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Taxation and Organizational Performance


Submitted By muwanika
Words 259
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My Experience at the CPA Staff Meeting
By Pamela Kankunda.
March 3rd 2016
On the morning of Tuesday 1st March 2016, i attended a Communication and Public Affairs (CPA) staff meeting that was chaired by the Director Chris Obore at the committee room 402B Parliament of Uganda.
The meeting started with an opening prayer from Musimenta Isaac followed by a lovely breakfast.
Different members gave their presentations in the given minutes as they were timed by Mr. Phillip Kabogoza.
I was inspired more with the Deputy Clerk’s presentation to the meeting where he talked to us about balancing family and work.
“Enjoy your families and most importantly, your kids while they are still young because as they grow older, they wont have time for you.” Said Mr. Okello Obabaru. He explained further that family should be priotized first and should never be taken for granted.
He also talked about work ethics where he mentioned that we should work with one another irrespecive of our backgrounds and be able to fit in any work environment. This helps in building teamwork which makes work move faster with ease.
He further emphasized that the supervisor should always have a good working relationship with the surbordinates and make it easy for them to work with him effeciently and effectively.
Mr. Okello Obaru’s words were really inspiring and taught me alot such as importance of family, teamwork building in a working environment. I learnt how to fit in and work well with people whereever am placed and with whom ever am working with.

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