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Study Habit Theory


Submitted By sehri
Words 4167
Pages 17


The aim of the present study is to find out the difference between study habit and

achievement motivation among O levels and matriculation students.

The aim was to determine the various aspects of study habits including homework and assignments, time allocation, reading and note taking, study period procedures, concentration, written work, examination and teacher consultation and their effects on achievement motivation level among the two categories of students i.e. O - level and HSSE i.e. What are the study habits of O-Level and HSSE and their thinking’s about their live motives.
Education is a nation building and globally inter-related activity that unlocks the door to modernization. It is imparted through formal, informal and non-formal ways. For this purpose,there is a need of interaction among the students, teachers and study material. Usually, educational system at the primary level follows the medium of instructions in the national language or mother tongue.
In Pakistan, there are two parallel system for functioning SSC and GCE O-level. Both the systems have their own controversial arguments to stand upon. In the United Kingdom the education reforms authorized to provide Secondary Education of grammer or academic type. In 1944, the Education Act were enforced the fundamental principle of the education Act 1944, which inspired the education system, was the idea of secondary education For All” (Graves, 1988)
In 1988, a major change took place and the prevalent nomenclature of (GCSE) was replaced by the general certificate of education (GCE O-level). Whitaker, 1999
Since 1951, the GCE examinations are being conducted in the United Kingdom at two main levels: the Ordinary level (O-level) and the Advanced level (A-level). In Pakistan these programmed are being offered since 1959. In the United Kingdom the GCE O-level are no more being conducted at all. However, International students outside the UK are still following the same scheme of studies for ‘O’ and ‘A’ level examination. (The British Council, 2002).
In Pakistan there are many institutions which offer GCE O-level to the students but the number of recognized institutions in the British Council is 180. The GCE-O level is a world reorganized programmed. Though the SSC and GCE O-level are running parallel, yet it is commonly assumed that they are creating discrimination between the persons qualifying from these two systems. The GCE O-level system of education is for the elite class while the SSC level system of educations providing education to the common people. No significant research work appears to have been carried out to make the comparative analysis of the GCE
O-level and the SSC education in Pakistan. This study has, therefore been designed to probe the issue at large.

Study Habit: A Habit is something that is done on a scheduled, regular and planned basis that is not relegated to a second place or optional place in one's life. To STUDY is to buy out the time and dedicate self to the application and the task of study which is to become engrossed in a process of learning, practice, enlightenment - education of one's self. Therefore .Study Habit can be derived from the above as buying out a dedicated scheduled and un-interrupted time to apply one's self to the task of learning. Without it, one does not grow and becomes self-limiting in life.

“It is defined as the complex of reading behavior off a person, resulting from the varying degree of interaction, a number of variable factors, when he seeks graphical records for acquiring information or knowledge”. The acquisition of knowledge depends upon the methods of acquiring study habits. It is important and desirable that a probe into the pattern of shabit of students be made. (Summerele, 2010)
Study habits are the backbone of the education. Study habits determine the future of a student. The success in education depends upon how good study habits one possess.One can only go far in life as one study habits (learning /education) take him. How far one want to go, how much one want to learn, to what extent one want to make one’s future, one decide by one’s study habits. (Crow and Crow; 1962)
The students in almost all disciplines are required to demonstrate high intellectual abilities to develop proper understanding of the subject matter and be able to apply this knowledge in real life situation. The importance of adopting effective study habits by students in whole process of learning has always been ignored. Although teachers and parents do desire that students invest time in studies and show good progress, they are hardly made aware of the requirments of higher education in terms of their roles to self study. Secondly, they are not given any orientation towards effective study skills. This process may start at an early level of education because habits like attitudes not develop overnight. (Crow and Crow, 1962) According to Good, the term study habits as the students, way of study whether systematic, efficient or inefficient etc. Good Study habits are perceived to be the determinants of the academic performance.

Motivation is a driving force that causes the flux from desire to will in life. For example hunger is a motivation that elicits a desire to eat.Motivation has been shown to have roots in physiological, behavioral, cognitive and social areas. motivation may be rooted in basic impulse to optimize well being, minimize physical pain and maximize pleasure. It can also originate from specific physical needs such as eating, sleeping or resting and sex.
Motivation is an inner drive to behave or act in a certain manner. These inner conditions such as wishes, desires and goals, activate to move in a particular direction in behavior.
AVHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION Achievement Motivation is an integrative perceptive based on the premise that performance motivation results from the way broad components of personality are directed towards performance. As a result, it includes a range of dimensions that are relevant to success at work but which are not conventionally regarded as being part of performance motivation. The emphasis on performance seeks to integrate formerly separate approaches as need for achievement with, For example, social motives like dominance. Personality is intimately tied to performance and achievement motivation, including such characteristics as tolerance for risk, fear of failure and others.

