Premium Essay



Submitted By katherine98
Words 3540
Pages 15
Muscular System
The muscular system is made up muscles, joints, tendons, bones, ligaments and connective tissue that help to support the body’s internal organs. They work together to perform a variety of functions. These include; stability, posture, motion, heat, circulation and digestion within the body. Essentially the muscular system provides power for movement of all body parts. It is the muscles within our body which provide us with movement via contractions and without this vital system life would completely stop.
Stability and posture
Our skeletal muscles attach to our bones through tendons where bones act as levers. This causes our muscles to contract, relax, effectively it controls the bone. Muscles also provide strength for stability and posture by allowing the bones to align properly. If muscles are too tight or loose then this causes the bones to become misaligned which creates poor posture. Skeletal muscles can be stretched or strengthened to support the bone correctly, allowing maximal stability. Finally, skeletal muscles are also important for providing the body with balance and coordination which is also important because they aid fluid body movement for physical skill performance which is key when taking part in sport. Good balance and coordination also improves posture and prevents injury because you will have good postural responses to a stimulus e.g putting your hands in front of your face to protect yourself. Motion
Also known as locomotion occurs in conjunction with the central nervous system which tells muscle fibres when to contract, relax or when to provide movement. Muscular strength is essential to provide the body with the capability to the lever the bones necessary for motion. Motion in generally voluntary, initiated by the brain which tells the muscles what to do. Motion can include

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