...International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 1 No. 10 October 2013 The effects of Cell phone use on the study habits of University of Zimbabwe First Year Faculty of Arts students. Leslei Kahari ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to examine the effects of cell phone use on the study habits of University of Zimbabwe 1st year Faculty of Arts students. The research was carried out using questionnaires distributed to 200 students who own cell phones .The questionnaires collected demographic information about the respondents, cell phone type preferences, uses of cell phones during study, predominant usage during study and information about challenges facing students in using mobile phones for study purposes. The results showed significant gender differences in several aspects of cell phone use .The results also revealed that cell phone use has negative and positive effects on the study habits of university students depending on usage patterns .The study concluded that despite the challenges faced by students ,cell phones unlike other educational innovations are firmly rooted in the society in which education and institutions are part of and ignoring the use or applications of this technology would be ill-advised. Key words: Cell phone, study habits, University of Zimbabwe INTRODUCTION This study investigates the effects of cell phone use during study on the study habits of University of Zimbabwe 1st year Faculty of Arts students. Many students starting university...
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...The effects of Cell phone use on the study habits of students. ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to examine the effects of cell phone use on the study habits of students. The research was carried out using questionnaires distributed to 200 students who own cell phones .The questionnaires collected demographic information about the respondents, cell phone type preferences, uses of cell phones during study, predominant usage during study and information about challenges facing students in using mobile phones for study purposes. The results showed significant gender differences in several aspects of cell phone use. The results also revealed that cell phone use has negative and positive effects on the study habits of university students depending on usage patterns .The study concluded that despite the challenges faced by students ,cell phones unlike other educational innovations are firmly rooted in the society in which education and institutions are part of and ignoring the use or applications of this technology would be ill-advised. INTRODUCTION This study investigates the effects of cell phone use during study on the study habits of students. Many students starting university do not always possess the prerequisite skills to cope with the challenges of the new and changing learning environment. An environment where they are expected to study without being told specifically what or when to study. Ultimately their success or failure within university courses is determined...
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...TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ..………………………………......1 1.2 Statement of the Problem …………………………………….2 1.3 Significance of the study …………………………………….2 1.4 Scope and Limitation …………………………………….3 1.5 Definition of Terms ……………………………………3 CHAPTER TWO QUESTIONS 2.1 Following Questions …………………………………….4-5 CHAPTER THREE RECOMMENDATION , CONCLUSION AND REFERENCES 3.1 Recommendation ……………………………………..........6 3.2 Conclusion ……………………………………………...6 3.3 References ……………………………………………….7 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In the year where electronic gadgets are not yet invented like computers, students are not yet engage in activities using technologies. Students rely on books and visit library facilities to study, read their notes and review their school lessons. During those years, despite the lack of computers and hi-tech gadgets students still achieve high and good grades and the students are still focused on their studies. They strive hard just to attain higher and better grades in their education. As years passed, industrial evolution occurred and great changes and improvements happened. One of these changes in...
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...International Journal of Arts and Commerce Vol. 2 No. 1 January 2013 The Effects of Social Networking Sites on the Academic Performance of Students in College of Applied Sciences, Nizwa, Oman. Saba Mehmood Faculty, Department of Communication Studies, Nizwa College of Applied Sciences, Ministry of Higher Education, P.O.Box: 699 --Nizwa PC: 611, Sultanate of Oman. Tarang Taswir Faculty, Depsartment of Communication Studies, Nizwa College of Applied Sciences, Ministry of Higher Education, P.O.Box: 699 --Nizwa PC: 611, Sultanate of Oman. Abstract The research investigates pedagogical impacts of social networking sites on undergraduate students at the College of Applied Sciences (CAS), Nizwa, Oman. Blogs, wikis, tweets, RSS feeds, discussion boards, podcasts are educational nodes in a huge network. The study tabulates the usage of these web2.0 applications and their impact on linguistic and social behaviors of young learners. The demographic segmentation constructs a framework to evaluate social tools and e-learning technologies popular amongst learners. The results of empirical evidence explore classroom and social software as paradigms that build young knowledgeable societies. It studies variables that examine the effectiveness of these social tools in knowledge sharing and general awareness of student communities. Keywords: Social networking, E-learning, Communication, Academic performance, Oman. 1. Introduction: The Oman government's decision to increase...
