...How can we evaluate the use of technology in Healthcare? Health Service Systems 541 May 25, 2014 Course Project Topic: Critically evaluate the use of technology in healthcare and the challenges it presents in healthcare delivery. Offer specific examples or situations addressing technologies contributions to improving the quality of health and healthcare; consider impact on healthcare costs and analyze trade-offs. References Barton, P. L. (2010). Understanding The U.S. Health Services System. Chicago: Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Corey M. Angst, S. D. (2011). Performance Effects Related to the Sequence of Integration of Healthcare Technologies. Production and Operations Management (POM), 319-333. Kenneth A. Cohn MD, J. B. (2009). Engaging Physcians to Adopt Healthcare Information Technology. Journal of Healthcare Management, 291-300. Mariel L. Bernstien, T. M. (2000). Five Constants of Information Technology Adoption. Research and Perspectives on Healthcare, 17-25. Philbin, S. P. (2013). Emerging Requirements for Technology Management: A Sector-based Scenario Planning Approach. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 31-44. Revels, E. H. (2012). The Role of Information Technology as a Complementary Resource in Healthcare Integrated Delivery Systems. Hospital Topics, 23-32. Shirley M. Davey, M. B. (2011). A Framework to Manage the Early Value Proposition of Emerging Healthcare Technolgies. Irish Journal of Management...
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...Technology in Healthcare Crystal Waters HCA 320-01 Healthcare Service Management Fa11 2013 10/31/13 Jackson State University College of Public Service School of Health Sciences Technology in Healthcare Technology, coming from the oxford dictionary meaning “machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge.” and Healthcare also coming from the oxford dictionary meaning “the maintenance and improvement of physical and mental health, especially through the provision of medical services.” With these two word together it changed healthcare tremendously. The use of technology evolved in healthcare as early as in the 20th century. With technology emerging into healthcare there is a lot of research that goes into it before it is released. McGrady, E., Conger, S., Blanke, S., & Landry, B. L. (2010) explained how it is done while the researched three technologies they stated “The purpose of this prescriptive research is to help decision makers become better informed about three technologies emerging in the healthcare arena by providing a basic description of the technology and describing their current applications, future healthcare deployment, potential risks, and related managerial issues. Two of the technologies, radio frequency identification (RFID) and global positioning systems (GPS), are currently available to healthcare organizations and appear capable of decreasing cost but may require significant initial investment and...
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...Healthcare Technology Lisa Schirmeister HCS/212 Abstract Healthcare technology is always changing over the years. It is used in a wide range of area, from how diagnosis are made, treating different types of disease, and management of medical/health records. Technology has been used to asset in the different fields of healthcare. Studies are done to find ways to improve the way we take care and manage personal confidential information of our patients. Healthcare Technology As of 2011, per Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services all hospitals, doctor office and clinics shall convert from the standard paper records over to electronic records by 2014 to receive any incentive pay. Making electronic medical records and/or electronic health records one of the fastest growing medical technologies in the United States. Electronic Medical Records (EMR) vs Electronic Health Records (EHR) Both electronic medical record (EMR) and electronic health records (EHR) both are a computer bases documentation of your medical and health records. They are very similar to each other. They are the same of as paper medical charts, which contain information from test, labs, medications and doctor notes. EMR is mostly used for treatment and is not easily transmitted to other providers outside of the primary offices. EHR goes further and includes a more complete outlook to the overall patient history. EHR will allow patients to move their health record from one doctor to another. The use...
