...Effective 10.0% 0 Phase III: Long Term Efficacy Testing #NAME? 15.0% 0 #NAME? #NAME? Depression Don't Test #NAME? -$40,000,000.00 Indications #NAME? #NAME? 0 #NAME? #NAME? Test Effective #NAME? -$150,000,000.00 #NAME? 75.0% -100,000,000 #NAME? #NAME? Test Merck Decision Tree Although a decision analysis would recommend that Merck not commit to the proposal, the company's balance sheet shows that it has significant assets to support a loss. The projected values of earning for depression and dual indications seem to be worth the risk. Weightloss does not. Not Effective 15.0% 0 Phase III: Long Term Efficacy Testing #NAME? 25.0% 0 #NAME? #NAME? Obesity Don't Test #NAME? 0 #NAME? #NAME? Dual Indications 50.0% -400,000,000 #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? Depression: effective #NAME? 0 Indications #NAME? 15.0% -250,000,000 Conduct Depression: not effective 10.0% 0 #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? Obesity: effective 5.0% -100,000,000 Obesiity: not effective 10.0% 0 Complete Failure 70.0% -$500,000,000.00 Phase 4: Additional Trials #NAME? 10.0% 0 Effective Do not conduct #NAME? 0 #NAME? #NAME? 0 #NAME? #NAME? Test Not Effective 5.0% 0 Phase III: Long Term Efficacy Testing #NAME? 30.0% 0 #NAME? #NAME? Both Don't Test 70.0% 0 #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? 0 #NAME? #NAME? Neither 60.0% 0 Phase II Efficacy Testing #NAME? Don't Test #NAME?...
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...Yabyabin, Jed Cedric A. Reflection Paper: What Is Strategy? K36 What makes strategy different from operational effectiveness (OE)? Is OE necessary to effective strategy formulation and implementation? Why? Porter (1996) describes strategy as the creation of unique and valuable positioning that requires a set of different activities to make competitive trade-offs and strategic fit that creates competitive advantage and superior profitability. Operational effectiveness, on the other hand, refers to performing similar activities better than the rivals through benchmarking and incorporating best industry practices (Michael E. Porter, 1996). Porter (1996) discusses that strategy aims to position the company in performing different activities from its competitors or perform similar operational activities in different ways; whereas operational effectiveness presents how the company compares, acquires, and improves similar operational functions of its competitors. Although operational effectiveness may have its benefits of building efficiency and productivity, it is insufficient and unnecessary to the formulation and implementation of strategy. This is because it drives competitive convergence (Michael E. Porter, 1996) that makes the company homogenous to the other companies in the same playing field for incorporating same operational activities (despite making them “better”). With this, competitors can and may imitate certain management practices, technologies...
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...Dementia Article Review The amount of time that exists between the onset of dementia and the diagnosis of the disease is a key component in the efficacy that the disease will have in taking over the brain of the patient. Early diagnosis can lead to the patient enjoying many extra years of a happy, quality life. The problem that arises is that it is difficult to diagnose dementia when the patient first contracts it as the tests that determine the onset of the disease are not advanced enough to catch it at its earliest stages. Generally, physicians will have to use a number of closely related factors to determine if a patient runs a high likelihood of coming down with the disease or if they will avoid it in their lifetime. Perhaps the most important factor of determining the early stages of dementia is the behavior that someone who is close to the patient will notice. Work done by Jansen et al. found that informal caregivers in a community of older adults were able to identify behavior in older people that indicated that the person was on their way to suffering from dementia, but that case management does not have a significant effect on combatting or staving off the effects of dementia. When older people are left alone and they are developing dementia, it is imperative that nurses check for any signs that the patient seems to be stricken with the condition. If it appears so, then intervention will be necessary. de Witt, Ploeg and Black (1705) indicate that doing this will...
