...In “All Quiet on the Western Front,” Erich Maria Remarque illustrates scenes of death to demonstrate how war has no place for young men. Most war novels try to convey, war to be a glorious, honorable, and patriotic duty. However this book is different, it portrays war how it is actually experienced; fear, brutality, and the tragedy of death. Death in this novel, specifically Paul killing a french soldier, Gerard Duval, and when Stanislaus Katczinsky is shot in the head and killed, shows us important themes in the book. Paul volunteers to go to No man's land and collect enemy intel. On his way back to his camp, he notices a attacking is coming and decides to take cover and act dead in a shell hole. A French soldier falls into the hole with him. Instinctively, Paul stabs the french soldier, Gerard Duval, fatally wounding him, this is his first time killing someone...
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...War…. what is it good for? Absolutely nothing except the internal achievement the leaders feel in winning the war. The Poor soldiers who sacrifice themselves arent cared about, the men and women who give up their lives are disregarded by these power hungry men. All Quiet on The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque explains how the horror of facing wars affects soldiers and their families. The Horrors of war were captured in the examples of witnessing loss, isolation, and suffering. Paul suffered loss by losing his closest men in the war including his mother,katzinsky and kemmerich. In Chapter 7 of AQOTWF paul realizes that his mother doesn't have much time remaining, “I ought never to have come here. Out there i was indifferent and often...
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...All Quiet on the Western Front During the course of the book All Quiet on the Western Front the trench warfare was terrible, the men were faced with inhaling toxic chemicals, uncomfortable situations, starvation and having to fight off the rats to protect their food. Living conditions and the lack of food was also another major contribution of the men slowly becoming worn out. Throughout this long battle there were also some challenges for instance the muddy conditions, classmates and close friends dying quickly. Finally this was one of the most momentous wars for the reason that, the battle lasted so long that it became a one on one battle, new guns are being created and used. WW1 is The life of a solider was described to as nonstop fighting for a long period of time. Paul has narrated that he was a part of a German army of 150 company fighting on the French front in World War 2, over a short period of time the men were quickly dying. The cook would make just enough food. Paul explains that “We cannot afford to throw the bread away, because then we should have nothing left to eat in the morning, so we carefully cut off the bits of bread that the animals gnawed”() Any food that the they have can be compared to a...
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...All Quiet on the Western Front There are not many books written about World War I. All Quiet on the Western Front was written by Erich Maria Remarque. Paul Bäumer is a German soldier who fought in the trenches during WWI. Bäumer is the protagonist and narrator of All Quiet on the Western Front. Paul Baumer’s testament of the war is bitter invective against sentimental ideas. Paul Bäumer is a 19 year old male that enlisted in World War One. Bäumer is very fit because of the war. All Quiet on the Western Front states, “All four are nineteen years of age, and all four joined up from the same class as volunteers for the war.” (Remarque 4). Because of Paul’s fitness, he can do many things in the military, and to help him stay alive. Paul Bäumer...
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...All Quiet on the Western Front Q1: I resemble myself as Paul Bäumer. The reasons why is because when he took a leave, he thought about his friends back in war. He brought food for his friends when he returned from leave like potato cakes. He even ate the rotten potato cakes so that his friends could eat fresh good ones. That's something that I would do because I would feel guilty if I had food, but my friends didn't have any food. He's caring towards others. For example, when Franz was in the hospital Paul was there for him to see him for the last time. He wanted Franz's boots to remember him and he promised him to find his watch. That's something I would do if my friend or family ever left or die because I would want to cherish that forever....
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...Yet Gabriel did and Benjamin followed him and joined too. Gabriel rode into town one day and talked a lot of people into joining the war as well. During the war there was a time where they were still at home Occam found a paper. He was standing in front of it looking like he was reading it but he can't read. One of the other soldiers yelled over to him to read it out loud what it said. The paper said that all the slaves in war who served for one year would be released into freedom and would be paid 5 shillings. Awhile after Thomas’s death Benjamin and Gabriel are still grieving and Benjamin melted Thomas’s toy soldiers. The Red Coats were holding some of the Blue Coats men and Benjamin went to get them out of there jail by admitting that he killed 20 of the Red Coats men. Col. William Tavington went looking for Benjamin's children because he was gonna kill them but he did not find them because they went and hid. So Col. William Tavington burnt down Aunt Charlotte's house. Gabriel then went and got the kids and then brings them back to their father. The Red Coats killed all of the town but putting them in the Church and lighting it on...