MOTIVATION THEORY The theory of achievement motivation is a miniature system applied to a specific Context, the domain of achievement-oriented activities, which is characterized by the fact that the individual is responsible for the outcome (success or failure), he anticipates
Unambiguous knowledge of results, and there is some degree of uncertainty or risk
(McClelland, 1961). Yet it is our belief that the type of theory that views the strength of an individual’s goal-directed tendency as jointly determined by his motives, by his
Expectations about the consequences of his actions, and by the incentive values of expected consequences will have wider utility when these concepts are applied toward other goals. (Atkinson & Feather, 1966, p. 5)
Achievement motivation can, therefore, be defined as the striving to increase or to keep as high as possible, one’s own capabilities in all activities in which a standard of
Excellence is thought to apply and where the execution of such activities can, therefore
Either succeed or fail. (Heckhausen, 1967, p. 4-5)

Goal Setting Theory Goal Setting Theory is based on the notion that individuals sometimes have a drive to reach a clearly defined and state. Often, this end state is a reward in itself. A goal’s efficiency is affected by three features. Proximity, difficulty and specificity. Good Goal setting incorporates the SMART criteria, in which goals are specific, measureable, accurate, realistic and timely. An ideal goal should present a situation where the time between the initiation of behavior and the end state is close.

This explains why some students are motivated to learn how to ride a bike than to master algebra. A goal should be moderate, not too hard or too easy to complete. In both cases, most people are not optimally motivated, as many want a challenge. At the same time people want to feel that there is a substantial probability that they will succeed. Specificity concerns the description of the goal in their class. The goal should be objectively defined and intelligible for the individual. A classic example of a poorly specified goal is to get the highest possible grade. Most children have no idea how much effort they need to reach that goal.
Theory of dynamic s of Action
John W. Atkinson, David Birch and their colleagues developed the theory of “Dynamics of Action” to mathematically model change in behavior as a consequence of the interaction of motivation and associated tendencies toward specific actions. The theory points that change in behavior occurs when the tendency for a new, unexpressed behavior becomes dominant over the tendency currently motivates theory motivating action. In the theory, the strength of tendencies rises and falls as a consequence of internal and external stimuli, inhibitory factors and consummator in

factors such as performing an action. In this theory, there are three causes responsible for behavior and change in behavior.
1- Instigation (Is) – Increase tendency when an activity has intrinsic activity to satisfy.
2- Inhibition ( Iaf ) – decreases tendency when there are obstacles to performing an activity; and
3-Consummation- decreases a tendency as it is performed.

16 Basic Desire Theory Professor Steven remiss has proposed a theory quite nearly all human behavior. The 16 basic desires that motivate our actions and define or personalities are Acceptance, the need for approval Physical activity: the need for exercise. Curiosity: the need to learn Power: the need for influence of will.Eating: the need for food Romance: the need for sex and for beauty.Family: the need to raise children.Saving: the need of collect.Honor: the need to be loyal to the traditional values of one`s day / ethnic group. Social contact: the need for friends (peer relationship).Idealism: t need for social justice. Independence: the need for individuality. Order: the need for organized, stable, predictable, environments. Social status: the need for social standing / importance .Tranquility: the need to be safe.Vengeance: the need to strike back and to complete. Achievement motivation is of particular interest to educational psychologists because of the crucial role it plays in student learning. However, the specific kind of motivation that is studied in the specialized setting of education differs qualitatively from the more general forms of motivation studied by psychologists in other fields.
THEORIES OF STUDY HABIT According to Palm Beach community college (PBBC, 2008), they recommend that student’s study should have at least three hours out of class for every hour spend in class. They also said that a study with have a special place to study with plenty of room to work. And study should not be cramped. They presupposed that study time will go better if a learned take a few minutes at the start to straighten things up a desk and straight backed chair is usually best “ don’t get to comfortable , a bed is a place to sleep, not to study ‘as what They said. A students must have everything close at hand (book, pencils, paper, coffees, dictionary, computer, calculate tape recorder, etc before starting to study. Standings are not suggested to spend on tome jumping up and down to get things. The PBCC suggests also that distracting noisy should be minimized how every they said that there are some people need sound and come like silence in this case, a learner must finds what works for him or her.

