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Tea Culture in China and Japan


Submitted By Stefanwang
Words 1572
Pages 7
1. Introduction
In China, there is a famous legend of “Shen Nong Tasting Hundred Plants”. Shen nong who is a famous botanist. He tasted various kinds of plants to test them as food or medicine. One day, after walking for a long time, he felt tired and thirsty, so he rested under a tree and started a fire to boil water in a pot. Suddenly some leaves fell into the pot from a nearby tree. He drunk the water and found it not only sweet and tasty, but refreshing as well. Shen Nong felt less tired, so he went on to drink all the water from the pot that was how tea is found (Liu, 2012). In Tang Dynasty, the Chinese tea and tea culture was spread to eastern countries, especially Japan. Though tea originated in China, but it was carried forward in Japan.
Nowadays, tea has become a famous drink in the world. There are many types of tea in China and Japan. The main Japanese tea is Sencha, Genmaicha and so on. (Stevens, 2013). In China, the Green tea, Black tea, Oolong teas are very popular. There can be various mixtures of flowers with green tea, black tea and oolong tea (Liu, 2012). In China, tea can be used as a gift for business and etiquette. However in Japan, tea is a kind of art. Japanese tea art is famous all over the world.
In my portfolio, I will compare and contrast the Chinese and Japanese tea types. The quality of tea and tea arts. As I am a tea lover, I would gain more tea knowledge about the two types of tea and its culture.

2. Background information
At first,tea was valued for its medicinal qualities. It has long been known that tea aids in digestion, which is why many Chinese prefer to consume it after their meal. Tea hastens the discharge of nicotine from the body, this is an interesting side effect for smokers who like drinking tea. Chinese tea culture has been spread to Japan in the Emperor Wendi of the Sui Dynasty (581-601) by some monks who studied

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