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Summary: The Irresistible Revolution

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The homeless people in the St. Edwards cathedral had hope, even though they did not know where it was coming from. Evans mention of salvation says that it has a cosmic dimension of hope in their lives. So, they had hope even though they did not know from whence it was to come. In the question, for salvation we must ask what the Christian affirmation should be. “If salvation is not possible for the worst of us, can it be a certainty for any of us?” So, no matter how bad of a sinner you might be, God still cares. (Luke 15:11-14; 31-32) Then He said: “A certain man had two sons.” “And the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father give me the portion of goods that fails to me.’ So, he divided to them his livelihood.” “And not many days after …show more content…
He wanted to find out what it meant to follow in Jesus’s footsteps, he did not want to sit in the comfort of the dorm but wanted to be challenge what it meant to be a Christian in the streets where no one else wanted to go. He wanted to follow through “the Way” “of the early Christians through the kingdom, and the way of Jesus, the way of the kingdom, and the way of the cross.” A tall order for a college student.
What he had in mind for his foot ministry for he had to first understand what was “quite radical, insane and even crazy” at times. But he believed that even “the foolishness of God has always seemed nutty to the world.” Like people overcoming poverty, the poor becoming rich in a suppressed society that say the rich get richer while the poor and desolate get poorer. Even soon in a forgotten place in our country, even though some Christians are calling the environment “God’s Creation” and have insisted that the state take care of …show more content…
Like Shane Claiborne and his Christian College friends, it only took one incident to get them up and ready to go all the way to assist these homeless people. They used an article from a newspaper to move them to go through the streets of Philadelphia, to find the people in the newspaper. These young men had a bed in a safe dorm room to sleep in and a cafeteria for them to eat their meals that were prepared for them. The cathedral of St. Edwards was on the rough side of Philadelphia, and they had been warned to not visit on that side of the city. Not only did they go to help these poor outcast and homeless people, but they took their classmates and friends with them. They did not just mere visit the homeless families in the cathedral, but they lived there with them by scheduling shifts for other students, and assisted them in getting the building ready for inspection. Because they had bought attention to what was happening to the families that lived there in the cathedral other joined in with the mission to assist with the repairs of the building. You could even call the firemen angels, since they came in the late hours of the night and furnished the resident with all they needed to pass inspection the next morning. Ecclesiology says angels are not always who nor what we are looking for. This could mean angels could visit us in any form or

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