Culprits are family and friends. Consider a “don’t disturb” sign and on your answering machine is the way also to have better study habits according to the PBBC. Franks pongs (2000) did a research project to determine why students fail. What he found to be true in that study habits survey was that more than 30 years ago still rings true to day. Students fail because they do not know how to study. They hope best advice he can give is to develop sound study skill. He said that a students should make sure that he (she has a good study environments , a good desk, as study chair, good light, comfortable room temperature and a quiet atmosphere. That mean he/she should eliminated all external and internal distractions second, get a good over view of the assignments before starting the work. Know what skills facts and ideas that are en expected to master and the ground that are en peered to cover. Start with most difficult subjects first, while the mind is freshest and most receptive. Professor in the developing countries said that the students should be fully equip with high level of analytical skill, the capacity for critical reasoning, self reflection and conceptual grasp and ability to learn autonomously and exercise heritability of mind (Simmons 2003). study habits are said to be improving because of the advent and wide use of the internet and multimedia resources which greatly affects study habits (Liu, 2005) Kareem and Hassan ( 2006) also note the exponential growth digital information, which changes the way students perceive studying and with printed materials that are to be use in facilitating study. Liu (2005) and Ramirez (2003) report that student print material from the internet in order to study and read later on. Inn (2005) also found that Nigerians study from material and downloaded from the internet. Reading is an attempt to absorb the thought of the author and know what the Author is

conveying (Load 1956). Studying is the interpretation of reading materials. Study habits and skills are particularly important for college students, whose needs include time management note taking internet skill, the elimination of distractions and assigning a high priority to study. Friedan (2004) states that good study habits, the student are in critical reflection skills outcome such as selecting, analyzing, critiquing and synthesizing. Nag (2002) states that study habits are learning tendencies that enable work private. The study conducted by Hope L. Graven (2008) on the relationship between an individual’s amounts of caffeine consumption during his study session and the individual’s Study Habits showed that main effect of drinking Caffeine on exam preparation was not significant. The result shows that the more caffeine a student consumes while studying, the more accurately his or her Study Habits would be labeled as ‘Unhealthy’ as determined by the researcher. According to ‘How to Study.Com (2009) Students who are very successful in their desired career have good Study Habits. It is stated in the website that apply these habits to all of their classes. The website also recommends some tips in improving Study Habits. The website also suggests that the studies should try not to study all the subjects in just a period. The website also added that if you try to do much studying at one time. You will tire and your studying will not be effective, space the work you have to do over shorter periods of time, taking short breast will restore your mental energy habits.
Mark Chilly (2000), Successful studies are able to balance social activities with good study. A diversion from studies will alleviate stress and help prevent form becoming fatigued. He said that studies should make sure that he must take a break for and know after studies to meet with

friends, to play some cards, work out at the gym, or to grab with a new acquaint once. For this way, that studies with find concept ration when he do studying, if he plans a social activity after wards life, develop routine study habits. After supper lug your books and home work to the library,
Rational of the Study: This study is an effort to explore the difference of study habits and achievement motivation among students of O-level and matriculation. In context of Pakistani culture, we see that student of metric face difficulty in the maintained of study habits and achievement motivation as compared to O-level students. students of O-level have some difference in their study habits and achievement motivation as compared to metric students. So, present study will be conducted to explore this difference in terms of study habits and achievement motivation. It is also important because of few researches in Pakistan.

Objectives of the Study: 1: To examine the relationship between study habits and achievement motivation. 2: To examine the Study habits and Achievement Motivation among O-level and Metric level. 3: To explore the difference between O-level and Metric level in Study Habits and Achievement Motivation.

Hypothesis H1: There would be a positive relationship between study habit and achievement motivation of O-level students and metric students. H2: There would be a significant difference in study habits and achievement motivation of O-level and metric students.

CHAPTER 2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Design: This is the comparative study design.

