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Symbolism In NCIS

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In this episode of NCIS, called “Missing”, there were many symbols that emerged throughout the show. These symbols were used to help the audience predict what was to come in the rest of the television show. One of the main key points to notice were, what characters were introduced first in the show? Also, what items was symbolic in predicting who the murderer would be? All of these signs come together to create the mystery throughout the show. One of the first things to stand out to me, was the first characters introduced in the show. Being that Sergeant Atlas, the bartender named Vanessa, and the reporter Atlas was talking to was the first three characters introduced, I knew they would have an important role in the rest of the show. The first conversation of the show was between Sergeant Atlas and the reporter at HammerSmith’s Saloon. During the conversation, Atlas implied that some of his fellow marine friends had went missing and he thinks he might be next. While they were talking, the bartender Vanessa gave Atlas a drink. When Atlas asked who is was from, the said it was from an admirer. The admirer was never named or presented in the scene, which make Vanessa seem suspicious. After Atlas finished the drink he went outside to smoke where there …show more content…
So while they were captured in the brick room, DiNozzo was able to break him and Atlas out. This led them to running around in the bottom of a sewer, lost, and trying to find their way out. While they are trying to escape, Sacko had followed the bartender, Vanessa to the sewer sight. He went in and tried to find the missing marine, Atlas. Agent Gibbs is notified that they found Sackos’ car at the sewer place. Then agent Gibbs and Todd show up to find Atlas and DiNozzo. They end up finding Vanessa pointing a gun at Atlas and DiNozzo, after she had already shot Sacko. Atlas then figures out that the bartender is Vanessa and she is the one who killed all the other

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