...Think Before You Act What does the start of your day look like? Do you come to the office, sit down at your desk, and have no idea where to begin? Or perhaps you simply grab the first to-do on the top of the pile, regardless of its urgency or importance? Neither is a particularly effective way to get the day rolling. Investing just a few minutes to plan your daily schedule – reviewing your meetings and appointments, figuring out which tasks are your top priorities, and actually plugging them into your calendar so you know the important chores aren’t going to fall through the cracks – makes all the difference in how much you have accomplished come the close of business. Start with Something Big Many people waste the first hour or two of their day on “busy work” (checking email, surfing the web, opening mail, etc.) instead of creating a daily schedule. It’s easy for these kinds of “easy” to activities suck up your time, leaving you feeling as though you’ve wasted the entire morning. Pick one big task to tackle as soon as you get to the office. It should be something that you've been procrastinating on, that has an approaching deadline, or that has simply been hanging over your head. Get it out of the way first thing, before you do anything else and even if you don’t accomplish anything else, you will still have had a productive day! Break Your Day into Blocks In today’s fast and furious business world, multi-tasking has become the norm – people often feel that they...
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...learn effectively, one must have a good study habits. Study habits are the ways that you study- the habits that you have formed during your school years. Study habits include being organized, keeping good notes, reading your textbook, listening in class, and working everyday. However, there are factors that can hinder students to have a good study habits, which are the learning environment; socioeconomic status; the teacher; nutrition and students’ motivation to study. Study habits are learning tendencies that enable students to work privately. Azikiwe (1998) describes the study habit as “the adopted way and manner a student plans his private readings, after classroom learning so as to attain mastery of the subject”. According to her, “good study habits are good assets to learners because they (habits) assist students to attain mastery in areas of specialization and consequent excellent performance, while opposite constitute constraints to learning and achievement leading to failure”. Good (1998) define the term study habits as: The student’s way of study whether systematic, efficient or inefficient etc”. Going by 9 this definition it literally means that good study habit produces positive academic performance while inefficient study habit leads to academic failure. Your study habits determine your grades. If you study effectively, your grades will improve; if you study poorly, they will be poor grades. Background of study. Did you ever stop to wonder...
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...Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Education is one of the instruments for man’s success. An article in www.mysticmadness.com cited numerous benefits of education such as, being well- educated guarantees a good job, respected in society, and an opportunity to work in the field you enjoy most. The same website also stated that, the minimum requirement for most jobs is a Bachelor’s Degree in comparison to the 80s when you could get a job with only a high school degree. Most companies will turn you down even before talking to you if you don’t have some sort of advanced education. That is why it is vital to have any sort of advanced education to become successful and thrive in this fast-paced world. Our country is doing its best to help our students attain their goals in education. Curriculum developers continually search for ways on how to improve our education. As a result, the new curriculum, K-12 was launched on 2012. As curriculum developers are trying to improve our educational system, students should also find ways to improve themselves by learning in academics. Students play an important role in achieving our goals in education. The range of students’ learning in academics can be gauge by the grades they earn in different learning areas for a period of time. These grades are what they have acquired in different assessment the teachers are giving. When students get high grades in their report cards it is concluded that students learned a lot or studied...
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...Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Education plays a vital role in our lives. It is important like our basic needs – food, clothes, shelter. It is through education where we can put our potentials in maximum use. It is a precious tool in our lives. It is our key to success. It opens doors of opportunities and serves as our guide to achieving our dreams. It is a preparation for our future roles. Without education, we cannot develop our skills and talents that will help us become successful in our respective careers. It is the only way where we can achieve our goals. According to Manali Oak, “Education gives us knowledge of the world around us. It develops us in a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life. People debate over the subject whether education is the only thing that gives knowledge. Some say, education is the process of gaining information about the surrounding world while knowledge is something very different. They are right. But then, information cannot be converted into knowledge without the catalyst called education.” Information is everywhere. But it’s not enough that we just gain information. We need education for us to be able to understand and interpret it. Through education, we develop proper attitudes, values and behavior towards other people. We learn how to interact using good manners and appropriate conduct with the people around us. “The words ‘cultivate’ and ‘civilize’...
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...Impacts of Buying Habits on the Lifestyle of Grade 10 High School Students of Mary Help of Christians College Year 2013-2014 Joan Xyla A. Rana Shayne U. Larcena Charlene N. Alemania Christine F. Ligutan Patricia Anne Estepa Bryan Joseph M. Agustin Joanne Marie M.Contreras II. Backgrounds of the study Buying habit is a social and economic order that encourages the purchases of goods and services in an even greater amount. Since buying habits began, a lot of people consciously sought and desire alternative lifestyle. These lifestyle ranges from moderate to simple living, eco-conscious shopping, and buying local to Freeganism on the extreme and exaggerated end. In critical view, consumerism is describe as a tendency for people to strongly acknowledge and identify the service or products they consume through commercial brand name and the status-symbolism of that certain brand. Buying habits can be taken to exaggeration such that consumers make significant sacrifices in time and in income not only to purchase that certain brand but to also actively support that certain luxury brand. Buying habits has become part of people’s daily lives especially in this modern civilization. People of this modern generation get influenced easily. Billboards, commercials and advertisements are connected to influencing people to buy. The advancement in technology causes consumers to extend their buying of the latest products to an extent where it is considered as over consumption...
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...EFFECTS OF SELF-STUDY HABITS ON THE ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF GRADE-VI PUPILS IN ENGLISH AT BALUBAD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ATIMONAN, QUEZON SY: 2011-2012 A Thesis Presented To the Faculty of College of Education Leon Guinto Memorial College, Inc. Atimonan, Quezon In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Bachelor of Elementary Education By: Remrena Venesha D. Santamina Chapter 1 Problem and It’s Background Introduction Nowadays, many school learners fail to cope with the daily demands of school. Different distractions are interfering the child’s ability and inclination to focus on his assignments, lessons and activities in school. As a result, his academic achievement is not done at very best effort. During the pre-school age, a self-study habit must be develop. Self-study habit can be defined as the ability of the learner to allot time in reviewing and reading his/her lessons. It is gradually developed as the learner grows and matures. Different learners have varied style of study habits. Some study after arriving from school, while others do it at the middle of the night. Unfortunately, developing these skills requires time, patience and effort from the parents, teacher and the learner himself. Additionally a very high level of intrinsic motivation must be present to have this. It cannot be underestimated that self-study habit is one of the foundations of educational achievements. Those who excel in school...
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...might seem like plenty of time left before you need to get around to studying. You might find however, that the subject matter is a lot harder to understand than you thought it would be, and all of a sudden there’s no time left to ask someone to explain it to you. A study habit is the way of studying with a particular place and time organized by the person itself. Studying in a well literature and organized place makes it more effective. Having this study habits will surely has an effect on our academic performances. Depending on a person if he/she has this study habits because others do not have. They only study and scan their books whenever they like. Others are only depending in their stock knowledge, while some will only scan their lesson when there is a test coming. This depends on a person, but having a study habit will surely help us and make our studying easier. We conduct this kind of research to know whether the fourth year students of Holy Spirit academy of Malolos have the study habits and if yes, what kind and in what way do they use their study habits. Do this help them in their academic performances or they are just into it even it has effect or not Significance of the Study: This thesis aims to deepen our understanding on how the students greatly affect their grades particularly the seniors studying at...
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...madina-akhtanova@mail.ru Abstract Nowadays conditions of rapid rise of competition around the world induce companies to pay attention to absolutely new fields of management. This research concentrates on the field , called Time management. The paper here looks at whether Kazakhstan companies use and have good time management techniques and if they apply Stephen R.Covey’s popular theory of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective people. The purpose of this study is to examine the omissions of Kazakhstan companies in this issue and find the ways of correction. The sample of 85 companies, locating in Almaty, Astana, Shymkent and Aktobe has chosen to participate in this research. Data was collected through the results of well-constructed questionnaires and by the agency of general managers of companies. Questionnaire was distributed to all potential respondents. A total of 76 companies returned the completed questionnaire. The finding shows that most companies have placed low emphasis on company time management. In addition, the results identifies that only small portion of companies are familiar with the book «The Seven Habits of Highly Effective people» by Stephen Covey. With greater competition in the globalized market, this research implicates that Kazakhstan companies also should give greater priority to dynamic developments in time management in order to survive in the market place. Introduction The importance of time management process that has the huge benefits, as greater productivity...