Sampling Strategy The non-probability purposive sampling was used for data collection.
The sample was consisted of 100 students with a distribution of 50 metric and O-level students with an age range of 16-19 years. The sample will taken based on inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Operational Definitions of Variables:
Achievement Motivation Achievement Motivation has been defined as self determination to succeed in whatever activities one engages in, to be academic work, professional work or sporting event, among others. ( Tella,2007)

Study Habits

Two self developed questionnaires of study habit and achievement motivation scale were used to access study habit and achievement motivation respectively. Both the scales consisted statements with respective options ranging from 1-5.
Completely agree
Mostly agree
Agree to some extent
Mostly disagree
Completely disagree
Study habit Questionnaire: The scale was developed by Brown and Holtzman (1996) was used to access study habit of O-level and Metric students. Study habit questionnaire consisted of 88 items. Some of which describe study habit of students that might help in finding the achievement motivation of students. High scores indicated good study habits. The alpha reliability calculated for study habit questionnaire (for the sample of 60 students) was .656, which shows higher degree of internal consistency or reliability. Gravetter and Wallanual, 2007
Achievement motivation Questionnaire: Achievement motivation scale developed by Muthee J. and Emmanual Thomas (2009).The scale consisted of 32 items. All items show achievement motivation of students. The alpha reliability calculated for achievement motivation scale (for the sample of 60 students) was .656 which shows a high degree of internal consistency or reliability. ( Gravetter and Wallanaul , 2007). The scoring is done in such a manner that high scores indicate high level of achievement motivation

Procedure: Prior permission was taken from the respective authors for using their scales, then permission taken from the respective principals of schools for gathering data. The researcher contacted the participants in their respective class rooms. Informed consent was taken from the participant (students) and also explained the purpose of the research to the students. It was assured that their participation was anonymous sand completely voluntarily. Demographic

questionnaire were filled out by the participants and then questionnaires were given to the students in their class rooms. Ethical Consideration: Prior permission was taken from the respective principals of the schools. Informed consent was taken from the participants (students). Participants were informed about all aspects of the research, its risks or benefits. Anonymity of the participants was maintained. Confidentiality of the data was maintained.
Statistical Analysis: Data that collected during the study was analyzed by using SPSS version 20. To test H1 and H2 independent sample t-test was used to test H3.Pearson Correlation also used.

CHAPTER 4: Results: The present research aimed to find out the effects of study habits and achievement motivation on students of O-level and Metric. It was hypothesized that there would be a positive relationship between study habit and achievement motivation of O-level and Metric students and that there would be a significant difference of O-level; and Metric level students in their study habit and achievement motivation.
The statistical analysis involve descriptive analysis of the variables, t-test and pearson correlation method.

RELIABILITY: Variable | N | Α | AM | 32 | .66 | SH | 88 | .83 | Results indicate that this test is highly reliable.


Variables | Study habits | Achievement Motivation | .554** |

Results indicate that correlation exist between the achievement motivation and study habit.

T-TEST FOR INDEPENDENT SAMPLE: Independent sample t-test was carried out to find out if there is any significant difference in study habit and achievement motivation of O-level and metric. Variables | O-level | Secondary | T | CI | Cohen’s d | | M SD | M SD | | UL LL | | AM | 79.80 12.5 | 92.27 7.9 | -4.603*** | -7.046 17.88 | 1.1926 | SH | 148.5 19.0 | 137.7 8.9 | 2.923** | 18.871 3.462 | 0.727 |
***p<.05, **p<.05
Note: CI= Confidence Interval, LL= lower limit, SD= Standard deviation, M=Mean, SH= Study habit, AM=Achievement motivation
Results indicate that there is a highly significant difference in achievement motivation and study habit of O-level and Metric students. This indicates that student of O-level has higher achievement motivation than metric students and students of metric have higher study habits than O-level. Many factors are responsible for this but we are not discussing them now.

Discussion: The aim of the present study was to explore the effect of study habit and achievement motivation on student of O-level and Metric. Both groups include the students of O-level and Metric level from different schools of Gujranwala.
The purpose of the following research was to find out the relation relationship of study habit and achievement motivation and also to find out the difference of study habit and achievement motivation of O-level and Metric students. The major variables of this study were study habit and achievement motivation.
It was hypothesized that there would be a positive relationship between study habit and achievement motivation of O-level and Metric students and there would also a significant difference in study habit and achievement motivation of O-level and Metric.
The results of the study indicate that it is a highly reliable test and there is a significant difference also between them i.e. in study habit and achievement motivation of O-level and Metric students.
O-level students have higher achievement motivation level and metric students have higher study habits than O-level.
Our results supported the hypothesis.
Although results indicated that significant difference lies between O-level and Metric students but these are not final words on this topic because of several limitations have been noted in this study. 1. Time was limited so sample size is small. 2. Rare numbers of students of O-level in one city make size too small. 3. IQ plays an important role in study habit and achievement motivation of students that is not calculated. 4. Most of the students of metric undesirably complete the test that affect the study.

