...1.INTRODUCTION History of the telecommunication Industry in Bangladesh: In a highly populated country like Bangladesh, telecommunication can play a vital role to boost the economy and social level of people. The introduction of cellular phones has dramatically changed the lives of businesses and individuals. As there is a growing trend of workers turning from farming to other occupations, the need for mobiles is increasing among the thousands of impoverished villages. The overall efficiency of other business has increased as an aftermath of the government's decision of deregulating the telecommunications sector, which until the late 1980s had been a state monopoly. Privatization of the telecommunications sector began in 1989, when Sheba and BRTA were awarded 25-year licenses to install and operate fixed-wire lines and wireless services in rural areas. The same year, Pacific Telecom Bangladesh got the government's permission to launch the country's first cellular phone and paging service sold under brand name CityCell in collaboration with a Hong Kong-based company. The company targeted only the higher class of the society. During that time price of mobile was above Tk 50,000/=. Naturally, the growth of the industry was too slow. CityCell had a virtual monopoly until 1996, when the government gave licenses to three more companies to operate cell phones in Bangladesh. So, the government decided to bring more companies in the market and break the monopoly.After careful...
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...seem endless & lucrative due to the continuous innovation & growing demand for mobile telephony. Mobile phone has become an indispensable part of Bangladesh's everyday-life and has made a "safe haven" in one of our pockets much like our wallet that we never want to leave at home while we head for our work! Thanks to the telecom-revolution and its relentless evolution that together have made it possible even in developing countries like Bangladesh. This is the dominant device that we now express ourselves through, get our work done and share our pains and pleasures with. In this paper we have analyzed the mobile telecom industry of Bangladesh on the basis of Porter’s five forces model. Here we also show the historical background of Bangladeshi telecommunication sector, the key points of bargaining of suppliers & customers, impact of internet on telecommunication sector, impact of internet on annual growth of the mobile operators, problems of telecommunication sector in Bangladesh, future prospects of telecommunication sector & so on. Here we have also analyzed the competitive strategy of the mobile operators. Very much like the nature of the technology, the telecom industry in our country is also changing very rapidly. This is now in its saturation and the subscriber base as a result is increasing at a decreasing rate. The paper presents ways on how the industry can stay here for longer period through expansion and growth before it turns to declining, of course...
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...Investment: Case study of Bangladesh Harsha de Silva and Abu Saeed Khan August 2004 Abstract The paper considers the available evidence in determining a relationship, if any, in the Telecom Regulatory Environment [TRE] of Bangladesh and investments in to its telecommunications industry over the last decade. TRE is segmented in to market entry, access to scarce resources, interconnection, tariff regulation and regulation of anti-competitive practices while investments are all non-divestiture foreign and domestic private and public investment. The TRE in Bangladesh is found to be wanting in all defined aspects. Interconnection is the worst of the five components, where a mobile only parallel network is being created due to regulatory ineffectiveness where almost ninety percent of mobile users do not have access to a fixed phone. Investments in to the fixed sector in Bangladesh dominated by the state owned virtual monopoly have been sorely inadequate and continue to be dictated by the funds availability [or lack thereof] of the Government. The mobile sector on the other hand has seen some amount of investments flowing in led by the widely acclaimed GrameenPhone. However, once standardized to compare across the region, it is found, even though using imperfect data to compare, that the reason for this flow could be the rub off of the attractiveness of the region and not necessarily the internal appeal of Bangladesh. In fact, there is circumstantial...
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...paper on problems & prospects of telecommunication industry & its Marketing Strategies Executive Summary In today’s competitive business environment, mobile operators have to compete in the industry by facing the problems and overcome it, taking initiative considering the prospects of the industry, and finally taking marketing strategy for the customers and overall the industry. If Government, authorities, companies will give attention in this sector then whole industry will be benefited as well as general people, country and companies. The main objective of this thesis paper is to show the problems and prospects of telecommunication sector and its marketing strategies as individual company taking the steps time to time. It can be said that the Bangladesh telecom market has a lot of potential to offer considering strategically ignorable or somehow alterable threats. The market looks very potential and prospective. Lots of opportunities are waiting. CHAPTER 1 1.1 Introduction: Telecommunication Sector in Bangladesh: The liberalization of Bangladesh’s telecommunications sector began with small steps in 1989 with the issuance of a license to a private operator for the provision of inter alia cellular mobile services to compete with the previous monopoly provider of telecommunications services the Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board (BTTB). Significant changes in the number of fixed and mobile services deployed in Bangladesh occurred in the late 1990s and the numbers...
