...Report on Book Chapter Series in Chapter 3 Transaction Processing EAST WEST UNIVERSITY Course Title: Accounting Information System Course Code: ACT 430 Sec: 01 Submitted to Nikhil Chandra Shil Department of Business Administration East West University Submitted by Name | ID | Md. Saiful Islam | 2011-1-10-293 | Md. Sariful Islam | 2011-1-10-286 | Saad Abduallah | 2011-1-10-362 | Sakil Ahamed Dip MD.Khanzarul Islam | 2011-3-10-149 2011-1-10-428 | Date of Submission: 25th November, 2014 November 25, 2014 Nikhil Chandra Shil Bachelor of Business Administration East West University Subject: Submission of report on Accounting Information System in chapter 3. Dear Sir, We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the guidance and support you have provided us during this course of this report. Without your help, this report would have been impossible to complete. To prepare the report we collected what we believe to be most relevant information to make our report as analytical and reliable as possible. We have concentrated our best effort to achieve the objectives of the report and hope that our endeavor will serve the purpose. The practical knowledge and experience gathered during report preparation will immeasurably help in our future professional life. We request you to excuse us for any mistake that may occur in the report despite...
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...3.2 Happy Valley Utility Company a. Draw a system flowchart of the billing operations, commencing with the computer preparation of the meter reading forms and ending with the mailing of customer bills. 3.2 b. Draw a system flowchart depicting customer payments processing, starting with the mail room operations and ending with the two printed reports. 3.4 Prepare a document flowchart to reflect how ANGIC Insurance Company processes its casualty claims. 3.6 a. Prepare a context diagram and level 0 DFD to document the payroll processing system at No-Wear Products. Context Diagram for the payroll processing system at No-Wear Products 3.6 a. (continued.) Level 0 Data Flow Diagram for the payroll processing system at No-Wear Products. 3.6 b. Prepare a document flowchart to document the payroll processing system at No-Wear Products. 3.7 a. Prepare a context diagram and a level 0 DFD to document accounts payable processing at S&S. 3.7 a. (continued.) Level 0 Data Flow Diagram of S&S Accounts Payable * 3.7 b. Prepare a document flowchart to document accounts payable processing at S&S. 3.12 You recognize weaknesses in the existing system and believe a document flowchart would be beneficial in evaluating this client’s internal control in preparing for your examination of the financial statements.</para> a. Complete the flowchart given in <link linkend="ch03fig12" preference="1">Figure...
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...------------------------------------------------- Documentation Techniques Five documentation techniques include data flow diagrams, entity relationship diagrams, system flowcharts, program flowcharts, and record layout diagrams. Data Flow Diagrams and Entity Relationship Diagrams * Data flow diagrams – Data flow diagrams (DFD) use symbols to represent the entities, processes, data flows, and data stores that pertain to a system. * Entities – Entities in a DFD are objects that lie at the boundary of the system being modeled. They are the sources of and destinations for data and can be other interfacing systems or entities external to the organization. Entities are labeled as singular nouns on a DFD. Data stores represent the accounting files and records used in each process, and the labeled arrows represent data flows between processes, data stores, and entities. * Processes – Processes are labeled with a descriptive verb. Process objects should not be represented as nouns. The arrows connecting objects should be labeled to represent specific flows of data. Also, each data flow label should be unique. The same label should not be attached to two different flow lines in the same DFD. * Usage – Systems analysts use DFDs extensively to represent the logical elements of the system. It does not depict the physical system. * Entity relationship diagrams – An entity relationship diagram is used to represent the relationship between business entities. An entity is...
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...entities. In E-R Diagram, there are 3 main Components: E-R Diagram of a Hospital Management System Data Flow Diagram A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through an information system, modeling its process aspects. DFD is often used as a preliminary step to create an overview of the system, which can later be elaborated. The purpose of data flow diagrams is to provide a semantic bridge between users and systems developers. The diagrams are: * graphical, eliminating thousands of words; * logical representations, modeling WHAT a system does, rather than physical models showing HOW it does it; * hierarchical, showing systems at any level of detail; and * jargonless, allowing user understanding and reviewing. The goal of data flow diagramming is to have a commonly understood model of a system. The diagrams are the basis of structured systems analysis. Data flow diagrams have the objective of avoiding the cost of: * user/developer misunderstanding of a system, resulting in a need to redo systems or in not using the system. * having to start documentation from scratch when the physical system changes since the logical system, WHAT gets done, often remains the same when technology changes. * systems inefficiencies because a system gets "computerized" before it gets "systematized". * being unable to evaluate system project boundaries or degree of automation, resulting in a resulting in a project of inappropriate...