Suggestions: 1. Sample size should be increased. 2. It should include participants from more schools of Punjab province so that results should be generalized. 3. In order to make more reliable it is suggested to measure IQ and other extraneous factors in order to explain study habit and achievement motivation of students.

Implications: The present study suggests the researchers to explore other variables that differentiate the O-level and Metric system more accurately.

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Motivation Towards Study

...procedures of study in the various school subjects. Many methods of supervised or directed study are being tried. The socialized recitation is now a part of the regular classroom routine in many high schools. By this method pupils "take an active part, in defining the problem under consideration, in securing data, in presenting these data for class criticism, and in raising questions. Classroom study is now eliminating much of the former home study, especially in the elementary and junior high schools. The purpose of this method is to train students, under the guidance of the teacher, in habits of study. Student’s academic performance occupies a vital role in education as well as in the learning process. It is a key criterion in judging one’s total potential and capacities. It is used to pass judgment on the quality of education offered by academic institutions. In fact, it is still the most topical debate in many learning institutions that caused great concern to educators and researchers. In a more recent meta-analysis, Crede and Kuncel (2008) found that non-cognitive factors like study habit, skill and study motivation, among other attitudinal constructs, accounted for incremental variance in academic performance beyond standardized tests and previous grades. Moreover, a literature review by Nagaraju (2004) pointed out that, for good academic success, good study habits and attitudes are important. Hence, it is imperative and desirable that a probe into the pattern of study habits...

Words: 5763 - Pages: 24

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Factors Affectinf Social Networking and Nursing Grades

...friends, keeping up to date on news more quickly, for creative expression, to experience global exposure, lots of great resources and information can be get. On the other hand, there are also negative effects that could really contribute on using Facebook among students, those factors are; Students does not care about the surroundings, there will be less social interaction, privacy blow up, Reduce time for study, less family concern and bad for health. The extent of student’s in academics may be determined by its grades that a student earns for a period of learning. It is believed that a grade is a primary indicator of such learning. If a learner earns high grades it is concluded that they may also have learned a lot while low grades indicated lesser learning. However, there are factors also to be consider which affecting the study habits of the students, mostly those are due to lack of ability to concentrate, social lives (like texting, hanging out with friends), spending too much time on internet , too much falling in love and etc. This topic is being supported through many studies with different results about the students who use social networking. There are instances that the student who uses Facebook often has...

Words: 4444 - Pages: 18

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Effective Study Habits Used by Sophomore Students

...and printed materials around, that the ability to read has become an important asset. Effective study habits enable students to accomplish more in a comparative shorter time to finish the school requirements and at the same time enjoy life. Wide variations have been universally noted in the methods of studying typically practiced by the students. The time of day preferred, time laps between study sessions, noise or music as background, physically and emotionally condition when studying, are but few of many factors which may vary in every conquerable way among individual. According to Horton-Murillo (1992), in academic achievement, every child is unique. His learning style is one aspect of his uniqueness. Teachers must recognize the knowledge and respect in every child’s individual learning style. Learning styles include cognitive, effective, and physiological domains. Learners have individual differences; each has inner strength and capacities. Knowing this will help the learners where they would engage themselves to acquire effective learning. Studying plays a vital role in the attainment of the educational goals of the students. Some teachers wonder why some of their students are not making any significant progress in their work. Probably one factor behind this situation is that most teachers failed to help their students to acquire the needed attitude towards the class. Study and application of the students are needed to have a successful learning and effective teaching...