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...POETRY PRESENTATION RUBRIC |CATEGORIES |LEVEL 1 |LEVEL 2 |LEVEL 3 |LEVEL 4 | | |50 – 59% |60 – 69% |70 – 79% |80 – 100% | |KNOWLEDGE |Unprepared with poem and |some preparedness with poem and|considerable preparedness with |high degree of understanding of | |prepared info. |background |info. |poem and info. |research | |original ideas |Unoriginal ideas |Some original ideas |Original ideas evident |Many effective and original ideas| |background info. |Poem seems “new” to presenters |Parts of the poem have been |Much of the poem has been |The poem has been thoroughly | |Poem clearly explored | |explored |explored |explored | |THINKING |limited planning, organization,|somewhat effective |considerably effective |highly effective organization, | |planning |use of quotes and research |organization, use of quotes and|organization, use of quotes and|use...
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...Summary of Group Effectiveness: What Really Matters? By Rameshwar Arora , 2014FPM09 Definition of a Group: A set of three or more people that can identify itself and be identified by the others in the organizations as a group. Purpose of the paper : “This article examines why groups succeed or fail and draws on a detailed case study.” Structure of the paper: Criticism of current knowledge base of group effectiveness, Criticism of current knowledge base of group effectiveness: 1. Current gaps in behavioral science research and theory about groups 2. Group task effectiveness have not well coped up with the increasing imperativeness of group performances. 3. The laboratory studies conducted are time bound and influenced by experimenter. (Drawback – Some crucial variables might be fixed at constant levels , rather their variations would be interesting to see) 4. The work on group dynamics is not insightful as well. (Drawback – It is not generally determined what all phenomena affect or lead to the Three factors play a major role in determining group effectiveness, according to these authors: task interdependence (how closely group members work together), outcome interdependence (whether, and how, group performance is rewarded), and potency (members' belief that the group can be effective). Let us discuss the salient features of each of these three Determinants of Work group ; “these variables influence group performance and can be influenced by members and supervisors...
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...Building an IT Business Case – BBC 0701 Submitted by: Paul Martin, 12 November, 2006 Summary of What Constitutes Strong Evidence of a Program’s Effectiveness? Two notions are initially introduced as approaches to answering the title question: 1) Effectiveness is understood to mean the impact of the program and 2) There are numerous methodologies used to demonstrate effectiveness or impact. Examples of these methodologies are provided: * Randomized Controlled Trials – An RCT is a study that measures interventions effect by randomly assigning a person or persons to intervene into a program environment where non-intervened groups can be observed as well. * Direct Controlled Trials – Environment factors can be directly controlled to test effectiveness of a weapon system or new technology expected to operate in the environments that are created and directly controlled. * Quasi-Experimental or Comparison Group Studies – those with compared to those without intervention. * Non-Experimental Direct Analysis – may be used to analyze why a program is so effective. More detailed descriptions of these basic assessment methodologies are provided by the author, who goes on to introduce one of the central challenges to developing strong evidence of a program’s effectiveness – VALID measurement of the outcome or impact of a program compared to VALID measurement of what outcomes would have been in the absence of the program. This probably leads to another supported white paper...
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...! Yuanyuan Liu Prof. Rust ECON 615: PartII October 30, 2012 Reduced-Form Estimation vs. Structural Modeling in Labor Economics Liu 1 This analysis is to compare and contrast two labor papers presented at the IZA Young Professionals program at Georgetown University last week. They are Explaining Charter School Effectiveness by Angrist, Pathak and Walters and Matching, Sorting and Wages by Lise, Meghir and Robin. The first one uses a reduced-form approach to study the treatment effect of charter school attendance while the second one develops a structural search-matching model to study optimal labor market policies. As will be discussed below, these two papers ask very different questions; and thus utilize very different empirical approaches, both well-suited for the purposes of each paper. In the Explaining Charter School Effectiveness paper, the authors ask the following questions: Do charter schools generate achievement gains? What are the causes of charter school treatment effect heterogeneity? They conduct a semi-parametric investigation of heterogeneous potential outcomes, and estimation of LATE gives mixed results for urban and non-urban charter schools. This charter school treatment effect heterogeneity is referred by the authors as “urban charter advantage”: urban charter schools boost student achievement while charter schools in other setting do not. Then they seek to isolate sources of charter effect heterogeneity through both student-level and school- ! ...