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...E-Delivery Application Contents Contents 2 Figures 2 Aknowledgement 3 1.0 Introduction 4 1.1 Purpose 4 1.2 Scope 4 1.3 Project Timeline 5 2.0 Flowchart 6 2.1 Server Side Flowchart 6 2.2 User Side Flow Chart 9 3.0 User-friendly Interface 12 3.1 Default Mode 12 Figures Figure 1.1 – Project Timeline 5 Figure 2.1 – Server Flow chart 8 Figure 3.2 – User Flowchart 11 Figure 4.1 – GUI 12 Aknowledgement The report was done by our group Khoo Zhong Xian and Ow Jun Han. We split task to do the job and allocate our time accordingly to ensure that we hand in on time. The Content inside is all self-written and if any abstract text will be mention on which website link to prevent copy write issue. 1.0 Introduction We were given a task to come out with presentation for our project on E-delivery application at the end of week 15.So my team planned on developing a application E-Delivery. Being widely used, SMS is a viable way to provide service at little or no charges. Users could send a short message to the service provider for the service. This makes SMS application quite attractive to those who have a mobile phone and as we know the numbers of mobile phones subscribers in Singapore are approximately 7.02 million with an average of 1.4 handsets per person. Information such as pricings, timings and procedures can be very valuable and important. Information such as these can provide trust and loyalty if it is easily access and reliable. ...
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...represented by squares; Processes (input-processing-output) are represented by rectangles with rounded corners; Data Flows (physical or electronic data) are referred to by arrows; and finally, Data Stores (physical or electronic like XML files) are presented by open-ended rectangles. Data flow diagrams present the logical flow of information through a system in graphical or pictorial form. Data flow diagrams have only four symbols, which makes it useful for communication between analysts and users. Data flow diagrams (DFDs) show the data used and provided by processes within a system. DFDs make use of four basic symbols. Create structured analysis, information flow, process-oriented, data-oriented, and data process diagrams as well as data flowcharts. External Entity An external entity is a source or destination of a data flow which is outside the area of study. Only those entities which originate or receive data are represented on a business process diagram. The symbol used is an oval containing a meaningful and unique identifier. Process A process shows a transformation or manipulation of data flows within the system. The symbol used is a rectangular box which contains 3 descriptive elements: Firstly an...
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...Design a Flowchart for a Process • Select a process that you do every day but would like to spend less time doing, such as driving to work. I have selected the process of laundering as illustration of flow chart. • Design a flowchart using an appropriate tool. The instructor is more concerned with your ability to explain how process design works and why it’s valuable than with fancy graphics I have used the features of Microsoft Word to design the flowchart. Flowcharts are valuable than fancy graphics as it represents the systematic flow of logic to all the involved members in effective manner. It can also be referred again and again to understand the system as documentation allows keeping the blueprint of design for analysis in the development of system. • Comment on the factors that affect the process design. The factors that affect the process of design in laundering are right temperature, quality of cloths and adequate water in the tub. It acts as decisive factor is execution of steps. Following are the steps involved in laundering the cloths: (1) Sort the cloths for white, bright and dark colors. (2) Check the pockets of sorted cloths and empty it. (3) Read the product label to follow the instructions. (4) Measure the right amount of detergent. (5) Pour the detergent into washer. (6) If liquid fabric softener is required, add it else go to step 7. (7) Choose the water temperature as per instruction of washing machine...
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...States and the largest neonatal intensive care unit in the Southeast, and APH ranks fifth out of 5,000 hospitals nationwide in patient satisfaction. “Part of the reason for APH’s success,” says Executive Director Kathy Swanson, “ is the our continuous improvement process. Our goal is 100% patient satisfaction. But getting there means constantly examing and reexaming everything we do, from patient flow, to cleanliness, to layout spaces, to colors on the walls, to speed of medication delivery from pharmacy to patient. Continuous improvements is a huge and never ending task.”. One of the tools the process flow chart. Staffer Diane Bowles, who carries the “Clinical Practice Improvement Consultant” charts scores of processes. Bowles’s flowcharts help study ways to improve the turnaround of a vacated room (especially important in a hospital that has operated at 130% of capacity for years), speed up the admission process, and deliver warm meals warm. Lately, APH has been examining the flow of maternity patients (and their paperwork) from the moment they enter the hospital until they are discharged, hopefully with their healthy baby a day or two later. The flow of maternity patients follows these steps: 1. Enter APH’s Labor and Delivery check-in desk entrance. 2. If the baby is born en route or if birth is imminent, the mother and baby are taken by elevator and registered and admitted directly at bedside. They are then taken to a Labor and Delivery Triage room on the 8th...
