Brooklyn College
Electronic Commerce (3 Credits)
Course Aims/Description:
How the Internet can be used to conduct business. Topics covered include: Internet hardware and software, tools and technologies for creating a Web site, characteristics of successful Web sites, new technologies, the future of the Internet, Web communication strategies, security issues, legal and ethical issues, Internet information services, data mining, global E-commerce. Case studies of successful E-commerce businesses will be examined.
Required Materials:
Text: Electronic Commerce Gary Schneider ISBN: 9780538469241 Course Technologies 9th Edition (Not the most recent edition.)
(You can also use the most recent 10th edition – it overlaps 95%.)
Grading Policy (Might vary):
On Line Exams: 40% Assignments: 24% Final: 36%
Table of topics and dates
(Note that we will attempt to adhere to the dates in the following table but they are subject to change)
|Chapter |Topics |Availability of Slides and Chapter |Availability of chapter Exams |
|Readings | |Projects | |
| | |(Discussion Board) | |
|Chapter 1 |Introduction to Electronic Commerce |Jan 27 |Feb 3-4 |
|Chapter 2 |Technology Infrastructure: The Internet and the World Wide|Feb 3 |Feb 10-11 |
| |Web |