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...RAHMAN CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 2 History 2 Human Behavior and Health 2 The Parents' Approach 3 Mobile Phone Use Leading to Stress Among Teens: Study 3 METHADOLOGY 6 OPERANTITONAL DEFINITION 6 SAMPLE 6 INSTRUMENT 6 HYPOTHESIS 6 METHOD 6 RESULT 10 DISCUSSION 2 LIMITATIONS 2 INTRODUCTION A mobile phone (also known as a wireless phone or cellular phone) is a short-range, electronic device used for mobile voice or data communication over a network of specialized base stations known as cell sites. In addition to the standard voice function of a mobile phone, telephone, current mobile phones may support many additional services, and accessories, such as SMS for text messaging, email, packet switching for access to the Internet, gaming, Bluetooth, infrared, camera with video recorder and MMS for sending and receiving photos and video. Most current mobile phones connect to a cellular network of base stations (cell sites), which is in turn interconnected to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) (the exception is satellite phones). History In 1908, U.S. Patent 887,357 for a wireless telephone was issued in to Nathan B. Stubblefield of Murray, Kentucky. He applied this patent to "cave radio" telephones and not directly to cellular telephony as the term is currently understood. Cells for mobile phone base stations were invented in 1947 by Bell Labs engineers at AT&T and further developed by Bell Labs during the 1960s...
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...Chapter II: Review of Related Literature ------------------------------------------------- Monday, February 7, 2011 This chapter contains the gathered researches from different sources. These studies will be used as a guide and support to our research. Our related literature starts with the importance of writing and language, and goes on with the possible effects that might happen to these when technology is being used extensively. On the later part of the chapter are the gathered articles and case studies done by various researchers. Text Messaging Effects on Writing Texting feature in mobile phones has become a “God’s gift” for most of the people. This feature made this communication very convenient to everyone. It has become an important part of the daily lives of people, especially to the Filipinos. According to AHN Media Corp (2010), the Philippines has been tagged as the “texting capital of the world”. Many Filipinos exchange text messages with the use of their mobile phones. People have become frequent texters, and they have started sending messages in shortened ways. This problem cropped up with the innovation of this new technology, and its possible effects on the students’ language proficiency. The language proficiency of the students are important for effective communication. Language, according to McKee (1939), will successfully help people in different activities, which involve communication, various types of interaction, or even writing...
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...THE INFLUENCE OF BLACKBERRY MOBILE PHONE ON NIGERIAN STUDENTS: A STUDY OF UNIVERSITY OF LAGOS UNDERGRADUATES. By OLISEH KONYENUM CHIJIOKE . MAY, 2012 ABSTRACT The study assumed that youths no longer have boundaries as to when and where to use and not to use the mobile device and thus, It sought to explore the influence of blackberry mobile on Nigerian students. The research was conducted to study the influence of blackberry mobile phone on the students’ lifestyle. The theoretical basis of the study hinged on technological determinism theory and social presence theory. The quantitative method was employed and a survey research design was used with the aid of the questionnaire as a tool for data collection to elicit information from the respondents. 324 respondents were purposefully selected. The respondents cut across all six departments (Mass Communications, Geography& Planning, Psychology, Political Science, Sociology and Economics) in the Faculty of social science. 24 questionnaires were dropped from the analysis on the count of incomplete data entry at the respondent end. Therefore, the analysis presented is for the remaining 300 questionnaires i.e n= 300. The findings revealed that Blackberry mobile phone influenced the lifestyle of more than half (180) 60% of the respondents, the male respondents 96 (32%) were more influenced compared to the female respondents 84 (28%) and the male respondent (52%) couldn’t do without the Blackberry mobile for a day as compared to the...
