...Synthesis English Writing 1010 April 19 2013 Social Class Can Hinder Success The relationship between social class and our personal lives has been an ongoing link since the beginning of time. Social class affects relationships in our personal lives, our sense of self-worth, and can even go on to affect our future success. Angela Locke, author of Born Poor and Smart, relates to social class problems and is an example of how coming from a low social class can affect many aspects of everyday life. “Something I struggle with to this day us that I never developed the sense of entitlement that distinguishes the rich from the poor”… “I have never been able to convince myself that I am “worthy” of success” (Locke, 451). There is a stigma that if one grows up poor; they are not worth going to an exclusive college to further their education. In order for our culture to get out of this stigma and allow children to surpass their income defined boundaries we must teach our children that self-worth is something that comes from their own attitude and is not defined by outside sources. Schooling affects both education and income since most of the better paying jobs require a college degree or other advanced study. Many people associate schooling with personal success, however, students have more than poverty holding them back; they must first have a stable family for support and then they must change the way they think about themselves to succeed and to persevere while earning a college education...
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...Allstate Insurance Leadership and Organizational Behavior October 31, 2010 Using the model for goal setting, evaluate Allstate’s goal setting process to determine whether or not Allstate has an effective goal-setting programs. Goal setting is a powerful way of motivating employees. Goals are future outcomes that increasing productivity, improving works quality, clarifying employer expectations, and relieving boredom, according to Edwin A. Locke. Because goal setting motivates employees to reach challenging but attainable production and quality goals, businesses use goal setting as a method of increasing productivity and improving quality. Goal setting also clearly spells out what employers and managers expect of their employees. Finally, difficult but attainable goals can alleviate the boredom associated with repetitive jobs by imbuing them with challenge and meaning, according to Locke. Allstate has a very effective goal setting program because it give each employee a clear objective of what is going to be accomplish and the ability to achieve them. Allstate spells out clearly what their goals are to retain excellent workers and to satisfy the customers. With clear and challenging goals, employee behaviors are more likely to be focused on job related tasks, high levels of performance and goal achievement. Discuss the competitive advantage Allstate has from the development of Diversity Index. In many...
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...twin’s higher education choice can be influenced by family values, social economics, environmental and instructional decisions. For centuries, traditional education can be characterized by using direct contact between an instructor and student. Immediate feedback and increased social interaction may be formed during a defined period in classroom instruction. Distance learning, now considered a new term, has been around for over a century. Correspondent courses started in Europe and remained the primary means of distant learning until the middle of the twentieth century (Imel, 1996). Distant and online education offer many of the same characteristics along with distinct features, of indirect contact with faculty and classmates through technology driven methods such as discussion forums and synchronous or asynchronous communication. (Mahmood, Mahmood, & Malik, 2012). Distant learning allows students to learn and study at their preferred learning style and own pace. Similar to the unique characteristics of fraternal twins, nontraditional and individual needs students may require the adaptability and flexibility of distant education to fulfill their academic and professional goals. Distant and traditional education use many of the same pedagogical techniques the online learning format enables students increased opportunities to suit their skills, interests, and profession. One Twin’s View on Traditional Education The long established delivery system for traditional higher education...
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...which was currently dominated by Viagra, an erectile dysfunction medication that had been introduced by Pfizer in 1998. In the following case analysis, I will examine the process used by Lilly ICOS, LLC to bring Cialis to market. Utilizing the Harvard Business School Case “Product Team Cialis: Getting Ready to Market” I will point out certain facts surrounding the case, and highlight key issues. Alternative courses of action around bringing the product to market will be identified and evaluated. Finally, a recommended course of action for the company will be discussed. Facts Surrounding the Case At the time that Cialis was developed as an erectile dysfunction (ED) treatment, that landscape was being dominated by a single player. Viagra, developed by Pfizer, was released four years prior and enjoyed great success over the previous three years. Viagra, whose main ingredient is Sildenafil, was generating over $1 billion in sales for Pfizer year over year for the previous three years (Ofek, 2010). While Viagra was successful in its initial years in the initial market, it was not without its problems. Patient satisfaction with Viagra was below 50% in all markets with the exception of Germany and Italy. Viagra was only effective for hours post dosage, and was affected by the consumption of a high fat meal before taking the medication. It seemed that a fatty meal lessened the body’s ability to absorb the drug. Conversely, Cialis was effective up to 36 hours after a dose was administered...
