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Tactical Vest Research Paper

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A tactical vest is a popular apparel among many survivalists. Some people buy one because it looks trendy. However, other people are interested in the true value that this vest can provide. These vests are designed for specific occasions. Most of them are completely adjustable, and are fitted with a holster for a side arm. They can have up to six holders for rifle magazines, four pistol magazines, a pouch for shotgun shells, Velcro for extra compartments, and a pocket for holding a radio. Tactical vests can also be equipped with a belt looped through at the bottom of the vest that stores two pistol magazines. This is what the standard vest can hold. The main advantage to wearing this vest is that all of your gear is in front of you, on your torso. This provides you with an easy access to your radio, side arm, and all of the ammunition that you may need. The biggest benefit of a tactical vest is your side arm. The vest allows you an easy access to it. The side arm will be strapped into the holster firmly, and unlike a belt or drop-leg holster, your side arm sits on your torso; this keeps it out of the way. The vest also provides you with a quick access to …show more content…
WASING 800D Tactical Vest

This vest is made of waterproof 800 D high density nylon material, which has strong tensile wear resisting ability making it flexible and comfortable. The vest has an on the front design, which makes it easy to carry other small equipment. The vest has heavy duty nylon on the exterior and the interior has 2 pieces of removable jointing sheet for body protection. It is fitted with numerous front pockets and an oversized back pocket help keep your gear and other accessories in order. The vest is fully adjustable through the waist and shoulder for a custom fit. It also has numerous pouches, and elastic loops.

Color: Tan
Design: Adjustable
Material: Nylon
Weight: 3.4 pounds

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