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...Available online at http://www.academicjournals.org/AJBM DOI: 10.5897/AJBM11.626 ISSN 1993-8233©2011 Academic Journals Full Length Research Paper Mobile phone to youngsters: Necessity or addiction Ishfaq Ahmed1*, Tehmina Fiaz Qazi2 and Khadija Aijaz Perji2 2 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia Hailey College of Commerce, University of the Punjab, Pakistan. Accepted 15 June, 2011 1 This study focuses on exploring the pattern of mobile phone usage among youngsters in Pakistan to delineate the extent of addictive behavior towards its usage. For this purpose questionnaires were used to elicit the responses. University students were selected as population and simple random sampling technique was used. Sample was consisting of 500 students out of which 400 students responded back comprising 80% response rate for this research. Findings of this study revealed that majority respondents are able to have definite priorities between their responsibilities and commitments and their cell phone usage. Very few are those who always exhibit the extreme addictive behaviors and rest is the majority who are not frequently involved in addictive usage patterns. Thus, youngsters use their cell phones under reasonable limits and do not tend towards extreme behaviors leading towards addictive cell phone usage. Key words: Mobile phone, addiction, youngsters, youth, Pakistan. INTRODUCTION Technological revolution has provided the world with luxurious inventions. Communication...
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...Society is becoming more connected to cell phones than ever. It’s true that cell phones make life easier. We are able to check our emails with it, receive phone calls, send text messages, hear music and take photos. However, cell phones and driving have become a massive issue that has redoubled these past years. This issue has been around since cell phones first came out. Everybody has their own point of view; however I believe that using cell phones while driving should not be allowed. My reasons for believing in this are that drivers are focusing too much on the screens of their cell phones instead of the road and phone usage can increase the time it takes for a driver to react. The main reason for most accidents in today’s society is cell phone usage while driving. Cell phones cause distractions in many ways. For that reason, anytime a driver takes away their hand off the wheel the higher is the risk to cause an accident and sometimes a fatal one. In the end, of my research about this issue I found this website where people share there “texting & driving” stories. I read some of them and they are all very touching and some even fatal endings. It makes you think how fragile life is. One minute we are here the other minute we look at a cell phone and we are gone. Distracted driving is a dangerous behavior not just for the drivers, but also the passengers and the no occupants. According to, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) statistics showed that in...
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...Meagan Donnelly William S. Durden English 102 March 21, 2013 Smartphones and the Social Life On October 17th, 1973 we made a huge leap forward in communication. The first mobile phone call was made by a company known then and now as Motorola. Mobile phones were not widely known of until the mid-80’s and were not even carried and used by many individuals until the early 90’s. Stated by the U.N. Telecom Agency; now, in 2013 103.9% of the United States population uses a cell phone! That means some people carry more than one cell phone and many young children are carrying phones as well. According to Jennifer Ludden, on average a child has a cell phone by the age of eight, and a smart phone by the age of fourteen. Cell phones have now become the main means of communication, and not necessarily through phone calls. People are most commonly communicating through text, whether it be text messaging, emailing, or with social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. People are now able to do a countless amount of tasks from their cell phones. You will commonly hear many people say “there’s an app for that!”. Essentially referring to the fact that you don’t need to go to the library or ask a friend for information that you are not knowledgeable of, you can just browse the web on your phone, or download an app that will have what you are looking for. You may be thinking that this gives people more time during the day to do more important daily tasks, like spend time with...
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...school and college students for the following reasons including: it causes danger, social media includes cyber bullying, and it can cause personality and brain disorders. The first reason that social media has a bad effect on the social skills of young adults is that it can cause personality and brain disorders. A person on the internet can be everything that they think a person wants them to be to be the “cool” kid. This is a bad habit to develop because students might tend to show a personality that is not them. What will happen when they go out into the real world and communicate? It is plain and clear that they will feel tense and get nervous since being behind a computer screen does not require an individual to face that person and require an automatic reply. On the contrary, when facing a person face to face one has to communicate on the spot, and not “being yourself” can mislead a person into thinking that that individual is someone that they are not. Social media in the end creates antisocial ideas in people’s minds. According to Berkowitz studies indicate that the depictions of antisocial behavior activate thoughts that are semantically related to the observed event. This can mess...