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...cohesiveness 3. Determine if group think, group shift, group polarization is skewing group goals B. Effective teams (Ch.10) - Group where individual efforts result in performance that is greater than the sum of the individual inputs 4. Definition 5. Determine type of team c. Problem-solving, self-managed, cross-functional or virtual 6. Characteristics of effective teams d. Adequate resources, leadership and structure, climate of trust, performance evaluation and reward systems 7. Team composition e. Abilities, personalities, allocation of roles, diversity, size, preferences 8. Team Processes f. Plan and purpose, specific goals, efficacy, mental model, conflict levels, social loafing 9. Team Building g. Selecting, training, rewarding II. Determine strategies to resolve conflict within organizations (Ch.14) C. Conflict Process 10. Potential opposition or incompatibility, cognition and personalization, intentions, behavior, outcomes h. Problems with communication, structure, personal variables i. Perceived conflict and felt conflict j. Competing, collaborating, compromising, avoiding, accommodating k. Overt conflict – Party’s behavior and other’s reactions l. Increase or...
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...Running head: Teams and Training Teams and Training SP2750 Teams and Training Team training is the facilitation of building productive and effective teams from within the team itself. Training programs exist to help teams perform tasks and jobs efficiently as possible. Team training programs exists to train the team itself from within the team using the team. Although the article I read pertained to team building in the medical field, much of what was done can be applied to any team looking to better increase efficacy and productivity. In order to determine what makes teams effective we need to know what separates from groups. In a group a leader is appointed, the groups missions is its purpose, only individual work provide products, and effectiveness is measured indirectly. In a Team leadership responsibilities are shared, the team has a specific well-defined purposed that is unique to the team, the team works with its members to develop products and effectiveness is measured by assessing team work products (Johnson & Johnson, 2009). Overall when at work a persons in grouped into teams to help According to the article (Klipfel, et al., 2014) “Respectful communication serves as a foundation for establishing partnerships between persons by engaging them in formation exchange, that develops mutual understating, shared knowledge, and consensus that leads to identifiable action. The example given is when a nurse describes a patient’s illness, they usually describe...
Words: 422 - Pages: 2
...Introduction – Being disciplined in the UPS in the UK is vital in order to achieve Operational effectiveness throughout the country. Without discipline the country would be in a state of both social disorder and anarchy. Operational effectiveness is also important so that the UPS can prevent the country running into either social disorder or a state of anarchy. It keeps our country civilised. Outline – In this assignment I am going to cover the rank structure of 2 public services, including pictures of the rank slides by introducing and explaining the responsibilities of each rank, I am going to define discipline and talk about the rules and regulations needed for operation effectiveness, I am going to discuss social order, disorder and anarchy, I am going to answer a question of “why do orders need to be followed?”, I will discuss how maintaining discipline with rewards and punishments is effective, team spirit, and the rules, procedures, policies and legislations in the UPS in which encourage discipline. P1 Task 1 In my assignment I have done two separate rank structures in which I have attached to the back of this assignment in the form of two separate documents. P1 Task 2 1. Definitions of discipline 2. The necessity for rules and regulations (set standards and clear instructions =operational effectiveness) 3. Why orders need to be followed (control in dangerous situations =operational effectiveness) 4. Maintaining order with rewards and punishment...
Words: 527 - Pages: 3
...Rybarczyk, B., Lopez, M., Benson, R., Alsten, C., & Stepanski, E. (2002). Efficacy of two behavioural treatment programs for comorbid geriatric insomnia. Psychology and Aging, 17(2), 288-298. Rybarczyk et al. (2002) found that the literature addressing geriatric insomnia provides evidence of the efficacy of several behavioural treatments, but that most research with this population has excluded those with comorbid medical illness. Thirty-eight geriatric patients with comorbid insomnia and medical illness participated in this randomised controlled trial, which allocated them to either cognitive-behavioural treatment (CBT), home-based audio relaxation treatment (HART), or delayed-treatment control conditions using stratified random allocation. Seven self-rate or self-report and one actigraphy measures assessed between- and within-group differences at pre-treatment, post-treatment, and 4-month follow-up. The CBT included weekly group sessions with behavioural and cognitive components, relaxation training, and sleep hygiene education. The HART participants received audiotape recordings with four relaxation and sleep-training programmes and a guidebook with behavioural components. Control participants completed the same interval assessments as the treatment groups and were offered HART at the end of 6 months. The study found differential improvement between the CBT and control groups at post-treatment and follow-up on five of seven sleep measures and a clinically significant...
