...The story, “The Scarlet Ibis,” by James Hurst, contains symbolism by the color red shown throughout the story, the barn loft, and the clove of seasons. To start off, symbolism is shown by red being depicted throughout the story. On page 6, the narrator states, “Finally I went back and found him huddled beneath a red nightshade bush beside the road.” Red is a symbol in the story to show anger and/or death. When Doodle was found dead, he was found underneath a red nightshade bush, which could signify anger and death. Secondly, symbolism is shown by the barn loft in the story. According to page 2 of the story, the narrator says, “One day I took him up to the barn loft and showed him his casket, telling him how we all had believed he would die.”...
Words: 259 - Pages: 2