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... IT106-1401A-05: Introduction to Programming Logic Contents Phase 1 3 Deposit 3 Transfer 3 Phase 2 4 Problem Analysis Chart 4 Inquiry 4 Deposit 4 Transfer 4 Structure Chart 4 IPO 4 Inquiry 4 Deposit 4 Transfer 4 Coupling Diagram 4 Data Dictionary 4 Phase 3 5 Inquiry 5 Flowchart 5 Pseudocode 5 Deposit 5 Flowchart 5 Pseudocode 5 Transfer 5 Flowchart 5 Pseudocode 5 Phase 4 6 Flowchart 6 Pseudocode 6 Phase 5 7 Inquiry 7 Deposit 7 Transfer 7 Phase 1 Part 2: Determine current amount available in checking account (balanceChecking)-$50.00 Determine what the transfer amount will be (transferAmount)-$25.00 Retrieve the transaction number for confirmation (transactionNumber)-54643635345 Phase 2 Problem Analysis Chart Given Data | Required Results | Account number and PIN | Account Balance | Processing Required | Solution Alternatives | 1. Access banking systems to retrieve data 2. Provide to customer | 1. Have an automated system that emails balance info as opposed to displaying it. | Structure Chart Account information | VerifyInfo | Provide info | AccessInfo | Locate Retrieve PIN Display Info IPO Input | Processing | Module Reference | Output | Account numberWhich Account | Valid account numberAccount...
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...Tools Flowchart Flowcharts allow you to draw a picture of the way a process actually works so that you can understand the existing process and develop ideas about how to improve it. A high-level flowchart, showing six to 12 steps, gives a panoramic view of a process. These flowcharts show clearly the major blocks of activity, or the major system components, in a process. High-level flowcharts are especially useful in the early phases of a project. A detailed flowchart is a close-up view of the process, typically showing dozens of steps. These flowcharts make it easy to identify rework loops and complexity in a process. Detailed flowcharts are useful after teams have pinpointed issues or when they are making changes in the process. Using a flowchart has a variety of benefits: It helps to clarify complex processes. It identifies steps that do not add value to the internal or external customer, including: delays; needless storage and transportation; unnecessary work, duplication, and added expense; breakdowns in communication. It helps team members gain a shared understanding of the process and use this knowledge to collect data, identify problems, focus discussions, and identify resources. It serves as a basis for designing new processes. Flowchart Directions 1. Get the “right” people in the room—those who know the process best. 2. Agree on the use of the flowchart and the level of detail required. 3. Decide on the format of the flowchart—high-level...
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...Table of Flowchart Symbols (aka, Flowchart Shapes, Business Process Map Symbols) |Symbol |Symbol Name |Symbol Description | | |(alias) | | |Process / Operation Symbols | |[pic] |Process |Show a Process or action step. This is the most common symbol in both process flowcharts and | | | |business process maps. | |[pic] |Alternate Process |As the shape name suggests, this flowchart symbol is used when the process flow step is an | | | |alternate to the normal process step. Flow lines into an alternate process flow step are | | | |typically dashed. | |[pic] |Delay |The Delay flowchart symbol depicts any waiting period that is part of a process. Delay shapes | | | |are common in process...