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...Chapter 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In this chapter, the data are presented in the form of tables. The answers to the specific questions were based on the computation of means and z-test value. Below each table are the analysis and interpretation of data. Level of Effectiveness of the Meadow Weed Ointment The first specific question, “What are the mean levels of effectiveness of the two formulations of the Meadow Weed Ointment?”, is answered using table 1. Table 1. Level of Effectiveness of the Meadow Weed Ointment in Terms of Soothing Effect | | | | |Level of Effectiveness | |Formulation | | | | | | | |Mean |Descriptive Equivalent | | | |Effective | |1 ...
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...customer surveys that they are highly concerned themselves with how easy the simulations are to use, administer, and debrief, and that they are equally concerned that their demanding, and increasingly technically-literate, students rate the learning experience as engaging and dynamic. Hence these eLearning products are designed to be engaging, interactive, usable and teachable. We also know from faculty surveys that these types of learning tools are considered to be very effective. But what does the literature say about these kinds of claims? How can HBS Publishing know whether users of these simulations are truly learning? What counts as successful outcomes for the user? What is the relationship between instructional design and learning efficacy in these types of products? How can HBS Publishing evaluate these tools to gain confidence that they are designed properly to promote effective learning? There is a standing and growing body of literature that...
Words: 425 - Pages: 2
...cognitive-contextual framework. Child Development, 64,215 - 230. Hypothesis: Children's conflict appraisals guide their coping responses. In particular, deciding whether or not to intervene in the conflict will be strongly influenced by children's interpretations. For example, children who believe that they are at fault for causing a disagreement may then feel responsible for resolving the dispute, and thus attributions of self-blame are likely to lead to children's involvement in the conflict. Fearing for the safety of one parent also may promote intervention, whereas perceiving a high level of threat to the self may lead children to avoid intervening in a disagreement. Whether they involve themselves in a conflict also depends on children's coping efficacy, which in turn is shaped by prior experiences in the family. (a) children's appraisals are systematically related to specific dimensions (intensity and content) of marital conflict. 1. It was predicted that high-intensity conflict would be viewed as more likely to escalate than low-intensity conflict, and that child-related conflict would be perceived as more likely to involve the child than nonchild-related conflict. 2. Children who blame themselves for conflict are likely to elicit self-blame than non-child-related content. No specific hypotheses were made for the effect of conflict intensity on self-blame. 3. Children would feel more able to cope with low than with high-intensity conflict. 4. Children would feel more able to...
Words: 1061 - Pages: 5
...an expatriate job in another country a cross-cultural training that improves expatriate adjustment and performance will help him (and his spouse) much more than a technical training. Generally I would say benefit number 5. is a very important one. Often companies are offering trainings to employees who get in a new job, but even more important is training, especially practice that helps to maintain consistency in performance. Also performance consistency results from enhancing the self-efficacy or self-management of trainees. Self-efficacy is a personal belief that one can accomplish a task successfully. Self-management is a strategy that trainees adopt to help them to maintain desired behaviors or to recognize symptoms that indicate variance from a desired path. A very high value can also be find in benefit number 9. Leadership training seems to enhance the attitudes and performance of followers. Specifically, it seems to have a positive effect on the motivation, values, and self –efficacy of followers. This means, if the managers/leaders in my company are well-trained this will also have a effect on all the team-members and I’ll probably won’t have to train everybody by just training the managers. Last but not least a training on team-skills will round-up the choice of most-valued training-benefits. Training in team communication and team effectiveness have positive effects on team performance. They also seem to affect nontechnical skills (team building) as well as situation...
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