...BEC970/TEAC4980 Assessment and Evaluation: Alignment Assignment Course Description: This course is designed to help newly hired front-line banking representatives learn the basics of client interaction, including transactional processing, handling client inquiries and concerns, and leveraging trigger events as well as open-ended questions to identify advice opportunities. The learning is delivered in a blended online/in-classroom/in-branch environment with hands-on practice opportunities gained through virtual modules, role-playing with colleagues, and direct client interactions in branch. The course is comprised of seven learning modules/units delivered over a nine week period, with each module delivered over a 1-week period, providing a 2-week intensive hands-on practice opportunity near the end of the program. The flow of the course includes these main topics: 1. Discovery: Learning more about you and understanding your strengths 2. Orientation: The Tools and Resources you need to succeed and where to find them 3. Client Experience: An overview of what a perfect interaction looks like 4. Transaction Processing: Understanding the mechanics of day-to-day transactions 5. Product Knowledge: The nitty-gritty of the products we offer 6. Giving Advice: Discovering needs and providing client-centric advice 7. Client Experience: Juggling it all together ...
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...The flowers are produced in panicles 6–13 cm long containing a few to numerous flowers; flowering is from February to May in the Philippines, Borneo and the Malay peninsula. They are slightly fragrant and have yellow or orange-yellow petals. The fruit is a semi orbicular pod 2–3 cm diameter, surrounded by a flat 4–6 cm diameter membraneous wing (wing-like structure) which aids dispersal by the wind. It contains one or two seeds, and does not split open at maturity; it ripens within 4–6 years, and becomes purple when dry. The central part of the pod can be smooth (f.indica), bristly (f. echinatus (Pers.) Rojo) or intermediate The termites are a group of eusocial insects usually classified at the taxonomic rank of order Isoptera (but see also taxonomy below). Along with ants and some bees and wasps which are all placed in the separate order Hymenoptera, termites divide labor among gender lines, produce overlapping generations and take care of young collectively. Termites mostly feed on dead plant material, generally in the form of wood, leaf litter, soil, or animal dung, and about 10% of the estimated 4,000 species (about 2,600 taxonomically known) are economically significant as pests that can cause serious structural damage to buildings, crops or plantation forests. Termites are major detritivores, particularly in the subtropical. and tropical...
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...Q1: Describe the four types of scales? Ans1: A scale is a tool or mechanisms by which individuals are distinguished as to how they differ from one another on the variables of interest to our study. There are four basic types of scales: nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio. Nominal scale: A nominal scale is one that allows the researcher to assign subject to certain categories or groups. For example, with respect to the variable of gender respondents can be grouped into two categories male and female. These two groups can be assigned code number 1 and 2. These numbers serves as simple and convenient category labels with no intrinsic values, other then to assign respondents to one of two non overlapping, or mutually exclusive categories. In other words there is no third category into which respondents would normally fall. Thus, nominal scale categorizes individuals or objects into mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive groups. Ordinal scale: An ordinal scale not only categorizes the variable in such a way as to denote differences among the various categorize, it also rank orders the categorise in some meaningful way. With any variable for which the categorise are to be ordered, according to some preference, the ordinal scale would be used. For example respondents might be asked to indicate there preferences by ranking the importance they attach to five distinct characteristics in a job that the researcher might be interested in studying. Interval: An interval scale...
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...A risk taxonomy is a comprehensive, common and stable set of risk categories that is used within an organization. By providing a comprehensive set of risk categories, it encourages those involved in risk identification to consider all types of risks that could affect the organization's objectives. By providing a common set of risk categories, it facilitates the aggregation of risks from across the organization. By providing a stable set of risk categories, it facilitates comparative analysis of an organization's risks over time. This document includes considerations for departments and agencies with respect to developing and using a risk taxonomy. It outlines an approach to categorizing and aggregating risks that may be tailored to the specific needs of an organization. It should be noted that a risk taxonomy is not a mandatory component of an integrated risk management approach. However, using a risk taxonomy can help to strengthen and better integrate an organization's risk management approach, given the benefits outlined above. 1.1 Developing a Risk Taxonomy Developing a risk taxonomy requires establishing a set of risk categories. The categories should be sufficiently generic that they can be used to aggregate risks from various parts of the organization. Examples of potential risk categories are found in section 2. Departments and agencies may tailor this list to their needs. For example, an organization may want to tailor the categories to better reflect its mandate...