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...investments and obstacles were overcome, Shui fabrics began profiting after several years passed. In response to the profits, Ray Btzell and his bosses were more concerned with the performance orientation. Btzell and the American investors were concerned with gaining more than a 5% return on investment and somewhat closer to 20%. The performance orientation places high emphasis on performance and rewards people for improvements and excellence (Daft, 2010). In the perspective of GLOBE value dimensions, China and United have different views when it comes to businesses and way of life. In the United States, Americans view performance as being indicative of success. If a company is performing well, then the business will continue to gain profits. In contrast to China’s way of thinking, the American investors were more concerned of gaining a higher return on investment because the company was more successful. China were satisfied with the 5% ROI because unemployment rate was over 20% and having a low ROI would allow more jobs to be created. Chui Wai was promoting sustainability in the company by preserving the profits they were making at that time to be set-aside for the future since there were some joint ventures still operating in the red. Also, Chui Wai valued the relationships they had developed through the joint ventures, but Paul Danvers was more concerned with pulling the plug on Shui Fabrics. It shows that the social-cultural difference or influences has played a major role to develop...
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...Personal Responsibility is linked to College Success Gen/200 July 1, 2013 Jeremy NeVille Personal Responsibility is linked to College Success As George Washington Carver said, “Ninety-nine percent of all failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses.” (LeadershipNow, n.d.). Although, people are naturally unable to take responsibility, college success is attainable when an individual accepted personal responsibility. With an early behavioral intervention set at a young age, academic success is easily adaptable and reachable. Continuing higher education such as attending college is an individual’s personal responsibility of choice. Higher Education offers a place for learning and practicing skills such as; setting goals, manage time, resolve conflicts, and learn new skills. Recognizing our potential can advance our ability to gain lifetime-acquired skill for success in college. Accepting personal responsibility is to own up to his or her mistakes. When an individual accepted personal responsibility of his or her actions, he or she takes full control of all the decision-making. Pointing fingers or making excuses for any circumstances are not a trait of an individual who takes personal responsibilities for his or her life. Acknowledging your own mistakes is an admirable trait of a responsible individual. In every family household there are different sets of values and approach on teaching their children personal responsibilities. These children are taught...
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...Personal, Social, Academic and Career Problems Expressed by Minority College Students. By: Lucas, Margaretha S., Journal of Multicultural Counseling & Development, 08838534, Jan93, Vol. 21, Issue 1 by providing an environment conducive to personal development without the level of conflict and isolation minorities experience at most White universities retention, but also progression and social-academic productivity are difficult for them highlighted in their writings covert, intrapsychic factors such as emotions, attitudes, perceptions, aspirations, and expectations about college, and interpsychic factors such as institutional climate, faculty, and professional staff employed by the university. reported African-American students' struggles with finances, academic adjustment, living conditions, emotional-psychological concerns, career-vocational concerns, and to a lesser degree, health, peer relationships, and family relationship concerns It seemed appropriate to survey freshmen for this project because an early assessment of potential problems and an early introduction to the university's counseling center and other relevant services might result in timely detection and possible solution of academic and psychological problems. Early detection of problems and familiarity of resources are crucial The majority of students in this sample of minority students did not want counseling (66.7%), and when they did they wanted career guidance, not personal or social guidance or a...
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...The Effectiveness of Explicit Instruction Abstract Much research and debate has taken place on the subject of effective classroom instruction. Whether we should be teach direct instruction-teacher centered; indirect instruction-student centered; interactive instruction-interactive student centered learning; independent instruction-individual paced student centered e.g. distant learning; explicit instruction- “structured, systematic, and effective methodology for teaching academic skills” (Archer 1). Reaching our students effectively so that they can achieve higher learning and retention of subjects taught. With the rise of standardized testing in the American Education System, it is necessary to address whether certain teaching methods of instruction are effective than others. This review seeks to outline the debatable topics covering the effectiveness of explicit instruction in classrooms that have been researched in the past as well as the results. The Effectiveness of Explicit Instruction A Review of the Literature Teacher’s effectiveness to help students perform well and the instruction they use has been discussed and analyzed over the years. Which type of instruction is best for student achievement and retention of information? Looking at the effectiveness of explicit instruction to understand if it is going to help teachers get the biggest bang for their buck. Rosenshine (1987) described this form of instruction as “a systematic method of teaching with...
