...Mad Girl’s Love Song Mad Girl’s Love Song is written in 1951, by Sylvia Plath. Sylvia Plath was an American poet, novelist and short story writer. She was born on October 27, 1932 in Boston, Massachusetts and she died on February 11, 1963 in London, England. Mad Girl’s Love Song is a poem, Sylvia Plath wrote while she was a student at Smith College. The poem has a theme of suicide as an escape. There are many places where the theme of suicide appears in the poem. The poem is about a girl who spent her whole life waiting for a man she gave herself to, against her beliefs, who was never to return. There is one phrase in the poem that which has a big importance. I think I made you up inside my head This phrase is repeated a few times and that makes us thinks that the girl is wishing that this man is made up, and she is trying to convince herself of it. The phrase is kind of a quote which signifies that these are thoughts to her, and not out loud, which can means that she is trying to convince herself it is true. Sylvia wished that she would overcome her depression and grow out of the despair she was living in. I fancied you’d return the way you said, but I grow old and I forget your name But in fact, her wishes and search for her happiness had driven her insane. She had been lost for so long that she didn't remember what it was like to truly be happy so therefore she would never be able to identify it if she were to regain control of her life. I think I made you...
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...My interpretation of "Daddy" by Sylvia Plath Marlene Williams Eng/125 December 15, 2012 Michele Watson My interpretation of "Daddy" by Sylvia Plath “Daddy” by Sylvia Plath is a dark and solemn journey through the thoughts of a young girl scorned. This young girl becomes the woman who continues to carry the burden of her childhood in her adult life. The setting and feeling of the poem is dismal and full of rage, a rage Sylvia Plath claims to put behind her in the last line “ / Daddy, daddy, you bastard, I’m through. / “(Plath, 1963) but in reality she was never capable of escaping the pain. The poem “Daddy” if the wording is taken literally as opposed to figuratively and or symbolically, the leads the reader to believe that Sylvia Plath was raised in a military family by an oppressive father who brought his work home with him. The poem entails so much more than what is on the surface, there is a darkness buried deep within the words left for the reader to unearth by searching beyond the words and into the soul of the poet. “Daddy” is engorged with metaphoric references to a dark and oppressive past where Plath equates her father’s hand to that of a Nazi. The reader can be eluded to believe in the third stanza that Plath is describing the uniform of a soldier. ” / And a head in the freakish Atlantic. / Where it pours bean green over blue. / “(Plath, 1963). In reality Sylvia Plath’s father was not in the military, Otto Plath was actually “a professor of biology...
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...Mirror Rosalind Sledge ENG 125: Introduction to Literature Instructor Michelle Pinkard November 5, 2012 Mirror by Sylvia Plath is a poem that focuses on the purpose and existence of a mirror. The mirror is showed to be the speaker of the poem by in the beginning, describing itself and explaining its character as though it is human. One is able to feel emotion by understanding the important qualities it possesses. The mirror also metaphors itself as a lake and tells the important relationship it has with a woman. Women are drawn to mirrors searching for beauty but are often disappointed and turn their backs looking elsewhere. The mirror represents truth and is not intended to hurt or be cruel. This poem is very engaging by way of point of view, language, and imagery which helped to address a common human experience in how a woman sees herself. The point of view in a piece of literature work is very important in that it helps a reader to understand the narrator’s purpose of the story. The poem Mirror is told from a first person’s point of view in which the speaker is a mirror explaining what it reflects. In the first stanza, it states, “I have no preconceptions / Whatever I see, I swallow immediately / Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike” (cited in Clugston, 2010, Poems for Reflection, para. 13). By knowing the thoughts of the narrator, it allows a person to not only understand but to also feel the emotions portrayed within the story. While reading the poem, one...
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...strings behind such truths are often twisted, knotted and complex due to conflicting perspectives. A relationship between two successful people that finds its way into the public eye will always reveal conflicting perspectives. Think about TomKat or Branjelina, the media jumped on speculations and rumours about their relationships immediately. The same thing can be said about Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath. Hughes remained silent about their relationship until he published Birthday Letters (hereafter BL) in 1998, thirty five years after Plath’s death. BL is a suite of poetry which commemorates Plath, their life together and gives Hughes’ perspective. This can be contrasted with the views of Erica Wagner’s Ariel’s Gift (AG) and Sylvia Plath: The Poetics of Beekeeping by Frederike Haberkamp. AG attempts to make all sides of the story clear, allowing readers to make their own perspective of Hughes’ and Plath’s relationship. Wagner approaches the topic with an objective view to establish ideas and reveal the complex nature of their relationship by exposing the conflicting perspectives. Sylvia Plath: The Poetics of Beekeeping is a critical analysis of Plath’s life and literary works in reference to her relationship with her father and Ted Hughes. This analysis focuses on Plath’s poetry and her silence. By electing the form of an analysis and biography both Haberkamp and Wagner provide reliability and validity for their opinions, persuading readers to believe that their perspective is the...