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...The Benefits of Technology in Nursing and Healthcare Abstract This paper explores nursing informatics and technology in the emergency department of a local level 1 trauma center. The references cited provide discussion and statistics on several types of nursing informatics utilized today by this facility, including benefits and shortcomings. Personal experience from the author are also incorporated as he witnessed first hand the nursing informatics and technology “explosion” and how this facility incorporated this technology into their daily nursing care over the past 15 years. In 1995 I acquired a job as a nurse’s aid at the hospital I am currently employed. At the time, they were just introducing computers at the nurse’s stations. It was used primarily for their first generation of Computer-Assisted Physician Order Entry (CAPOE). With exception to limited order entry, all the documentation was still placed on paper charting. Difficulties I encountered first hand included tracking down the chart while other staff members had possession of it. It made charting in a timely fashion almost impossible, and I often found myself charting late entries. Today I am a Certified Emergency Nurse in the Emergency Department of LVHN. In the grand scheme of things, 15 years is relatively a short time, yet the advances in technology I have been witness to are sometimes overwhelming. “Informatics is a field that’s evolving every day, and there’s much to learn” (Abbott...
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...Technology and Healthcare Technology and Healthcare Throughout history there have been individuals that have collected and used data to improve the health of communities. With the advent of computers there has been a greater development of how this data on disease outbreaks are tracked and handled. The use of information technology in healthcare has created faster tracking and monitoring systems used to study emerging disease outbreaks such as SARS, influenza, HIV and even bioterroism attacks. In a way public health informatics has been around since before the creation of computers. Individuals such as Dr. John Snow and Florence Nightingale recognized patterns that pointed towards causes of disease outbreaks and the need to correct such situations to improve health outcomes. In 2005 Vachon said, Historically, Dr. John Snow can be disignated the “father” of public health informatics (PHI). In 1854, he plotted information about cholera deaths and was able to determine that the deaths were clustered around the same water pump in London…when the pump handle was removed, cholera disappeared. It was Dr. Snow’s focus on the cholera population rather than on a single patient that led to his discovery of the source of the cholera outbreak. (Mastrian & McGonigle, 2012, p. 368) Dossy (2000) said, “Florence Nightingale should also be recognized as an early public health informaticist. Her recommendation about medical reform and the need for improved sanitary conditions…led...
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...For the past thirteen years, I have worked in healthcare administration. Five years were spent working in Managed Care and the other eight has been spent working in information technology. Over these thirteen years, I have witnessed a lot changes and growth with healthcare becoming acclimated with incorporating information technology into its workflow. In my current role as a project manager, I have been in charge of implementing several information technology projects that will enhance the way physicians and nurses care for their patients. For a hospital, its main goal is caring for their patients. Day in and day out, hospital workers continuously strive to improve the safety and quality of care for their patients. Research has proven that when certain types of information technology, such as CPOE (computerized physician order entry), computerized decision support systems, barcode scanning for medication administration, computerized health care records, can decrease human error and improve care and efficiency. Hospitals have long been pioneers in incorporating IT to improve patient care, quality, and efficiency. The current challenge now is to extend the use of information technology and integrate it into the routine care processes in all hospitals, both big and small, and in rural and urban areas. Hospitals who are interested in developing electronic medical records and other health information systems must overcome quite a few barriers to actually implementing these...
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...May 20, 2013 Doris A. Chimera, RN, MA, MHA University of Phoenix Abstract The increase in online health information and services often challenges and streamlines the delivery of adequate patient care. In addition access to technology will affect the delivery of health care socially, economically, and ethically. As a consultant of StateServ Home Medical, the writer will present the importance of accurate delivery of a health information technology tool that will allow healthcare professionals Internet access to schedule the ordering and delivery of DME (durable medical equipment). This electronic ordering system will improve the hospice organization’s efficiency. The consultant’s description of StateServ Home Medical will reveal the program to significantly shift the telephone ordering process to Internet access. That leaves the hospice organization’s nursing staff with more time to mange patient care cases. In the ongoing evolution of adapt technologies, hospice organizations should factor integrated durable medical equipment ordering systems that will serve at enhancing patients’ level of care and lower delivery cost. This latest technology will also serve as a maintenance control function which results in complete and accurate billing procedures that will capture active supply use by patients. StateServe Home Medical network services will allow the hospice organization to continue to work alongside...