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...Addressing Challenges of Groups and Teams LDR/531 October 31, 2011 Abstract Challenges and benefits exist in communication, collaboration, and conflict within groups and teams. Organizations need training plans to ensure the success of groups and teams. The following paper will show the challenges of groups and teams within the Phillips organization. Team B has developed a training plan for Phillips. This paper will include a summary of the training plan, the challenges and benefits of communication, collaboration, and conflict, a discussion on how it will work in the organization, and a discussion on any unique challenges the plan could address. Addressing Challenges of Groups and Teams Organizations are relying on teams to complete tasks and projects that managers would normally do individually (Yukl, 2010). Yukl defines a team as a “small task group in which members have a common purpose, interdependent roles, and complementary skills” (2010, p. 333). Different groups and teams make up organizations. The success of these teams directly influences the success of the organization. Groups and teams are not the same thing. A group is two or more individuals, interacting and interdependent, who have come together to achieve objectives (Yukl, 2010). The group interacts to share information and make decisions within his or her area of responsibility. A work team, on the other hand, generates positive synergy through coordinated effort. The individual...
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...PARSING THE FIRST YEAR OF COLLEGE: A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR STUDYING COLLEGE IMPACTS Patrick T. Terenzini Distinguished Professor and Senior Scientist Center for the Study of Higher Education 400 Rackley Building Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA 16802-3203 Voice: (814) 865-9755 Fax: (814) 865-3638 E-mail: Terenzini@psu.edu and Robert D. Reason Assistant Professor and Research Associate Center for the Study of Higher Education Pennsylvania State University Voice: (814) 863-3766 Fax: (814) 865-3638 E-mail: Rreason@psu.edu Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, November 19, 2005, Philadelphia, PA. PARSING THE FIRST YEAR OF COLLEGE: A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR STUDYING COLLEGE IMPACT Introduction For many college-bound students and their families, the first year of college is a make-orbreak period for learning, for decisions about continued college enrollment, and for discovering whether they made a good decision about which college to attend. Abundant evidence links students’ first-year academic performance to both persistence and degree completion (Pascarella & Terenzini, 1991, 2005). In addition, about two-thirds (perhaps as much as 90 percent for cognitive skills) of the gains college students make in reading, math, science, the social sciences, and cognitive skill development will occur in the first two years (Pascarella & Terenzini, 2005). Many students, however, are not in college long enough to realize those...
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...Integrated Case study AN ANALYSIS OF THE CASE MAN GROUP (A) January 2013 Integrated Case Study: Man Group (A) Contents Page Acknowledgements Executive Summary Chapter 1: Introduction 1 Chapter 2: Case brief 4 Chapter 3: Problem statement and Analysis 8 3.1 Problem statement for Man Group Plc (A) 3.2 Literature review 3.3 Proposed plan of analysis 3.4 Sources of data Chapter 4: Analysis and Findings 22 An assessment of the current position Chapter 5: Proposed solution to Problems 29 5.1 Integrated discussion of the analysis 5.2 Recommendations 5.3 Proposed plan of action 5.4 Limitations of the study, scope for further research Chapter 6: Application to another case 35 6.1 Background 6.2 Description of the comparator company’s situation 6.3 Testing the recommendations on the comparator company Appendices References Word count: 11,980 Acknowledgements My sincere regards and gratitude goes to Almighty God who gave me strength and will to complete my studies successfully. I give my deepest regards to my supervisor Dr. K. Vijay Shenai for his guidance, support and dedication towards all his students. I extend my regards to all my friends who supported me through my studies and were of immense help to me. My warm regards and love for my parents who have always been an inspiration to me and have always supported me throughout my studies, this would...