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...that lie beneath; in both literature and the ocean, if one remembers to dive down a whole new world may be revealed. When reading through a book or play, many people do not delve beyond the surface, focusing only on prominent characteristics and dominant traits throughout the book. However, it is possible to find the deception behind each personality within a book if one analyzes the character's beyond their superficial facade. Since the beginning of time, humans have always stumbled on a boarder between appearance and reality, using deception to mask weaknesses and obscure the harsh eye of society. By examining A Street Car Named Desire by Tennessee Williams, Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing, and The Unabridged Journals Of Sylvia Plath by Sylvia Plath the deception humans use in order to appear stronger in society are revealed. In the play, A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams, there is a dominant theme of deception portrayed by the three main characters in the play. Stella Kowalski, Stanley Kowalski, and Blanche DuBois all have simple personalities that are extremely skewed by the end of the book. Stella states "I'm not in anything I want to get out of," (Williams, 74). This gives Blanche a huge reality check, because someone she adores has accepted such an average life, and has given up in her pursue for perfection, even if most of it is imaginary. This deception also plays a huge role in Much Ado About Nothing by Shakespeare, through a continuos series of twists...
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...Ted Hughes • Hughes’ destruction of Plath’s diaries ( influenced by Plath’s own morbid curiosity for her dead parent. Fulbright Scholars • 1st poem in Birthday Letters. • Personal, a ‘letter’ to plath. Personal pronoun unlike Hughes other poems – hughe’s rarely used 1st person. • Personal pronouns: “you,” “I,” “your,” “my” • Harsh “i” alliteration, “it,” – trying to pinpoint exact memories. • Questions: Could be a critisism of the public obsession with his life ie. He is asking US, or could be questioning his own hazy memory. • Conjectures – ability to tell the truth is limited by our own knowledge. • Alliteration “m” sounds: mumbling,confused, remembering. • Peach || biblical apple. ( symbolic of loss of innocence. • 1 stanza – stream of consciousness • The haziness of the memory gives the impression that hughes is being truthful, although gives the impression of incomplete or disjointed truths. Also allows hughes to utilise creative license. • Juxtaposition of initial haziness with final, clear, peach image. Precise image, if hughe’s can remember the peach he is being truthful about not recalling the photograph. • Appearance vs reality, as when hughe’s described plath’s appearance – “your veronica lake bang – not what it hid.” The picture presents one image but hughes “knows” the “truth.” • Photograph – photographs only show their subjects from the outside: appearance vs. Reality...
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...Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath, spent their honeymoon in Paris . About twenty years later Hughes explored they both explored their respective feelings for the city. Hughes’ poem “Your Paris”, from his anthology of poems entitled “Birthday Letters”, is his representation of their time in Paris, as it shows his perspective on the city and on each other. Plath’s journal entries from March 6 and 26, 1956 show her perspective and purpose of her first visit to Paris, which was without Hughes to resume a relationship with an ex-lover (Richard Sassoon). Both texts show each composer’s outlook on their visit to Paris and the experiences that have shaped their perspective on Paris. The purpose of Ted Hughes’ “Birthday Letters” was to “open a direct, private, inner contact” with Sylvia Plath and to “evoke her presence” to himself. The series of 88 poems, in which all but two are addressed to Plath, were written around 30 years after Plath committed suicide. The poems show Hughes’ raw emotion, passion and personal opinion on their relationship, showing why he has chosen the form of poetry to show us his thoughts. However, Plath’s journal entries show her reflecting on what happened on her first trip to Paris and how this has influenced her attitude on their honeymoon. Her journal entries are also very personal and she used them as a therapeutic method of coping with the difficulties she faced in life. The title of Hughes’ poem “Your Paris” refers to Plath and her perspective...