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...The Use of EMR in the Healthcare Industry Marque Alford May 30, 2011 HCA/320 Nancy Sauver With the vast growth in technology, the high volume of healthcare organizations case load and the objective to provide effective, efficient communication all healthcare organization should definitely look into implementing Electronic Medical Records (EMR) to their organization. EMR is a legal document of patient information stored and is accumulated over time from services render at a healthcare organization (HIMSS Analytics, 2006). The use of EMR in the healthcare industry can help reduce or even get rid of the medical mishaps that a rise. Furthermore, it helps the organization in delivering a better quality of care to the patient (HIMSS Analytics, 2006). Unfortunately, there are advantages and disadvantages to the use of Electronic Medical Records. The advantages of EMR are the ability for all in a health care team to work together to deliver a great quality of care to individuals. This helps eliminate multiple testing, prescribing or distribute of medication that can be deadly if combined, and the success of anyone in the healthcare organization or medical group to utilize and understand the necessary method taken to a certain condition (openclinical, 2005). Patients with multiple, difficult medical conditions may need to have more than one specialists, this can definitely be stressful and confusing. If professionals use the same system for electronic medical records...
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...Technology in Health Care Administration HCS/212 4/21/2014 Lisa A. Williams Technology in Health Care Administration The article chosen from The Washington Post was Information technology is changing health-care system. With the Affordable Care Act still being a hot topic due to rising costs and challenges that are certain to make health care a continued hot topic for time to come. “Recently, Capital Business sat down with experts from the University of Maryland and the Arlington Consultancy Evolent Health to talk about health care and the opportunities ahead for information technology to improve efficiency and quality of care.” Highlights of questions asked and responses are as followed. First question was “What are some of the issues right now for consumers- what should they be thinking about?” Before I quote what was answered I would like to answer it from my point a view the consumer. On a personal Level the main issue that I find out there is lack of Knowledge. There is a lot of here say going on and not enough facts. The Affordable Health Care act is being demonized because change is scary and there are a lot of people out there who are very unsatisfied with the way things are being played out and I think that a scared population is the worst thing to have right now. Here is how the question was .answered by the professionals. “The biggest challenge right now facing consumers is how do you get the information about these exchanges to that population? Recent surveys...
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...At a fundamental level, medical technology is the practical application of the scientific body of knowledge produced by biomedical research. When growth in scientific knowledge is applied for the purpose of improving medical care, it leads to advanced techniques for a more precise diagnosis, more effective and less invasive therapies. Medical technology is seen to be a double-edged sword because in one respect it allows research to develop sophisticated diagnostic procedures, which then develop “cures” to increase longevity and quality of life. Yet, this new technology comes at the tremendous cost of conducting that developmental research. Then once this technology is available, there are costs associated with training staff to use it properly, facility upgrading and a higher demand from consumers and physicians for the utilization of the new technology (Shi & Singh, 2008). Not all technological advancements are created equal; and add a tremendous strain to health care spending. Electronic Health Records (EHR) replace the traditional paper records and help to streamline patient care by making it possible to access, share and edit patients’ records more efficiently. Widespread adoption of EHR will eventually lead to savings in health care costs. In the United States, the non-governmental and highly influential Institute of Medicine (IOM) has committed to a technology-led system reform and urged “a renewed national commitment to building an information infrastructure to...
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...This is a deployment flow chart of the case study of Lilly Walden presented by Jamie Mills “The clinical microsystem is the place where patients, families, and caregivers meet. It is the lotus of value creation in healthcare.”(Nelson, Batalden, et.al, 2011) Lilly Walden describes herself as an active, athletic, and healthy woman. In her mid-forties she continues to run 2–3 miles 5 days per week. Lilly is married with three children and is employed by the local school district as a speech therapist. Lilly describes herself as health-conscious. Her diet is balanced, and she is a nonsmoker and drinks wine on rare social occasions. Lilly has a history of asthma, triggered by environmental changes, and it typically requires antibiotic therapy for bronchial infections 2–3 times per year. This presentation will review the following: 1. Priority care needs of the patient at the center of the case study 2. Priority care needs of the family care providers 3. The disruption that this acute illness has caused for the patient, family members, and clinical microsystem 4. The experiential features of acuity 5. The elements that the clinical microsystem 6. Potential barriers to providing care 7. The communication strategies that were used in the delivery of care 8. Well-defined (but flexible) roles within the clinical microsystem 9. Potential strategies for unexpected changes 10. The Deployment Flowchart Priority care needs of the patient require the organization to take...