Words: 11409 - Pages: 46
...Telecommunications in Bangladesh From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The liberalisation of Bangladesh’s telecommunications sector began with small steps in 1989 with the issuance of a licence to a private operator for the provision of inter alia cellular mobile services to compete with the previous monopoly provider of telecommunications services the Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board (BTTB). Significant changes in the number of fixed and mobile services deployed in Bangladesh occurred in the late 1990’s and the number of services in operation have subsequently grown exponentially in the past five years. The incentives both from government and public sectors have helped to grow this sector.It is now one of the biggest sector of Bangladesh. As a populous country, it's huge market has attracted many foreign investors to invest in this sectorContents [hide] 1 Telecommunication 1.1 History 1.2 Structure 1.2.1 PSTN 1.2.2 Mobile Phone Operators 1.2.3 Long Distance Operators (as per ILDTS Policy 2007) International Gateway (IGW) Operators Interconnection Exchange (ICX) operators International Internet Gateway (IIG) Operator 2 Radio 3 Television 4 Internet 4.1 Broadband Internet Access 5 International 5.1 Submarine cables 6 See also 7 References [edit] Telecommunication The telecom sector in Bangladesh is rapidly emerging. Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) is the regulatory authority for this sector...
Words: 1720 - Pages: 7
...Telecommunication industry: The liberalization of Bangladesh’s telecommunications sector began with small steps in 1989 with the issuance of a licence to a private operator for the provision of inter alia cellular mobile services to compete with the previous monopoly provider of telecommunications services the Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board (BTTB). Significant changes in the number of fixed and mobile services deployed in Bangladesh occurred in the late 1990s and the number of services in operation have subsequently grown exponentially in the past five years. The incentives both from government and public sectors have helped to grow this sector.It is now one of the biggest sector of Bangladesh. As a populous country, it's huge market has attracted many foreign investors to invest in this sector. Landmarks in the history of telecom industry in Bangladesh[1] • 1853 : Telegraph branch under Posts and Telegraph Department, British India. • 1971 : Reconstructed as Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Department under Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. • 1975 : Reconstructed as Telegraph and Telephone Board. • 1979 : Reconstructed as Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board (BTTB) with right to issue license for telecom and wireless services. • 1981 : Digital Telex Exchange in Bangladesh. • 1983 : Automatic Digital ITX started in Dhaka. • 1985 : Coinbox Telephone service introduced in Bangladesh by BTTB. • 1989 : GENTEX Telegraph...
Words: 513 - Pages: 3
...ABSTRACT Agriculture is the most important sector of the economy of Bangladesh which provides 63% employment and contributing 18.6% to the national GDP. But unfortunately the farmer’s community is one of the most deprived ones in our country and frequent access to information remains one of the crying needs for a long time period. It can enable them to enhance their quality of life. It has been argued that telecommunication operators can come to aid in this respect. Telecommunications operators have already expanded their services and provided specialized agro-based services to the farmers. This paper attempts to investigate the attitude of the farmers about these agro-based services provided by the telecommunication operator. It also explored the characteristics of the user’s and their perception. Data were collected from 120 respondents who were the user of telecommunication operator’s agro-based services from selected areas from August 18 to October 15, 2011. The data were collected through a structured interview schedule. Evidence from interviews, personal observations suggest that most of the user of these services were young, had little farming experience with small farm side and from small to medium families. These services were treated helpful to overcome their obstacles to information collection but still not efficient like the means they use to collect information traditionally. They wanted information in various field of agriculture especially in the area of price...
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...AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY - BANGLADESH “An analysis of Factors Influencing the Telecommunication Industry Growth in Bangladesh” A case study of Bangladesh Author: Abdullah Md. Areef AIUB ID: 10-93465-1 Course Instructor: Dr. A. F. M. Masum Rabbani AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY - BANGLADESH “An analysis of Factors Influencing the Telecommunication Industry Growth in Bangladesh” A case study of Bangladesh Author: Abdullah Md. Areef AIUB ID: 10-93465-1 Course Instructor: Dr. A. F. M. Masum Rabbani Abstract Not very long ago, mobile were only used by the professional or it was considered as the device of luxury, and user for only voice call, but the scenario has completely changed. Now it’s a necessity of the life. As Bangladesh is a small country with large number of population, it’s an attractive market for business like the mobile operators. Customers of the market do display a strange need for communication through cell phones and are often noted to spend more money on making calls than they do on food. In terms of Social factors, the market is still thriving for more. Customers are still willing to try something new and because of lack of loyalty, customers are always ready for a new operator, hoping that call rates will fall even more which is a threat. The almost exponential growth in the Telecoms sector in Bangladesh in the last 5-10 years has had the same transformative impact on Bangladesh’s economy as the growth of Ready Made Garments...