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...EXERCISE 15.1 The following is a list of objects found in one of the authors' kitchens: teapot, mug, soup bowl, plate, spoon, table knife, cook's knife, fork, saucepan, frying pan, kettle, casserole, fish slice, tin opener, baking tray, scales, mixing bowl, glasses, jugs, corkscrew, rolling pin, ladle, egg cup, chopping board. Produce a taxonomy using the TDH notation of these objects. Does it obey the TAKD uniqueness rule? Compare your answer with someone else's. (Note: the authors had great difficulty with items like the corkscrew, which did not fit easily into any generic category - perhaps you did better.) answer As the authors had already produced a partial taxonomy, we interviewed two domain experts (cooks). They were asked to describe how they would group and classify the kitchen items. They were explicitly told (and reminded) that they could have multiple classifications and put the same item into several categories. The authors then cast their answers into TDH notation. One of the subjects was a doctor and used to medical taxonomies of disease. Despite stressing the looseness of the classifications, he insisted on a complete taxonomic tree (Figure Ex15.1.1). kitchen object XOR |__ preparation XOR | |__ pre-preparation XOR | | |__ opening | | | tin opener, cork screw | | |__ measuring | | scales, (measuring) jug | |__ 'proper' preparation XOR | |__ active | | rolling pin,...
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...Bloom’s Taxonomy Wheel/Circle- Wall/Poster Display This version Copyright in2edu.com. 2003 ? Activites Instructions Cut and add to other parts from other pages to make up wall chart. You can enlarge to A3 and then add other sections around this. Keep at A4 and paste/laminate all sections together to make up the final wheel as ilustrated below. Put the parts together in whatever way you want!!!! ? Activites Based on Task Oriented Question Construction Wheel & Bloom's Taxonomy. ©2001 St. Edward's University Center for Teaching Excellence. www.stedwards.edu/cte/bwheel.htm Describe Restate Summarise/outline Confirm Match Defend Distinguish Grasp Recall Use Tell Paraphrase Compare Interpret Produce Meaning Learned Material.. Identity Transform Predict Relate Exploring Apply Make Illustrate Extend Infer Investigate List Dramatise Draw Express Generalise Define Listen Locate Change Complete Change Explain Report Model Select Label Recognise Comprehension Sketch Classify Observe Draw Describe Solve Construct Paint State Discover Name Choose Collect Application Knowledge Write Memorise Recite Show Prepare in2edu.com Use in a new concrete situation Analyse Classify Examine Seperate Break into parts~ see Critique Compare Solve Synthesis Point Out Distinguish relationships Organise Categorise Investigate Weigh Assess Judge my Contrast Subdivide Debate Criticise Rate Hypothesise information Combine What if Select Differentiate Argue Decide Explain Compare Invent new Judge...
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...Week 2 Assignment: Understanding Effective Money Management Assessment A, Part 1: Creating a Personal Financial Statement - Assets | 1 point | Car: Bluebook value $1250.00Cash: $378.00Savings Accounts: $826.00 | Assessment A, Part 2: Creating a Personal Financial Statement - Debts | 1 point | Rent: $750.00Electric/ Gas bill: $131.75Cable/ internet/ Phone bill: $80.42Credit Card: $31.00Cell phone bill: $72.37 | Assessment A, Part 3: Identify Money Management Tool | 1 point | Explain to Monica how the money management tools were identified. | Students should explain how they evaluated various cash management products and services. | Assessment A, Part 4: Creating a Personal Financial Statement – Steps | 1 point | Drag the steps listed on the right into their correct sequences on the left. When done click the Send button | Step 1: I got all my financial stuff together – bills, loans, bank statements, etc. | Step 2: I balance my checkbook. | Step 3: I decided what were my assets and what were my debts. | Step 4: I enter my assets in the program. | Step 5: I enter my debts in the program. | Step 6: The program gave me a Net worth figure at the end. | Assessment B: Creating a Monthly Cash Flow Statement ...
