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Summary Of Motherload: Making It All Better In Insecure Times

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In Motherload: Making it All Better in Insecure Times, Anna Villalobos has in mind the core message of insecurity whose responsibility of ensuring secured growth of the children in a secure community in the United States of America has been left primarily to the women who are much more insecure in the time of fear and anxiety, marital uncertainty, economic uncertainty and marital insecurity. She further explains how women give an effort to create varying security forms through mothering which only backfire in the sense that they don’t yield the anticipated results. Often times, they happen to neglect or unintentionally undermine family security as they blindly focus on mother-child relations as a source of security. Women singularly …show more content…
Women are at a much older age when the have their first child or they are deciding not to have children at all. More women are afraid of losing their liberty and taking on the responsibilities that come with being a new mom. Women are more liberated by pursuing their goals and accomplishing all their aspirations. Becoming a new mom threatens their freedom to choose between their goals and the responsibilities that come with nurturing a new life. It can prove to be quite the challenge for some women who have been living quite an independent lifestyle to suddenly having to be more committed to their partners and child. In exchange, they now have to focus on the well-being of their family and this can instill fear in women in this current generation. In seeking independence for themselves, women employ the friendship strategy. This strategy keeps the women intact and in touch with their maiden lives which makes them feel in control of their parenthood. There is a belief that women seek after stability in their lives by getting engaged to counter the economic instability and divorce culture cropped in recent generations. We must recognize that women have to force an act of will to overcome an overbearing fear and resilience of commitment and …show more content…
Women can now acquire lives that are more liberated and they can fully commit their lives to anything that they desire. They have the choice of living a life that is centered around their career, being a homemaker taking care of their families or even opting to do both. There is no longer simply one road in which women must take with no other alternatives. Their independence has increased their resistance to engagement and responsibility and attempts to stay out of marriages and parenthood for as long as they can and some opt not to get married or have a child at all. The rate of childless women has exponentially increased over the past years and the time that they postpone engagement and family responsibility has grown longer trying to get their careers and financial security in order before taking the heavy hit of motherhood and abstraction of personal life over responsibility over family life especially that of their

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