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Student Athletes Should Be Paid

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For one to be able to further their education, with a reduced tuition, while playing a beloved sport. Does it get any better? Some think yes, and some think compensation should be required. However, I disagree. For many years now, one of the most popular debates in sports has been whether or not student athletes should get a share of the revenue they generate for the university in which they are attending and participating in college athletics. If college student athletes were to begin receiving compensation, it would cause universities to prioritize the more market-value sports over the non-revenue-generating sports, cause disputes due to unfairness of the more profitable programs being able to recruit the best athletes, and propose many …show more content…
Does this make these two sports more important than others such as swimming or track and field? According to Business Insider, “of the one hundred and sixty-one-million-dollar revenue generated by the athletic department at the University of Texas, over seventy-eight percent was generated back to the department by the football and basketball programs in an athletic department that recognizes eighteen varsity teams.” (Goldman). When taking into account what is fair to pay each sport, would this become a factor? For example, a swimmer may practice just as many hours, with just as much labor, but because 100,000 people will not attend every swim meet, it does not generate as much revenue as other sports in any athletic program. In reference to this, there is simply not enough money in every university to provide each student athlete with an amount of compensation; thus, making it seem as though the underpaid athletes are not performing as well as the ones being paid at a higher rate. The less revenue generating sports would then receive less attention than they already do. In reality, the student athletes are equally as dedicated to the extra-curricular activity they participate in and deserve unpartisan …show more content…
“Of the one hundred and twenty-three members of the Football Bowl Subdivision, only football programs and men’s basketball programs make a profit.” (Madsen). That profit is quickly absorbed through the loss accumulated for all other sports programs supported at those universities, leaving little resources that would allow them to pay the college athlete in addition to the money they are spending on athletes currently having the benefits provided. “In addition, while revenues are generally at a rise at all Football Bowl Subdivision programs, the rate of increase is only averaging three percent. At the same time total expenses are increasing at a rate of ten percent.” (Madsen). It is also worth noting that the twenty schools that averaged a profit, the median of that number is eight million dollars, while the median lost at all other schools averaged fourteen million dollars. The disturbing note about the above data is that it involves a study of schools that have the greatest opportunity to generate revenue due to television deals, the best chances to participate in conferences with revenue sharing plans, and participating in high paying bowl games. With only twenty of those programs making a profit, how would schools in

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