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...Abstract E-Wallet had been receiving enormous attention globally due to its high innovativeness as a secondary option to leather wallet. Usage of credit cards, cash or checks had been reduced due to the advancement of technology and emergence of e-Wallet. E-Wallet is an easy-to-use, convenient electronic prototype which acts as a secure global payment system by using only a mobile smartphone. This study is directed towards developing a model to explain the consumer's’ intention to adopt e-Wallet in the social context. It adopts Consumer Need for Uniqueness Theory based on the concept of Counter-Conformity Motivation (CCM) also known as Need For Uniqueness. Many researchers had explored the relationship of consumer’s intention to adopt on the technological usage context. However, little research in social context had been carried out. Therefore, this paper aims to examine the factors affecting the consumer adoption intention in social context. This paper found that CCM, self-identity and word-of-mouth (WOM) are the salient determinants in this study of knowledge of consumer adoption intention in e-Wallet. Keywords: e-Wallet, intention to adopt, counter-conformity motivation, need for uniqueness 1.0 Introduction According to the historical evidence, the first use of money is assumed to have started around 600 BC in term of coins (Davies and Davies, 2002). However, the world is evolving, due to the rapid change in technology. Most of the consumers have changed their...
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...nowadays have created opportunities for young companies to enter the online market. The source of these opportunities comes from the changes of customer behavior as they get used to the digital world. New Internet-based products and services are created to offer more and more benefits to customers. Interestingly, the dynamic of the market does not only come from the changes of customer behavior but also from the fast development of technology and innovative ideas. Successful products and services even shape the behavior of customer in using Internet. It can listed here the famous examples of Amazon in changing online purchasing behavior of customer or Facebook in changing the way people communicate and connect with each other. This research studies a new business model in online market, a multi-restaurants site which enables customers to order delivery food online. The model studied in this research is from the case company in Vietnam named Goimon.vn. As this is an emerging market segment in the market, customers are still not aware of the service model. Thus, the purpose of...
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...Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter contains the gathered researches from different sources. These different studies will be used as a guide and support to the research. The related literature starts with the good and important effects of different gadgets used in learning areas and goes on with the possible effects that might happen to Students when technology is being used extensively. On the later part of the chapter are the gathered related studies and articles done by various researchers. Foreign Literature Jessica White (2005) said that, technology has completely changed the scope of education in America. Most states require a technology aspect to their school improvements plans. They have embraced the idea that using technology in their classroom makes the subject anything from math to art-more accessible to many kinds of students. Educators, administrators, parents, and students are so well-versed in technology that it has become norm in even the most economically disadvantaged schools. She also stated that controversy exist about some students having access too much information. Some internet sites are not monitored by educational sources. Students who have not been taught the proper way to research on the internet might make a research hypothesis based on a website whose information is untrustworthy. Educators should be cautious and explain exactly what their expectations to their students are. Plagiarizing-detection software checks that...
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...Positive Effects of Mobile Phones at School Having a backward perspective from the past up to the present, development on lifestyle and technology is definitely seen tangibly. With the mobile phones increasing demand on younger generation, there are positive effects towards the academic status of the students. From just a slow-paced communication system to a fast and advance method of communicating, all individuals are affected especially the younger generation which include students in schools. Technology has advanced beyond our wildest dreams in the past years. Schools have always struggled with the issue of making policies to control the latest and greatest technology used by students. Years ago schools struggled with pagers or beepers because they had a stigma of being linked to drug activity. Then the cell phone came on the scene and schools were overwhelmed with the task of trying to control the use of cell phones by students. Today, cell phones and other devices are used by millions of people across the country. Cell Phone technology has advanced to the point where they have the functions and capacity of a computer, allowing students and adults to access the internet, music, take pictures, send messages, etc. A controversy has arisen of whether educators and administrators should embrace cell phone technology and create lessons using the cell phone or continue to restrict use of cell phones during school hours. This has been the major issue towards adapting the new...
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