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...Advancing Technology in Our Healthcare World The development, rise and evolution of today’s technology has made an incredible impact on society and has exceeded all boundaries including the transformation of our healthcare industry. The organization, structure and access to healthcare has made profound changes over the years. Technology is now being embraced by healthcare to help lower cost, streamline facilities and improve patient outcomes. One area of technology that is making a big impact on healthcare is those that can make thing more simple. There are a number of tools that are used to obtain this. Some which are; computerized provider order entry (CPOE), electronic medical records (EMR), handheld digital devices, the use of barcodes...
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...Information Technology (IT) is increasingly being deployed and used in healthcare facilities to facilitate the communication of information across different healthcare teams and external insurance payers. The underlying assumption underpinning the introduction of IT in healthcare is that, improvements in information flow will eventually translate into improved quality of care (Mort M, 2009).The US Healthcare system is slowly moving toward Electronic Health Records. As mandated by the government all healthcare establishments need to be complaint by 2014 as per this report ( ref).In IT's infancy, healthcare organizations used it for limited payroll and accounting functions. Today, healthcare organizations can use technology for direct deposit of their payroll, receiving payments from insurance providers, remote patient monitoring, clinical data processing and remote delivery of diagnoses (Bernstien, 2007). At every step of its evolution, IT has become more affordable, more powerful, more reliable, and more accessible and above an all much more versatile in the amount of applications than it was conceived for (Bernstien, 2007). The challenges faced by the industry are on multiple fronts, including rising costs and inconsistent quality (McGlynn et.al, 2003). Health information technology, especially electronic health records has the potential to improve overall quality and effectiveness of healthcare providers (Chaudhry, 2006). Over the last few years US policy makers with help of...
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...Technology and Healthcare Administration Warren Thomas Kaplan University HS290-01 Technology and Healthcare Administration As technology continues to improve and become more cost effective, how providers store and access their patient’s medical records has evolved. Many providers now opt for electronic records. Some providers enter information directly into their systems, having a computer station in each exam room. Other providers will hand write on paper forms and will have them coded later. This can sometimes cause delays in the update of the medical records. Each record keeping system has its own benefits and issues unique to it. For electronic records, the first benefit is a reduction of cost in record keeping. While there is an initial cost of implementing an electronic filing system, the cost of these systems will be less in the long run. Less time will be required to manage, file, and maintain the records. This time savings can allow doctors to see more patients and can even reduce the number of employees required to run a clinic. There is, however, a learning curve when using electronic records. Not only will the entire staff need to be trained when a new system is emplaced, new employees who may be veterans of the healthcare fields will need training. Even someone experienced with electronic records may have to learn a new system when changing job. Adding to the cost savings, storage space will also be reduced. Since healthcare providers are required...
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...Abstract This paper will explain what the role of the patient’s history is in determining the correct evaluation and management code. I will list and explain the four elements of the patients’ history and I will give an example of what might be found in that element. The history section is the portion of the record that tells the physician what is wrong, and is based on the four elements. The patient is the one to supply the information for the history section. This section is where the provider can determine and assess the condition of the patient, by the history provided. The ancillary staffs personal are allowed to document this section of the medical record for the provider. They are permitted to document the chief complaint that the patient is complaining of. This section also contains any past history such as surgeries, child births if you a women. The family history is recorded here as well. This part of the history gives detail about the illness that other family members may have or have had. Cancer, heart dieses, diabetes just to name a few conditions that may be inherited from family members. There is also the social section of the history. This section speaks about your habits, do you drink and how much, do you spoke cigarettes and how many, are you a drug user and what type of drug are you using. Some physicians have special forms to be filled out that gives all the information that is required without the staff questioning you. If the history information...
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