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...RAPTOR: Introducing Programming to Non-Majors with Flowcharts Martin C. Carlisle, Terry A. Wilson, Jeffrey W. Humphries, Steven M. Hadfield United States Air Force Academy Department of Computer Science 2354 Fairchild Dr, Suite 6G149 USAFA, CO 80840-6234 {Martin.Carlisle,Jeffrey.Humphries,Steven.Hadfield}@usafa.af.mil ABSTRACT When students are learning to develop algorithms, they very often spend more time dealing with issues of syntax than solving the problem. Additionally, the textual nature of most programming environments works against the learning style of the majority of students. RAPTOR is a flowchart-based programming environment, designed specifically to help students visualize their algorithms and avoid syntactic baggage. RAPTOR programs are created visually and executed visually by tracing the execution through the flowchart. Required syntax is kept to a minimum. Students preferred using flowcharts to express their algorithms, and were more successful creating algorithms using RAPTOR than using a traditional language or writing flowcharts without RAPTOR. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.1.7 [Visual Programming] General Terms Languages, Algorithms. Keywords Flowcharts, Visual Programming, Programming Environments, Problem Solving. 1. INTRODUCTION Shackelford and LeBlanc[6] previously observed that the use of a particular programming language in an introduction to computing course tends to “annoy and distract attention from the core...
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...GISELLE ANN T. MAZON BSA 4-2 Flowcharts: A graphical tool that diagrammatically depicts the steps and structure of an algorithm or program Process / Operation Symbols Symbol | Name (alias) | Description | | Process | Show a Process or action step. This is the most common symbol in both process flowcharts and process maps. | | Predefined Process (Subroutine) | A Predefined Process symbol is a marker for another process step or series of process flow steps that are formally defined elsewhere. This shape commonly depicts sub-processes (or subroutines in programming flowcharts). If the sub-process is considered "known" but not actually defined in a process procedure, work instruction, or some other process flowchart or documentation, then it is best not to use this symbol since it implies a formally defined process. | | Alternate Process | As the shape name suggests, this flowchart symbol is used when the process flow step is an alternate to the normal process step. Flow lines into an alternate process flow step are typically dashed. | | Delay | The Delay flowchart symbol depicts any waiting period that is part of a process. Delay shapes are common in process mapping. | | Preparation | As the names states, any process step that is a Preparation process flow step, such as a set-up operation. | | Manual Operation | Manual Operations flowchart shapes show which process steps are not automated. In data processing flowcharts, this data flow shape indicates a looping...
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...laundry operation considering the direct correlation between time and cost. A wash floor process takes soiled textiles (inputs), launders said textiles, and provides clean textiles (outputs) to be finished and delivered to existing customers (Chase, Jacobs, & Aquilano, 2006, p. 154). Various factors can affect the process flow that directly influence processing times essential to direct processing costs and ensuring finished goods are available for delivery on time. The wash floor process is visualized with a flowchart providing visual systematic design and flow. The flowchart also serves as a working blueprint of the wash floor designs that can be manipulated for process improvement as required. This study discusses factors that influence production flow leveraging time and number of pounds processed as the key metrics in measuring process improvement. A process flowchart is provided as visual representation of a standard commercial wash floor design and system. Business Scenario Alsco Inc. is a global textile rental company headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah. Alsco was the first company to introduce textile services to the world in 1889 and has remained a privately held family-owned business for over 120 years (Alsco Inc). Alsco owns and manages more than 80 branch locations in the United States alone that produce and deliver textile rental services to over a quarter of a million businesses. Each branch houses an industrial laundry operation processing...
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...Contents Phase 1: Design Concepts 2 Project Description 2 Use Cases 3 Data Dictionary 4 High Level Design Components 5 Detailed Design: Checkout 7 Diagrams 7 Design Analysis 8 Detailed Design: Product Research 9 Diagrams 9 Design – Using Pseudocode 10 Product Profit 10 Phase 2: Sequential Logic Structures 11 Design 11 Product Profit 11 Phase 3: Problem Solving with Decisions 12 Safe Discount 12 Return Customer Bonus 13 Applying Discounts 14 Phase 4: Problem Solving with Loops 15 Total order 15 Problems to Solve 16 Calculate Profits 16 Rock, Paper, Scissors 18 Number Guessing Game 20 Phase 5: Using Abstractions in Design 22 Seeing Abstractions 22 Refactoring 22 Phase 1: Design Concepts Project Description Although we may be late to the game, we will nevertheless join the world of e-commerce to sell our fantastic product on the Internet. To do so, we need a Web site that will allow for commerce and sales. To be quick about it, we require the following: * Searchable inventory and shopping pages * A shopping cart * A place for customers to register when they make purchases * A checkout process to make the purchase Within this main process, there are a bunch of other needs that must be met, as follows: * We want to track the date of the last purchase a customer make so we can offer incentives and discounts based on the last time they shopped. * We will offer sales based on the number of different items that a person purchases. * We...
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