Before you download and Install: For all Symbian user, you may know that to install most cracked applications, you must hack your phone or sign the applications before you install so I'll not write down the signing process in the installation guide. Most of the applications here was tested on my Nokia 5233 and warranty to run on Nokia 5233, as I read through internet when I search for them, others also confirm they work with 5230, 5530, 5800 and N97 (but there are also some feedbacks that they don't, hope you are lucky :D) and other Symbian S60v3 I only group them in 3 group, first is the software to hack your phone or sign your applications (must have), second is dictionaries (because I use a lot of dictionaries), and all the others software. In some file when you unzip you will see a file name DeleteMe, that file serve no purpose. I add that file only because I'm using Linux and the zip archiver doesnot let me zip a .sis or .sisx file alone my choice is to create a folder and zip a folder or chose at least two file. So I create an additional file only to do that.
Hack and sign:
HelloOX: Free Sign: Stevedore:(this application help you get your Certification and Key file directly from your phone. The Certification file contain 17 developer certification like the one from ODPA) Nokia file Browser 4.5.2: (this applications is merely a file browser, it serve no purpose of hacking or signing the applications, however it help all user who don't want or don't know how to hack your phone still can have control over system folder that they can't control with all other file browser so I place it here. By control I mean full control like access, copy, move, cut, delete files and folders from the system folders) Dictionaries
MSDict viewer 5: After install download and copy the dictionaries you want from below to \SYSTEM\APPS\MsDict\Dicts in your memory card. Dictionaries Data: (there are a few dictionaries here was accidently extracted from MSDict 7 installation file and it won't work with MSDict 5 viewer, to use them, use MSDict 7 below)
MSDict 7:(install the MSDict Viewer from the link below, it's a crack version then install the dictionary you want. In case the application persist to ask you serial for the dictionaries when you first open it, chose a dictionary you can get the serial from the keygen I provide -don't concern about the version- my recommend is chose Cambridge Advanced Learner Dictionary -CALD- and keygen 5. After enter the serial, close the application, reinstall the Viewer and you will get full version for all dictionaries ) Viewer: Keygen: Dictionaries:
Slovoed Dictionaries: You can get the key to active all dictionaries from file, but these key for slovoed dictionaries only work with version 3 not version 4. So to use the dictionaries first install version 3 engine, then all the dictionaries you want, register all the dictionaries, then install the version 4 engine, and the morphology module if you like. Note: when you try to register your dictionaries there will be 5 first alphanumeric character is write there already. While almost every dictionaries have this 5 character exactly like in the keys list file and you only need to complete the key, there is a few dictionaries don't. If this 5 first character is not like the one in the key list, remove them and write the key in the key list, when you click enter, there will be a message tell you that the dictionary is register successful, but the dictionary itself still appear in the unregistered list. Don't worry just ignore it and continue to the next. After all dictionaries are registered, hit cancel button, restart the application you won't see the message about unregistered dictionaries anymore. The reason why you should install version 4 engine after successful register all dictionaries are: 1. You don't need to register the dictionaries; 2. Only version 4 support morphology module; 3. For all Symbian S60v5 user, only version 4 is fully support your touch screen. Each time you want to install a new dictionaries, reinstall version 3 engine and redo the above steps. Version 3 Engine: Version 4 engine: Paragon Dictionaries Keys list file: Morphology module: Japanese Font: This font only support Slovoed dictionary to display Japanese, not the system or other software. If you want the font for other software you will need to find another way to install Japanese font Dictionaries:
Meriam Webster: The registration keys for Meriam Webster dictionaries are in above Engine: Dictionaries: