Premium Essay

Teenage Pregnancy


Submitted By liyanijamalludin
Words 766
Pages 4
Teenage pregnancy is a mounting crisis in Malaysia. Those teenage mothers usually drop out of college and end up on welfare, as they are unable to shore up their infant. Why does this teenage young woman get pregnant? The answer is, there are many causes of teenage pregnancy. Obviously, the problems of baby dumping will keep arising as the number of teenage pregnancies is on the rise. The teenage pregnancies is the reason why implementing the character-based curriculum which includes sex education in schools and colleges is crucial in helping youth make right choice regarding high-risk behaviour such as having sex before marriage. The mentality of some politicians, parents and teachers who think that sex education will only teach youngsters to get involved in premarital sex should be avoided. The teens should also read good books and articles or surf the internet to get information on the dangers of premarital sex and its consequences. They should also attend character-building, moral uplifting and sex education programmers. They must be knowledgeable so that they will not fall into any plot or trap. In order to occupy the time the teens should join outdoor activities, uniform bodies or take up music classes to stay away from bad hats.
Besides, the teenage mother also receives lack of support from their boyfriend and parents. Clearly the teen has to make the decision alone, and they do not have anyone to turn to and the man by then is not there anymore. To them, it is their fault because they are pregnant. If the man still stays and is willing to get married, the possibility of dumping the baby will not happen. Meanwhile, the parents will abandon of their children from home after they becoming pregnant, that forcing them turning to prostitution to support themselves and their babies or dumping their newborn infants. They fear more on the fact that they are having

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