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Study Habits and Academic Performance


Submitted By kympoi23
Words 2098
Pages 9

This chapter presents the literature and studies which are related to this research.

The Literature

Libraries are not about books. They are about information and knowledge. The past librarianship has been associated with books only because books were the primary manifestation of information. In today’s world, information manifests itself in various media one of which is the most notable medium (Bajoyo, 2011).
Technology has unlocked a universe of electronic information resources. Electronic resources and services have become the most popular tools for research and academic activities. These electronic information resources provide faster and reliable information according to Bhukuvhani, Chiparausha and Zuvalinyenga (2012).
Libraries are now universally recognized as important social institutions for diffusion of knowledge and information. No community, institution or an organization is considered complete without the support of a library and its effective service. Library is a growing organization which requires constant change in order to maintain a high degree of relevance to the environment. Scarcity of resources, information and document explosion and the demand for consistent, responsive and prompt services for clientele pave the way for librarians to find out solution for effective and efficient management of libraries (Egberongbe, 2012).
According to Gakibayo (2013), electronic information has gradually become a major resource in every University library. The emergence of electronic information resources simply referred to as electronic resources has tremendously transformed information handling and management in academic environments and in University libraries in particular. He further noted that through the use of electronic resources, researchers and students now have access to global information

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