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...“Lady Lazarus” by Sylvia Plath Sylvia Plath was an American poet, novelist, and short-story writer. Born on October 27, 1932, in Boston, Massachusetts, she studied at Smith College and Newnham College at the University of Cambridge, before receiving praise as a poet and writer. Sylvia was clinically depressed for most of her life, and committed suicide in 1963. In 1982, she won a posthumous Pulitzer Prize for The Collected Poems. Plath is a well-known feminist writer. Sylvia has always felt that she is inferior to men and was victimized greatly by her father. Sylvia’s own experiences with the men in her life comes out in a lot of her writing, and this style of writing is common for her. Her writing seems to be her response to the oppression she felt from men. Sylvia could face her father, and never found closure with the abuse she felt so she used her styling techniques and strong metaphors to feel some sort of relief. Sylvia was also tortured by her husband, and she was victimized by him just like she was by her father. She felt that she was inferior to him, and this showed in her early works, like in “A life “. However, in later works, she overcomes the victimization she felt and uses her experiences as an advantage in her writing. She even metaphorically kills her father in “Daddy.” “Daddy” was written on October 12, 1962. The poem is viewed as to be about Sylvia’s deceased father, Otto Plath. They had a very complicated relationship, and Plath felt victimized by...
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...Alita Fonseca Balbi “The Less Deceived”: Subjectivity, Gender, Sex and Love in Sylvia Plath's and Philip Larkin's Poetry Belo Horizonte Faculdade de Letras Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais 2012 i “The Less Deceived”: Subjectivity, Gender, Sex and Love in Sylvia Plath's and Philip Larkin's Poetry by Alita Fonseca Balbi Submitted to the Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras: Estudos Literários in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Mestre em Literaturas de Expressão Inglesa. Thesis Advisor: Sandra Regina Goulart Almeida, PhD Belo Horizonte Faculdade de Letras Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais 2012 ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS To my father, Tadeu, for always reminding me of the importance of having dreams and being true to them; for motivating me to be creative and to believe in my potential; and for teaching me to seek beauty and happiness in everything I see and do. To my mother, Socorro, for always making sure I enjoy all the possibilities that cross my path, and for reminding me that hard work is the only means to achieve my goals. To my brothers, Bruno and Diego, for being my best friends. To my sister-in-law, Sabrina, for embracing me as family and making me feel at home even when I’m not. To Paulo, for his company, for his love and care, and for all his witty remarks. To the professors of Letras, Julio Jeha, José dos Santos, Eliana Lourenço and Gláucia Renates, for being extraordinary professors, and for all the knowledge each...
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...A Reflection in Sylvia Plath’s Mirror Amanda L. Wilson Eng:125 Introduction to Literature Professor Lyndsey Lefebvre November 18, 2013 A Reflection in Sylvia Plath’s Mirror Sylvia Plath’s poem Mirror (1963) is evocative, provocative, and expressive. According to Clugston (2010) these are important components of poetry. Sylvia Plath’s first line is a projection of the mirror providing its introduction saying, “I am silver and exact”(Plath, 1963, line 1). The mirror is the protagonist who performs a dramatic monologue about the reflections it observes throughout the days and years of its life. The mirror’s identity awakens the reader to the identity of the woman which it sees, but the mirror not only sees the woman, it becomes her. William Freedman (1993) writes, in The Monster in Plath’s “Mirror”: The woman becomes a narrating reflector of herself as mirror and of whatever passes before it. She becomes the writer who writes of the mirror in which she perceives herself and of the mirror she is (pg 156). Plath develops the character of the mirror, and the woman this mirror observes, through the personification of the mirror. Plath’s Mirror, maneuvers through figurative language, free verse form, personification, and metaphor. The primary language of Mirror is figurative. Figurative language is defined by Clugston (2010) as “the use of words in ways they are not normally used in order to create a distinct imaginative effect or impression” (10.3). “I am silver...
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...Augustina Asiafor Hayley Esther Hedgpeth English 1102 4 February 2014 A Paradoxical Relationship Sylvia Plath’s poem “Daddy” emphasizes the ill-fated relationship between a woman and her deceased father. The speaker conveys her paradoxical feelings for the one man who she worshipped during her young years, but feared his malicious influence and domination after his death. Throughout the poem, Plath use of tone changes with the progression of German inferences in order to escape the oppression of her father while attempting to preserve the idealistic mirror of him. The poem begins with a childlike tone, misleading the reader on the upcoming subject matter. The first line echoes a nursery rhyme, feeling like a charm against some brooding curse: “You do not do, you do not do/ anymore black shoe” (lines 1-2). Metaphorically, the shoe is a trap, smothering the foot. The adjective “black” suggests the idea of death, thus it can relate to a coffin. The speaker feels a submissiveness and entrapment by her father. In an attempt to rid herself of the restriction in her own life, she must destroy the memory of her father. “Daddy, I have to kill you” (3). However, the description of the father as “marble-heavy” (8) and “ghastly statue” ( 9) reveals the ambivalence of her attitude. The speaker reacts with hate to her father who had made her suffer by dying when she was young, but she is still affectionate towards him. The tone becomes more realistic and is composed of less...
