Premium Essay

Summary Of Yuki's Mistake

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Pages 3
Yuki was in shock seeing her best friend bleed to death on the ground in the church, Alma then started to tear up. The girl walked slowly towards Yuki and put her claw on her neck waking her up. Yuki looked up, and teared from her eyes. The woman on the broomstick looked down and saw 2 women holding weapon's, one holding a scythe and the other holding a Mjolnir. Her grin disappeared.

" I'm a coward and a liar to mom and Nee-Chan, I thought I'd find her. But why ? Why do I always end up being alone in the end ?

She muttered. The girl lifted her arm, but before she could strike a scythe blade struck through the door and impaled her in the stomach. Then another woman hammered down the door, sending her across the church room. the came in and …show more content…
" Warm ... Yuki's ... Warm

Yuki smiled a faint smile and Alma smiled. Yuki looked up and witnessed the fight. She thought if she could study Maka's fighting style she could learn from it. Lori spun the hammer and Maka spun the scythe and got in their stances. The girl got up.

" your picking on me too ? "

The girl then jump toward Maka and Maka blocked her attack easily. Lu then did Infernal resonance, but it didn't cut through Soul. Yuki was amazed to see such strength. Then Lori appeared behind her and hit her with her soul wavelength. The girl suffered great damage which led her to far back towards the church window, She got back up and went to Lori, Lori hit the girl with the hammer and hit her with her soul wavelength which blew out her stomach and Maka kicked her outside. The girl then started squirming and yelling in pain and agony, and blood seeped through and levitated around Maka and Lori. Maka nodded to Lori, then Lori started to spin the hammer. The blood particle's moved around and then she slowed down, they turned into needles and Lori smacked the hammer down on the floor and a giant force field spirit taking in the blood particle's. Until one of them scratched Lori's eye's. ( but thank god I didn't hit her eye it just scratched it ) And then Maka went for the

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