books and related products in the Southern Region that suits their Educational Curriculum. * To build relationships and alliances where possible and maintain the high standards of the organisation Situational analysis The situational analysis starts with a snapshot of the current environment by providing strengths and opportunities looking at industry, competitors and the marketing environment. The following are key factors that make the distribution centre more lucrative in the Southern Africa Region * Unique, high quality and competitive product * Product development through Research and Development to suit market trends * Strong communication networks due to...
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...CHAPTER 1 Foundations of Strategic Marketing Management The primary purpose of marketing is to create long-term and mutually beneficial exchange relationships between an entity and the publics (individuals and organizations) with which it interacts. Though this fundamental purpose of marketing is timeless, the manner in which organizations undertake it continues to evolve. No longer do marketing managers function solely to direct day-to-day operations; they must make strategic decisions as well. This elevation of marketing perspectives to a strategic position in organizations has resulted in expanded responsibilities for marketing managers. Increasingly, they find themselves involved in charting the direction of the organization and contributing to decisions that will create and sustain a competitive advantage and affect long-term organizational performance. The transition of the marketing manager from being only an implementer to being a maker of organization strategy has resulted in (1) the creation of the chief marketing officer (CMO) position in many organizations and (2) the popularity of strategic marketing management as a course of study and practice. Today, almost onehalf of Fortune 1000 companies have a CMO. Although responsibilities vary across companies, a common expectation is that a CMO will assume a leadership role in defining the mission of the business; analysis of environmental, competitive, and business situations; developing business objectives and goals;...
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...1. Describe yourself: I have had both good and bad experiences working with others in groups. I have been in some groups where everyone has worked towards the common goal, and I have been in groups where certain people put their egos and personal agendas before the group. I would describe myself as a group player. I work very well with others. Under stressful situations I remain calm, and seek out solutions and the input of others to help manage the stress. My only big pet peeve concerning group work is someone who does not pull their weight. This creates a burden on the other members on the group. My boss would describe me as motivated, diligent, and caring. 2. Communication Expectations: I believe a reasonable response time is 24 hours. Everyone should check their Outlook and Discussion Board (DB) daily. Conference calls and online chats can be used to exchange feedback, concerns, and encouragement. The DB can be used to submit drafts and other documents for review. 3. Behavioral Expectations: Teamwork, effective communication, and professionalism will lead to successful completion of the project. Lack of concern and slacking off will be a threat to the project’s completion. I look forward to honest and constructive feedback from my group members. To resolve conflicts, I try to understand the concerns and outlook of all parties involved. I have no problem compromising as long as the compromise is reasonable and will benefit all parties involved. If...
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...ABSTARCT Marketing is the process of planning and executing the concepts of pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services that satisfy individual and organizational goals (AMA). Successful marketing requires a winning strategy. Understanding marketing strategy formulation lets you properly evaluate your organization's marketing needs. You can then gear your marketing strategies to achieve maximum effectiveness. Marketing strategy formulation is the process of defining an organization's marketing goals and objectives. This allows formulators to create a guide. They examine the market and in doing so, use that information to determine what marketing approaches will be best at reaching clients and enticing them to seek out the business' services. Products and services constitute the platform for attracting customers, basically all organizations are in the business of attracting customers. Hence, the need to compete favourably. As a general rule, a good first step in a marketing strategy formulation is determining what you want to accomplish in terms of marketing. It could be as simple as letting potential customers know what you sell, and how your product can benefit them.The next step is to examine internal and external trends. These could include spreading the word about a next-generation version of one of your products (internal), and how it improves upon other products in the industry (external). After that, assign a value to the strategy's outcome...
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...Recent trends in banking technology: 1. Convergence of Mobile and Online Technologies - Mobile banking started as an innovation, something only techies and first adopters felt comfortable using it. But as smartphones have skyrocketed in popularity over the past few years, mobile banking adoption has increased along with it. As banks continue to search for efficiencies and consolidate operations, the convergence of mobile and online technologies looks to be a prime opportunity to do so. 2. The Rise of Business Process Management - Both to increase efficiency and ensure regulatory compliance, banks need better methods of gathering and reporting data using new and improved business process management tools. 3. Goodbye Email, Hello Message Center – Advantages of message center over classical secure e-Mail are that confidential and authenticated exchanges can be started immediately by any internet user worldwide since there is no requirement to install any software nor to obtain or to distribute cryptographic keys beforehand. 4. The 'Tabletization' of Banking and the User Experience - The "tabletization" of online banking gives rich user experience than mobile banking 5. Security increasingly is A Moving Target – As consumers increasingly spend their time on their smartphones and tablets, including for their banking needs, these devices also will become the growing focus of hackers and fraudsters, who are always on the hunt for ripe targets. 6. Integrating toward...
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...Term Paper Title : Strategic Planning and the Marketing Process (Chapter: 2) Prepared For : Syed Abul Kalam Azad Professor Department of Marketing Faculty of Business Studies University of Dhaka Members Profile : (i) Md. Ershadul Islam Id no: 41323024 E-mail: ershad1811@yahoo.com Phone: 01717-461080 Position: Manager (ii) Md. Masum Sarder Id no: 41323033 E-mail: masum.sarder@gmail.com Phone: 01913-135057 Position: Executive (iii) Abu Nasar Zahid-Al-Mahmud Id no: 41323008 E-mail: saadi013@yahoo.com Phone: 01912-027058 ...
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