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Tania And Oksan Article Analysis

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Gender stratification has been a hot topic as of late, and for good reason. The issues surrounding the wage gap include less pay for women, the lack of opportunity for employment and promotion for women, and the gendering of certain jobs that a demised more suitable for women or men. But, there are some steps being taken to counter this. While many parents, including Professor Stehle, are using forms of gender-neutral parenting, there are also efforts being made on larger scales.Engineering is generally considered a man’s job, but The Women and Minority in Engineering (WME) program at OSU is providing outreach to women and minorities in order to broaden recruitment and the interest in engineering. Women Engineering Their Future, Saturday …show more content…
After the collapse of Soviet Russia, many people were desperate for work. Women were lured into sex slavery with the promos of money or a job abroad, but were then taken to villages where they were abused and sold. The women need the money and jobs, so they are willing to trust the word of a stranger. According to the update on the women, they are all fairly alright, but some are doing better than others. They all have jobs and are working to help their families. Katia has many health conditions and Tania and Oksana are working hard for those they must take care of. The sex trafficker, “Olga”, was never arrested. Mary Cunneen says that Western countries can help by trying to assist these countries with the inequalities and injustices that exist there, and that all countries should look at how they can help decrease sex trafficking in their countries and how to help those who have been trafficked into their countries. Cunneen’s former organization, "Anti-Slavery Intervention”, tries to help those who are victims of sex trafficking to get basic human rights protection in European countries so that they can be protected by their government rather than seems as illegal immigrants. Additionally, Cunneen says that victims need a period to recover, called reflection period, where they would need proper housing, education, medical support, job training, etc. to help the recover from their

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