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...Diagnostic Algebra Assessment Definitions Categories Equality Symbol Misconception Graphing Misconception Definition Concept of a Variable Misconception Equality Symbol Misconception As algebra teachers, we all know how frustrating it can be to teach a particular concept and to have a percentage of our students not get it. We try different approaches and activities but to no avail. These students just do not seem to grasp the concept. Often, we blame the students for not trying hard enough. Worse yet, others blame us for not teaching students well enough. Students often learn the equality symbol misconception when they begin learning mathematics. Rather than understanding that the equal sign indicates equivalence between the expressions on the left side and the right side of an equation, students interpret the equal sign as meaning “do something” or the sign before the answer. This problem is exacerbated by many adults solving problems in the following way: 5 × 4 + 3 = ? 5 × 4 = 20 + 3 = 23 Students may also have difficulty understanding statements like 7 = 3 + 4 or 5 = 5, since these do not involve a problem on the left and an answer on the right. Falkner presented the following problem to 6th grade classes: 8 + 4 = [] + 5 All 145 students gave the answer of 12 or 17. It can be assumed that students got 12 since 8 + 4 = 12. The 17 may be from those who continued the problem: 12 + 5 = 17. Students with this misconception may also have difficulty with the idea that adding...
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...Team B Calorie Count Tool PRG/211 May 5, 2014 Team B Calorie Count Tool PROBLEM STATEMENT Team B was asked to develop a program which would calculate the user’s daily intake of calories and measure those calories against the overall calories expended. The core purpose of this program will do two primary functions. First, it will record the user intake of calories as acquired through meals throughout the day. Second, the user will record caloric output associated with physical activity. This information will be calculated together to determine the caloric surplus or deficit for the user. In order for the program to execute accurately, and provide customized results, the user will be required to input personal data to include gender, age, weight, and height. This additional information is essential to determine the user’s default caloric burn rate, otherwise known as the basal metabolic rate (BMR). The BMR and the calories burned as a result of physical activity will be calculated against the intake of calories to determine the overall success for the user. As the program is executed it must: * Record user name, age, height, weight to enable more accurate calculations * Record the users specific caloric values entered for each meal * Record the user activity and caloric burn values for that activity * Calculate the basal metabolic rate (BMR) for the individual * Subtotal the total caloric values for the day * Combine the physical activity and...
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...Problem Solving with Computing Homework - WEEK 2 [30 points] This is a review of some of the material from Chapter 2 and lectures from class. No credit for answers that are copies or near verbatim transcripts – please use your own words1 and document sources where appropriate. 1 This will apply to all assignments in this class. Answer the following questions: Chapter 2 1. Short Answers [1 point each, 2 points total] 1. What does a professional programmer usually do first to gain an understanding of a problem? The first thing that a professional programmer usually do first to gain an understanding of a program is to closely relate customer (Interview ) to inquire or gather information about the problem. 2. What two things must you normally specify in a variable declaration? The two things normally specified in a variable declaration are the variable type and identifier. 2. Algorithms / Pseudocode [1 point each, 5 points total] 1. Design an algorithm that prompts the user to enter his or her height and stores the user’s input in a variable named height. Declare height Display “Enter Your Height” Input Height Display “Height” 2. Write assignment statements that perform the following operations with the variables a and b. - Adds 2 to a and stores the result in b. - Subtracts 8 from b and stores the result in a Set b=2+a Set a=b-8 3. Write a pseudocode statement that declares the variable cost so it can hold real numbers. Floating Point-Variable...
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...11108944 Name: ASHWINI KUMAR Roll No. : RE3R02B32 PART- A 1. Ans :- (a) unary and ternary operator Unary operator:- It pecedes an operand . The operand (the value on which the operator operates ) of the unary operator must have arithmetic or pointer type and the result is the value of the argument. Example:- If a=5 then +a means 5 If a=0 then +a means 0. If a=-4 then +a means -4. Ternary operator:- It precedes an operand. The operand of the unary operator must have arithmetic type and the result is the negation of the operand’s value. Example:- If a=5 then –a means -5 If a=0 then –a means 0 If a=-4 then –a means 4. (b) Assignment and equalto operator Assignment operator:- Equal to operator: An assignment operator assigns value In this we put the To a variable. value as it is. Example – Example- a*=5 means a=5*5. Int a; a=5 means a is initialized with 5 if(a==5) { return true; } return false; (c) Expression and statement Expression:- An expression is any valid combination of operators , constants , and variables. Example:- ...