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...Literary Commentary Essay: The Rival The quote, “Too much of anything could destroy you, Simon thought. Too much darkness could kill, but too much light could blind” by Cassandra Clare is significant in understanding the concept revolving around this poem. The speaker seems to have trusted her husband too much that when he cheated on her, it came as a sudden shock. Sylvia Plath’s “The Rival” was designed to portray the poem’s aim, to explain that one shouldn’t trust too much since it can end up shattering one’s life. Too much of anything will only harm us. The most prominent way in which this aim was seen through is narration/structure, literal/figurative meaning and one point of allusion. Narration and structure were both effective in recognizing the poem’s aim. Utilizing the poem’s audience as the poet’s husband’s mistress, as well as using a semicolon stresses the poem’s aim. In stanza 3, the poet discusses the rival’ actions. She claims that the rival’s thoughts are sent with love, yet are also considered poisonous. “White and blank expansive as carbon monoxide” The poet demonstrates that the poem’s audience is the poet’s husband’s mistress through of the use of a simile. White is a carries a connotation of cold and lifeless, while, blank is a motif of death and also without life. Thus, the speaker compares the poem’s audience, her husband’s mistress, to carbon monoxide. Not only comparing her, but comparing the effect of carbon monoxide to the effect of her rival. It is...
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...In Sylvia Plath’s poem, “Daddy”, Plath explores resentment, fear, and abuse in a father and daughter relationship. Throughout the poem, it is discovered that the narrator is describing a corrupt relationship with her father; comparing him to disturbing things such as a nazi, devil, Hitler, and eventually her husband. It is evident that the speaker is struggling to get over his memory and the destruction he brought in her life. The strong emotion of anger and fear of her father is presented in an unsettling way. By the end of the poem, readers can start to see the victims desire for real freedom from her father's wicked ways. Sylvia Plath uses literary devices such as metaphors and imagery to highlight the significance of the disturbing behavior and relationship the father had with the speaker. The use of imagery within the poem gives a base that allows readers to imagine the appalling events in the speakers life. The speaker uses imagery to describe her father as a “ghastly statue with one gray toe” (Plath, 1962). Plath uses the word “ghastly” to emphasize the horror and fear he brought into her life. She describes the statue stretching from the atlantic to the pacific ocean. This gives readers a...
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...1694 words Andrea Dworkin stated that “the feminine ideal by definition turns a woman into a function, deprives her of any individuality that is self-serving or self-created”. With reference to The Bell Jar, consider the view that Sylvia Plath would agree with all parts of this statement? The Bell Jar could be regarded as an archetypal feminist work in which women are presented as repressed and prevented from any possibility of becoming wholly autonomous beings, free from relationships with men, unable to define their own existence. Esther conforms to this depiction and is perpetually oppressed by misogynistic ideology. However, we must consider that she is not entirely deprived of an expressive disposition, and so it could be argued that, although she may not be entirely “self-serving” or “self-created”, she does possess an individualistic nature made evident through her literary self-expression. A sense of individuality becomes clear when noting that Esther, despite being a female of modest background, has obtained a prestigious scholarship to New York- a city of growth and freedom. She has ended up “Steering New York like her own private car” and here the use of the word “own” suggests that her ambition is self-controlled and so she possesses an individualistic temperament conflicting with Dworkin’s belief. Moreover, Esther has the opportunity to write for a magazine, suggesting that she is more creatively liberalised than many males during this era. Esther’s self-critical...
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...the deadly scenes of brutal extermination of Jewish civilians. Sylvia Plath’s poem Daddy is a sorrowful piece of writing, which demonstrates her pain, her lament, and her cry for help through pictures of the Nazi regime and genocide. In reality, however, mantled under the disguise of Hitler and fascism are her father and her husband. Through multiple metaphors, Sylvia Plath depicts these two as her oppressors, who have been gradually ruining her life tenderly in turn. Thus, in her great poem Daddy, Silvia Plath shows her grief caused by oppression from her father, her husband, and the contemporary cultural environment. As the title of the poem goes – Daddy – this literary work is mainly about her father, who had obviously left her when Plath was still young. After he had left her, he had freed her from the symbolical “black shoe, in which [she had] lived like a foot for thirty years.” In addition, she associates her father with Hitler, saying that she had always been scared of him, and depicting his mustache and Aryan eyes. She had also referred to her father as a brute, which also proves that she had been oppressed by him. However, despite that oppression that she had been experiencing, she still missed him. The author writes, “I used to pray to recover you” and “at twenty I tried to die and get back […] to you.” Although the title of the poem suggests that she had devoted the poem to her father, Sylvia Plath also addresses her husband in the poem. She describes him as...
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