Words: 3786 - Pages: 16

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Extra Curriculum

...Santamina Effects of Self Study Habits in Academic Performance on Enhlish Chapter 1 Problem and It’s Background Introduction Nowadays, many school learners fail to cope with the daily demands of school. Different distractions are interfering the child’s ability and inclination to focus on his assignments, lessons and activities in school. As a result, his academic achievement is not done at very best effort. During the pre-school age, a self-study habit must be develop. Self-study habit can be defined as the ability of the learner to allot time in reviewing and reading his/her lessons. It is gradually developed as the learner grows and matures. Different learners have varied style of study habits. Some study after arriving from school, while others do it at the middle of the night. Unfortunately, developing these skills requires time, patience and effort from the parents, teacher and the learner himself. Additionally a very high level of intrinsic motivation must be present to have this. It cannot be underestimated that self-study habit is one of the foundations of educational achievements. Those who excel in school have the strict practice of study habits. Learning from school were not enough for the learners to fully learn. The learner himself must have his own time where s/he can concentrate and reflect. His self-study habits must be done in a conducive learning environment which is free from possible distractions. Practicing study habits is not only for academic achievements...

Words: 2355 - Pages: 10

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...framework The study habits and its effects on Academic performance of freshmen students at Colegio San Agustin... Save Paper Study Habits provides medical missions and free medical operations in the city. Theoretical Framework This study was premised on Mary Joy 11 Functional Health Patterns... Save Paper Study Habits session. (2011, Theoretical Framework This study will employ various strategies of examination preparation apply by the respondent. It will assist... Save Paper Study Habits Chapter 1 College of Education THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK This study is about the theorems of different authors who studied the different kinds of study habits. (a.) Dr... Save Paper Study Habits in Figure 1 below: Management of Time Study Environment Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study The study habits of MCC students were categorized... Save Paper Factors That Affecting The Study Habits In a Working Student Review of Related Literature Review Related Studies Theoretical Framework Conceptual Framework Conceptual Model of... Save Paper The Effects Of Malls Near Schools To The Study Habits Of 4Th Year High School Students In St. Louis School... the school. Can it really affect not the study habits but the attendance of the students? B. Theoretical Framework There are schools that prohibit their students... Save Paper Study Habits others can know and appreciate their attributes and other characteristics. Theoretical/Conceptual Framework This study is based in...

Words: 651 - Pages: 3

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Study Habits (Partial)

...Study habits of 1st and 2nd year Marlow scholars of University of Cebu Maritime Education and Training Center, School Year 2013-2014 Research Topic: ”Study habits of 1st and 2nd year Marlow scholars of University of Cebu Maritime Education and Training Center, School Year 2013-2014” Statement of the problem: This research aims to look into the study habits of 1st and 2nd year Marlow scholars in University of Cebu, School Year 2013-2014. This study aims to answer the following questions: 1. What is the profile of the Marlow Scholars in terms of: a. Age b. Year Level c. Course d. Place of Origin 2. What are the factors that affect their study habits? 3. What are the study habits if the 1st and 2nd year Marlow scholars? 4. How the study habits affect their academic performance? INTRODUCTION The Global Economic Crisis pulled countries down from around the globe to a recession. Wide-ranging declines in many aspects of growth characterize the overall impact it had on the global scale. Following the Asian economic crisis in 1997, the present global economic crisis imposes new challenges to the Philippines as a developing country. Following are expositions of the macro economic impacts of the crisis in the Philippines setting, its implications in the prevalent poverty scenario, and policies and program undertaken by the government in response to the crisis. Global Economic crisis resulted to financial problems or financial pressure...

Words: 2509 - Pages: 11

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The Effect of Study Habits on Academic Performance

...The Effect of Study Habits on the Academic Performance of Baguio Juniors The researchers decided to conduct a research about the study habits because they want to know the techniques of Baguio Juniors on having good grades. They want to find out if the study habits have positive or negative effects on the academic performance of the students. They also want to share the findings to those students who have difficulties on their subjects. Statement of the Problem/Research Question The research will seek to answer the following problems: * What are the different study habits of Baguio Juniors? * How do their study habits affect their academic performance? Methodology General Descriptive The researchers will conduct an interview among the Baguio Juniors. Random sampling will be used. They will be asked about their academic performance. The researchers will analyze the data collected. Specific Methods/Tools Interview Target Participants 10 % of the Baguio Juniors Initial Reference List Armstrong, William Howard. Study is Hard Work. New York: Harper and Brother, 1956. Cronbach, Lee Joseph. Educational Psychology. 2nd ed. New York: Hancourt Brace and World, 1963. Cofer, C. N., and Musgrave, B. Verbal Behavior and Learning: Problems and Processes. USA: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1961 Hergenhahn, B. R. An Introduction to Theories of Learning. New Jersey, USA: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1982 Lerner, Janet. Learning Disabilities: Theories, Diagnosis and Teaching...

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