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...Selection statements Selection is used to select which statements are to be performed next based on a condition being true or false. Relational expressions In the solution of many problems, different actions must be taken depending on the value of the data. The if statement in C I used to implement such s decision structure in its simplest form – that of selecting a statement to be executed only if a condition is satisfied. Syntax: if(condtion) statement executed if condition is true When an executing program encounters the if statement, the condition is evaluated to determine its numerical value, which is then interpreted as either true or false. If the condition evaluates to any non-0 value (positive or negative), the condition is considered as a “true” condition and the statement following the if is executed; otherwise this statement is not executed. Relational Operators In C Relational operator | Meaning | Example | < | Less than | age < 30 | > | Greater than | height > 6.2 | <= | Less than or equal to | taxable <= 200000 | >= | Greater than or equal to | temp >= 98.6 | == | Equal to | grade == 100 | != | Not equal to | number !=250 | In creating relational expressions, the relational operators must be typed exactly as given in the above table. Thus, although the following relational expressions are all valid: age > 40 length <= 50 temp >= 98.6 3 < 4 flag == done day != 5 The following are invalid: length =< 50 ...
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...Liam Green With specific reference to ‘Decanter’ and ‘Mens Health’, how audiences are categorised by the producer on media texts. Include: overview, purpose/impact, specific textual reference, demographic physics metric profiling. Representation is a producer’s construction of reality; in order to illustrate their view, they need to categorise audiences in terms of their content. For example, in the UK’s leading men’s magazine ‘Mens Health’, the audiences has been categorised to men only. ‘Mens Health’ isn’t a high end magazine as is aimed at the average man from giving them the tools to change/improve. Whereas ‘Decanter’ is a high end magazine specifically aimed at normally the upper class that enjoy wine tasting and brewing their own. Both magazines categorise their audiences in different ways but a main factor is content. Content on ‘Mens Health’ clearly indicates a male audience; this is done by numerous masculine ways. One of which is the use of image, normally a masculine figure on the magazine, in my specific magazine edition it is a UFC fighter centralised in a fighting pose. This conveys masculinity and appeals to the average man to want to look like and the want to be tougher. This is categorising the audience to people who want to change or improve their body. Terms such as ‘best’ are repeated on the cover, which we can see using Young and Rubicon’s 4C’s table that the category ‘aspirer’ would fit in perfectly for this. A person who wants nothing but the best;...
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...Parts of Speech Table This is a summary of the 8 parts of speech*. You can find more detail if you click on each part of speech. |part of speech |function or "job" |example words |example sentences | |Verb |action or state |(to) be, have, do, like, work, |EnglishClub.com is a web site. I like | | | |sing, can, must |EnglishClub.com. | |Noun |thing or person |pen, dog, work, music, town, |This is my dog. He lives in my house. We live in | | | |London, teacher, John |London. | |Adjective |describes a noun |a/an, the, 69, some, good, big, |My dog is big. I like big dogs. | | | |red, well, interesting | | |Adverb |describes a verb, adjective or |quickly, silently, well, badly, |My dog eats quickly. When he is very hungry, he | | |adverb |very, really |eats really quickly. | |Pronoun |replaces a noun |I, you...
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...Evaluation Statement: Identify how accurate using the distance formula is in relation to traveling by car or by any other type of transportation. How would you suggest it be tweaked so that it could be more accurate? Higher Order Thinking and Diverse Learners Reflection As teachers we need to do more than just stand in front of a classroom and dictate out of our books how add and subtract numbers or tell the difference between a noun and a verb; we need to insist on our students to look further into why 2+2=4. Higher order thinking is defined as a classification of thinking based on Bloom's Taxonomy of Thinking Skills. This type of thinking goes beyond simple recall of information. It is characterized by the use of information via comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation (21st Century Information Fluency, 2011). The unit plan that I have developed follows Bloom’s Taxonomy of Thinking Skills in that it causes my students to look further in to how and why we use the distance formula. The unit plan makes the students dig deep into the...
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