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...All Quiet on the Western Front How Was Erich Maria Remarque Life? Erich Maria Remarque was born in Germany in June 22nd and died at the age of 72 in September 25th. Remarque participated in the First World War. He was sent to war when he was only 18 years old, and during his participation in World War l he was constantly moving. Erich went to the Western Front, Reserves, Field Depot of the 2nd Guards Reserve Division at Hem-Lenglet and to the 2nd Company. It was the 31st of July 1917, when Remarque got an injury by shrapnel; which can be fragments of a bomb or pieces of metal. The shrapnel lead to severe injuries in his left leg, neck and right arm. After his incident he was sent to a Hospital in Germany, where he spend the rest of the war days. Remarque had many kinds of different of jobs throughout his life; Erich was a teacher, writer, librarian, journalist, businessman and editor. His job as a...
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...that there were also many immediate consequences on the soldiers of the war as well, as shown in All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque. Although many countries thought that it would be advisable to go into the war because of numerous certain factors, not only did this war result in the collapse of the German economy...
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...“I am young, I am twenty years old; yet I know nothing of life but despair, death, fear, and fatuous superficiality cast over an abyss of sorrow”(Remarque.) In his novel “All Quiet on the Western Front” Remarque describes how young men have their innocence destroyed and their youth and identity lost through war. He does this by Remarque demonstrates how young men have their innocence destroyed by describing the horrors they face daily and explaining how it impacts them as young men. In the novel, Remarque, through one of his characters, says, “We are not youth any longer. We don’t want to take the world by storm. We are fleeing. We fly from ourselves. From our life. We were eighteen and had begun to love life and the world; and we had to shoot...
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...Essay World war one is more than it seems you may see it as a time of death and tragedy but that is not all that this war was hidden in the sorrow and death inventions were being invented, people were making the greatest friendships, war ended the constant conflict between countries. In the book All j’\ on the Western Front, By ERICH Maria REMARQUE it’s main character Paul was a 19 year old kid fresh out of highschool and went into the war because his teacher made it seem great but he soon learned it wasn't. This novel shows that “there is nothing redeemable about war, it only destroys” but that's not true at all war is not pure destruction. Some reasons are war makes a closer relationship and bond with your fellow soldiers and friends before war, you begin to love the small moments where he can relax, it makes you grow into a man and got more skills....
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...My drop letter is based off the novel All Quiet on the Western Front; a very grim story about the harsh life of soldiers on the Western Front in World War One. The goal of my drop letter design was to incorporate the feelings of alienation and hopelessness. The drop letter shows a soldier caught on barb wire between two destroyed trees. It looks as though he was either running away from a trench or attacking another one. There is also subtle hints in the snow of where artillery has landed. The reason I had the focus put on the dead soldier caught on barb wire is becauseI wanted to demonstrate how bleak the situation was for soldiers. I wanted to dig deeper with this concept however, since in the book, when soldiers come back home, they feel...
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...All Quiet On The Western Front Erich Marie’s novel All quiet on the western front shows that there is absolutely nothing redeemable about war.The physical effects, mental effects, or the results of World War One are too horrible to be justified. The physical effects of World War One include bullet wounds, scars, etc… In the novel countless people are wounded or killed causing several problems such as psychological damage and permanent scarring. Such as the death of Kat in chapter 11. This proves the point of there is nothing redeemable about war. One of the most common types of mental effects during the first war is P.T.S.D or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. In the book they refer to this as “Trench Fever,” One great example of this...
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...forced to rid themselves of any emotion so that they can focus on the task at hand. They cannot allow themselves to falter at any moment, knowing that the decisions they make are a matter of life or death. In the novel All Quiet on the Western Front, by Erich Maria Remarque, the soldier’s boots and a herd of horses are used to demonstrate how war dehumanizes the men by effectively stealing their innocence and transforming them into hardened adults. Kemmerich’s boots passed down to Müller and eventually to Paul show how the soldiers must only look after their own well-being to stay alive. As Kemmerich lies on his deathbed Müller surveys his boots and notes how “out here one can make some use of them” (16). Müller is not paying any attention to the fact that his beloved friend and comrade is...
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...All Quiet on the Western Front was another book that did. All Quiet on the Western Front is a horror story. This is a book where you lose your childhood, your faith in a meaningful world, and your concern for individuals. You're stuck in a nightmare. Sucked up into a mysterious whirlpool of death and pain. You're defending yourself from elimination. You're being wiped off the face of the map. Once upon a time you were an innocent youth with big dreams about being a concert pianist. Once you loved life and the world, and now you're shooting it to pieces. Day after day, the hornets bite you and worms lap your blood. You're a cornered animal. You don't fit anywhere. The falling rain is monotonous. There's endless assaults, poison gas, nerve gas,...
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...with the amount of blood coming out of his body. Many soldiers come back damaged with many unimaginable experiences. The past haunt many of our soldiers who come back from their term serving to protect us. Since soldiers just want to come home and feel like if they were regular people doing everyday life things. Instead the soldiers rely on an addiction, become isolated, commit suicide, and some soldiers develop PTSD. It can be related to the book All Quiet in the Western Front, which is a war novel that expresses the feelings of a character and all he has seen during the time of the war. The main character changes and makes a huge difference since he went home after...
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