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...Leadership in an organization often plays a critical role, and is frequently, though not always, one of the major drivers of the success or failure of a company. (Bass, 1990) Effective leadership helps a company through times of peril and brings a future of brightness. It makes a corporation successful. However, what is leadership? According to Kouzes and Posner, it is the art of mobilizing others to want to struggle for shared aspirations. (1995, p.30) Leaders set a clear direction for us; they help us realize what is ahead; they support us to achieve and win; they encourage and inspire us when we feel depressed. Without leadership, an organization will degenerate into chaos and unstructured because people view things in different ways. Leadership assists people work in the same direction and creates harmony and it is an important ability for individuals. In order to assess my leadership ability, I did a test on LPI. The scores distributed as follows: TABLE1: Leadership Practices Inventory Scores Challenge the Process | Inspire a Shared Vision | Enable Others to Act | Model the Way | Encourage the Heart | 43 | 44 | 48 | 43 | 48 | In the following section, I will discuss my scores achieved on the five dimensions provided with my experiences and examples. LPI Dimensions Challenging the Process Bennis (1998) suggests that leaders learn best from leading in through adversity. Leaders create the environment and take responsibility in changing the organization....
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...was a paper system. They invested in an emergency department (ED) specific technology. This technology was needed to improve care management and continuity, clinician collaboration, and physician alignment (Anderson, 2011). This essay will overview the business system at the departmental level for Great Plains Regional Medical Center. Additionally, an overview of information gathering technique used and design method used. Finally, the impact of the project in terms of success will be discussed. Information Gathering Techniques Used Information gathering by analysts can involve watching people who will be using the system or interviewing people who will be using the system. Information can also be gathered by reviewing documents; either from planning, policies, or existing systems (Satzinger, Jackson, & Burd, 2009). Information gathering technique for this study was not specifically revealed. However, there was pertinent information gathered and noted. When patients transferred from the ED department to the inpatient unit, tertiary facility, or sent home, their ED records were not easily accessible. “Staff had to hunt for charts, causing workflow inefficiencies for everyone. For example, a common practice was for referring physicians to request faxed records—a time-consuming and costly process” (Anderson, 2011). Technical information must also be gathered. Functional requirements in this case, were the ED information system (EDIS), needed to...
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...Organizational Behavior at Whole Foods Introduction This paper will discuss the organizational behavior concepts that relate to Whole Foods. These concepts include Theory X and Theory Y, human and social capital, the profile of the 21st century manger, Carroll’s Global Corporate Social Responsibility Pyramid and the seven moral principles. Whole Foods Market is a supermarket chain that functions through several completely maintained divisions. The supermarkets are located in the US, Canada and the UK. It is headquartered in Austin, Texas and employed about 72,700 people as of September 30, 2012, of whom 16,400 were part-time employees and 3,200 were seasonal employees (“Company Profile”, 2013). McGregor’s Theory Y Role at Whole Foods In 1960, Douglas McGregor wrote The Human Side of Enterprise, which framed two sets of molds about human nature. The first one is Theory X is unenthusiastic and negative. It assumptions people don’t like working and must be forced to do their work, avoid responsibility and have little motivation. As Kopelman and et al. (2012) stated “the manager who holds Theory X beliefs may unwittingly engineer a low level of employee motivation and (ironically) lament to a colleague that you can't get good workers nowadays” (pg. 451). Theory Y is the counterpart. In this Theory, mangers assume employees can be self-motivated, committed, responsible and creative workers. Whole Foods hires people that are well-trained who flourish in their workplace...
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...Running head: CLASSIS AIRLINES AND MARKETING Classic Airlines and Marketing Classic Airlines is the fifth largest airline in the world with annual earnings of $10 million. After being in business for 25 years, they have amassed more than 375 jets with 2,300 flights daily (University of Phoenix, 2010). Even with this success, there are concerns for their financial stability. The challenges facing Classic Airlines are common among airline companies. These challenges include stock instability, low employee morale, pubic uncertainty about flying; declining rewards program membership, increasing costs for labor and fuel along with a recent directive to reduce 15% over the next 18 months. This leads to major concerns by the management team. To reach stable ground, the management team will attempt to improve and increase the value of the rewards program, enticing previous members back while ensuring retention of current members. Rewards programs can be detrimental to the success of a business, according to Furinto, Pawitra and Baliah “Programs that are perceived favorably by consumers will in turn create stronger attitudinal loyalty and higher consumer profitability” (p. 307, 2009). The Small Business Administration suggests that “marketing activities and strategies result in making products available that satisfy consumers while making profits for the company” (para. 1, Market and Price). The goal of marketing is to use resources to increase the number of consumers...
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