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Submitted By Azarud1
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Pages 7

Research Journal in Organizational Psychology & Educational Studies 2(3) 72-75


© Emerging Academy Resources (2013) (ISSN: 2276-8475) STUDY HABITS AS INFLUENCE OF ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATES IN NIGERIA Ayodele, C.S and Adebiyi, D.R Department of Guidance and Counselling, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria. Corresponding Author: Ayodele, C.S
__________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT This study examined study habit as a determinant of academic performance of undergraduates in Nigeria. It also investigated how faculty and gender influence their study habit. The study employed a descriptive research survey type. The research instrument was titled” Study habits determinants Questionnaire”. The face and content validity was ascertained by psychologist and Guidance and Counselling experts. A reliability coefficient of 0.85 was obtained using split half method. The population of the study includes all faculties in the university. Samples were selected through stratified and random sampling techniques. Two hypotheses were generated and were tested using student t-test and ANOVA at 0.05 level of significance. The descriptive analysis revealed that self concept was very strong determinant of study habit, so also was method of study, family background, socio-economic status, peer group and course of study. Again, gender was found to have no significant difference on undergraduates’ study habit while on the other hand faculty of undergraduates had a significant difference on their study habit. The outcome of this study would be of immense help to undergraduates, helps to improve their study habits skills and in turn facilitate students’ performance. Improvement in students’ academic performance will therefore lead to national development as

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