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...procedures of study in the various school subjects. Many methods of supervised or directed study are being tried. The socialized recitation is now a part of the regular classroom routine in many high schools. By this method pupils "take an active part, in defining the problem under consideration, in securing data, in presenting these data for class criticism, and in raising questions. Classroom study is now eliminating much of the former home study, especially in the elementary and junior high schools. The purpose of this method is to train students, under the guidance of the teacher, in habits of study. Student’s academic performance occupies a vital role in education as well as in the learning process. It is a key criterion in judging one’s total potential and capacities. It is used to pass judgment on the quality of education offered by academic institutions. In fact, it is still the most topical debate in many learning institutions that caused great concern to educators and researchers. In a more recent meta-analysis, Crede and Kuncel (2008) found that non-cognitive factors like study habit, skill and study motivation, among other attitudinal constructs, accounted for incremental variance in academic performance beyond standardized tests and previous grades. Moreover, a literature review by Nagaraju (2004) pointed out that, for good academic success, good study habits and attitudes are important. Hence, it is imperative and desirable that a probe into the pattern of study habits...
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...friends, keeping up to date on news more quickly, for creative expression, to experience global exposure, lots of great resources and information can be get. On the other hand, there are also negative effects that could really contribute on using Facebook among students, those factors are; Students does not care about the surroundings, there will be less social interaction, privacy blow up, Reduce time for study, less family concern and bad for health. The extent of student’s in academics may be determined by its grades that a student earns for a period of learning. It is believed that a grade is a primary indicator of such learning. If a learner earns high grades it is concluded that they may also have learned a lot while low grades indicated lesser learning. However, there are factors also to be consider which affecting the study habits of the students, mostly those are due to lack of ability to concentrate, social lives (like texting, hanging out with friends), spending too much time on internet , too much falling in love and etc. This topic is being supported through many studies with different results about the students who use social networking. There are instances that the student who uses Facebook often has...
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...and printed materials around, that the ability to read has become an important asset. Effective study habits enable students to accomplish more in a comparative shorter time to finish the school requirements and at the same time enjoy life. Wide variations have been universally noted in the methods of studying typically practiced by the students. The time of day preferred, time laps between study sessions, noise or music as background, physically and emotionally condition when studying, are but few of many factors which may vary in every conquerable way among individual. According to Horton-Murillo (1992), in academic achievement, every child is unique. His learning style is one aspect of his uniqueness. Teachers must recognize the knowledge and respect in every child’s individual learning style. Learning styles include cognitive, effective, and physiological domains. Learners have individual differences; each has inner strength and capacities. Knowing this will help the learners where they would engage themselves to acquire effective learning. Studying plays a vital role in the attainment of the educational goals of the students. Some teachers wonder why some of their students are not making any significant progress in their work. Probably one factor behind this situation is that most teachers failed to help their students to acquire the needed attitude towards the class. Study and application of the students are needed to have a successful learning and effective teaching...
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...Santamina Effects of Self Study Habits in Academic Performance on Enhlish Chapter 1 Problem and It’s Background Introduction Nowadays, many school learners fail to cope with the daily demands of school. Different distractions are interfering the child’s ability and inclination to focus on his assignments, lessons and activities in school. As a result, his academic achievement is not done at very best effort. During the pre-school age, a self-study habit must be develop. Self-study habit can be defined as the ability of the learner to allot time in reviewing and reading his/her lessons. It is gradually developed as the learner grows and matures. Different learners have varied style of study habits. Some study after arriving from school, while others do it at the middle of the night. Unfortunately, developing these skills requires time, patience and effort from the parents, teacher and the learner himself. Additionally a very high level of intrinsic motivation must be present to have this. It cannot be underestimated that self-study habit is one of the foundations of educational achievements. Those who excel in school have the strict practice of study habits. Learning from school were not enough for the learners to fully learn. The learner himself must have his own time where s/he can concentrate and reflect. His self-study habits must be done in a conducive learning environment which is free from possible distractions. Practicing study habits is not only for academic achievements...
