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Submitted By akaz
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The proposed taxonomy will be as follows: - Before application - Graduate Coursework Programmes Available - Master of Mass Communication - About the Programme - Admission Requirements - Programme Structure - Curriculum - Course fees - Contact Us - Master of Science in Knowledge Management - About the Programme - Admission Requirements - Programme Structure - Curriculum - Course fees - Contact Us - Master of Science in Information Systems - About the Programme - Admission Requirements - Programme Structure - Curriculum - Course fees - Contact Us - Master of Science in Information Studies - About the Programme - Admission Requirements - Programme Structure - Curriculum - Course fees - Contact Us - Application Period - Fees, Financial Assistance, and Scholarships - Additional Information for International Students - On-Campus and Off-Campus Accommodation - Cost of Living - During application - Apply online - Send supporting documents - Pay application fee - Check application status - After application - Accept offer - Apply for accommodation - Register for courses

The taxonomy is designed with the end-user in mind. The intended users of the taxonomy are prospective students to the graduate coursework programmes in the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information. The purpose of the taxonomy is to provide these prospective students with all the necessary information needed to help them decide whether and which programme to apply for and to aid them in the application and admission process.

The taxonomy has three main levels, 'Before application', 'During application', and 'After application'. Under 'Before application', there are four sub levels which provide the potential applicants with all the necessary information they need to decide whether to apply. Most notably, past student testimonials and possible employment opportunities that the degrees offer are included under 'About the programme' and this will act as marketing efforts to prospective students by giving them the assurance and confidence of the value of the degrees offered by the school. The last sublevel under the first main level, 'Additional Information for International Students', provides international students with information on the possible accommodation types available and cost of living in Singapore. This is important as many prospective students to the school's graduate programmes are international students. Under the second main level, 'During application', prospective students are systematically guided through the steps of application. Finally, under the last main level, 'After application', successful applicants will be able to accept their offer online, apply for on-campus accommodation, and register for courses. The design of the taxonomy mirrors a hierarchical structure that is clear and logical. The characteristics of a hierarchy is that of consistency and predictability following the rules of inheritance and transitivity which allows users to predict from the top layer down what concepts will belong to the subordinate layers. The depth and breadth of the taxonomy is also manageable and thus will not inhibit user's ability to navigate easily within the structure. Each category is unique and mutually exclusive and there is no duplication of content. The concept labels used have literary and user warrant and are reflective of the understanding of the intended users. Thus, the taxonomy facilitates site navigation by making it easy for intended users to search and find the information they need instantly and intuitively.

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...1. a. Panthera Leo, The full classification for a lion would be: Kingdom, Animalia; Phylum, Chordata; Class, Mammalia; Order, Carnivora; Family, Felidae; Genus, Panthera; Species, leo b. I found quite a lot of clashing information on this subject, some said Adam named the lion before time was even being recorded, and other said the Egyptians named the lion, but I could not find any reliable sources for this. As for the meaning, Panthera Leo: “large gregarious predatory feline of Africa and India having a tawny coat with a shaggy mane in the male” c. leopards, cougars, panthers, ocelots, and anything feline basically d. My scientific name would honestly be the same as it is now, if I was the one to name it I would probably think of something different at the time. But I have been associating leo with lion too long to think of any other name that doesn’t sound ridiculous. 2. a. Panthera Tigris, The full classification for a tiger would be: Kingdom, Animalia; Phylum, Chordata; Class, Mammalia; Order, Carnivora; Family, Felidae; Genus, Panthera; Species, leo b. Once again, I had a lot of trouble finding anything about who named the tiger. All I really got was that it was named in Asia. As for the meaning of the Tiger’s scientific name: Panthera Tigris – “large feline of forests in most of Asia having a tawny coat with black stripes; endangered” c. Lion, panther, cougar, and anything feline basically. d. Once again, I watched a movie called Kung-Fu panda at a young age and...

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