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...framework The study habits and its effects on Academic performance of freshmen students at Colegio San Agustin... Save Paper Study Habits provides medical missions and free medical operations in the city. Theoretical Framework This study was premised on Mary Joy 11 Functional Health Patterns... Save Paper Study Habits session. (2011, helpful.com) Theoretical Framework This study will employ various strategies of examination preparation apply by the respondent. It will assist... Save Paper Study Habits Chapter 1 College of Education THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK This study is about the theorems of different authors who studied the different kinds of study habits. (a.) Dr... Save Paper Study Habits in Figure 1 below: Management of Time Study Environment Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study The study habits of MCC students were categorized... Save Paper Factors That Affecting The Study Habits In a Working Student Review of Related Literature Review Related Studies Theoretical Framework Conceptual Framework Conceptual Model of... Save Paper The Effects Of Malls Near Schools To The Study Habits Of 4Th Year High School Students In St. Louis School... the school. Can it really affect not the study habits but the attendance of the students? B. Theoretical Framework There are schools that prohibit their students... Save Paper Study Habits others can know and appreciate their attributes and other characteristics. Theoretical/Conceptual Framework This study is based in...
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...Study habits of 1st and 2nd year Marlow scholars of University of Cebu Maritime Education and Training Center, School Year 2013-2014 Research Topic: ”Study habits of 1st and 2nd year Marlow scholars of University of Cebu Maritime Education and Training Center, School Year 2013-2014” Statement of the problem: This research aims to look into the study habits of 1st and 2nd year Marlow scholars in University of Cebu, School Year 2013-2014. This study aims to answer the following questions: 1. What is the profile of the Marlow Scholars in terms of: a. Age b. Year Level c. Course d. Place of Origin 2. What are the factors that affect their study habits? 3. What are the study habits if the 1st and 2nd year Marlow scholars? 4. How the study habits affect their academic performance? INTRODUCTION The Global Economic Crisis pulled countries down from around the globe to a recession. Wide-ranging declines in many aspects of growth characterize the overall impact it had on the global scale. Following the Asian economic crisis in 1997, the present global economic crisis imposes new challenges to the Philippines as a developing country. Following are expositions of the macro economic impacts of the crisis in the Philippines setting, its implications in the prevalent poverty scenario, and policies and program undertaken by the government in response to the crisis. Global Economic crisis resulted to financial problems or financial pressure...
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...The Effect of Study Habits on the Academic Performance of Baguio Juniors The researchers decided to conduct a research about the study habits because they want to know the techniques of Baguio Juniors on having good grades. They want to find out if the study habits have positive or negative effects on the academic performance of the students. They also want to share the findings to those students who have difficulties on their subjects. Statement of the Problem/Research Question The research will seek to answer the following problems: * What are the different study habits of Baguio Juniors? * How do their study habits affect their academic performance? Methodology General Descriptive The researchers will conduct an interview among the Baguio Juniors. Random sampling will be used. They will be asked about their academic performance. The researchers will analyze the data collected. Specific Methods/Tools Interview Target Participants 10 % of the Baguio Juniors Initial Reference List Armstrong, William Howard. Study is Hard Work. New York: Harper and Brother, 1956. Cronbach, Lee Joseph. Educational Psychology. 2nd ed. New York: Hancourt Brace and World, 1963. Cofer, C. N., and Musgrave, B. Verbal Behavior and Learning: Problems and Processes. USA: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1961 Hergenhahn, B. R. An Introduction to Theories of Learning. New Jersey, USA: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1982 Lerner, Janet. Learning Disabilities: Theories, Diagnosis and Teaching...
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