Words: 11596 - Pages: 47
...World Dialogue on Regulation for Network Economies Regulation and Investment: Case study of Bangladesh Harsha de Silva[1] and Abu Saeed Khan[2] August 2004 Abstract The paper considers the available evidence in determining a relationship, if any, in the Telecom Regulatory Environment [TRE] of Bangladesh and investments in to its telecommunications industry over the last decade. TRE is segmented in to market entry, access to scarce resources, interconnection, tariff regulation and regulation of anti-competitive practices while investments are all non-divestiture foreign and domestic private and public investment. The TRE in Bangladesh is found to be wanting in all defined aspects. Interconnection is the worst of the five components, where a mobile only parallel network is being created due to regulatory ineffectiveness where almost ninety percent of mobile users do not have access to a fixed phone. Investments in to the fixed sector in Bangladesh dominated by the state owned virtual monopoly have been sorely inadequate and continue to be dictated by the funds availability [or lack thereof] of the Government. The mobile sector on the other hand has seen some amount of investments flowing in led by the widely acclaimed GrameenPhone. However, once standardized to compare across the region, it is found, even though using imperfect data to compare, that the reason for this flow could...
Words: 12440 - Pages: 50
...[pic] Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) – Bangladesh ELEMENTS OF A NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR DEVELOPMENT OF AN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ENABLED SERVICES SECTOR IN BANGLADESH USAID Bangladesh IT Enabled Services Project SETA Task Order Number: 4002-345-001 Subcontract Number: 011227001/4000 Contract Number: GSOOK97AFD2185 Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 1. Introduction 10 2. The Market for IT Enabled Services 13 Market Characteristics 13 Factor Requirements to be Competitive 15 3. Bangladesh Market Advantages and Disadvantages 19 Costs and Efficiency 19 Productive capacity 21 General business environment 25 4. A Bangladesh ITES strategy 28 Potential ITES Market Segments 29 Building Productive Capacity 32 Lowering Costs 37 Building a Competitive Environment 38 Marketing of Bangladesh ITES sector 40 5. Recommended Actions 42 Improving Productive Capacity 42 Lowering Cost, Improving Efficiency 44 Marketing and Business Environment 45 Focus on Growth 47 Annex A: Analysis of Market Segments 49 Annex B: ITES Workshop Report 63 Annex C: The opinion surveys of this study 68 Annex D: Summary of the Philippines Case Study 81 Executive Summary Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) is a large, fast-growing worldwide industry fueled by customers seeking efficiency...
Words: 28016 - Pages: 113
...CUSTOMER SERVICE IN TELECOM SECTOR (A CASE STUDY ON SYLHET ZONE) REPORT ON CUSTOMER SERVICE IN TELECOM SECTOR IN SYLHET ZONE Course Code: BUS-214 Course Title: Business Communication Submitted to: Tanvir Ahmad Torophder Lecturer Department of Business Administration Submitted by: Group Name: Name ID No. Samad Ahmed Chowdhury 1001010010 Tanzina Akther 1001010014 Rumena Akther Chowdhury 1001010016 Aysha Jahan Reme 1001010017 Nasima Begum 1001010018 S.M. Humayoun Kabir 1001010019 Md. Abdul Wadud 1001010036 24th Batch, Section-A Department of Business Administration Leading University, Sylhet Submission Date: May 5, 2011 May 05, 2011 Tanvir Ahmad Torophder Lecturer Department of Business Administration Leading University Sylhet- 3100 Subject: Submission of report on “Customer Service in Telecom Sector “(a case study on Sylhet zone) Dear Sir: We the SPARK group glad to present our report on “ Customer Service in Telecom Sector “ (a case study on Sylhet zone) that you have offered us to prepare as a requirement of Business Communication course. This report provides us with a learning experience & knowledge. We tried our best to gather most complete & relevant information. We are greatly hopeful that this report will meet up your expectation & will clarify the idea about the subject. We tried to prepare this report according to your prescribed guidelines. While working on this report...
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...identification, payment and delivery of goods and services. This paper highlights the status, statutes, potential and constraints to e-commerce development in Bangladesh. Both the statutory laws as well as the challenges in implementing them are discussed. Major legal, regulatory and institutional constraints to e-commerce are identified. The paper also lists specific policy changes aimed at bringing improvements to the legal and regulatory environment affecting e-commerce. Dimensions of E-Commerce The three dimensions of e-commerce are Business-to-Consumers (B2C), Business-to Business (B2B) and Business-to-Government (B2G). B2C e-commerce is unlikely to be of much use in the near future in Bangladesh because of low per capita income, a weak infrastructural and legal environment, lack of trust between business and consumers. B2C for cross border trade is also limited by the factors suggested for the domestic front. In addition, non-availability of international credit cards, foreign currency remittance restrictions, delays and informal payments at customs clearance even for small value and quantity items will discourage B2C. The B2B application already exists in the export sector of Bangladesh, especially in the Ready Made Garments (RMG) industry. RMG has the lion’s share of the export earnings in Bangladesh. The RMG sector has begun to use the Internet, and its dependence on ecommerce is likely to grow in the coming years. The Internet would enable them to seek information...
Words: 5215 - Pages: 21
...Introduction Origin Scope Objective Limitations Company Background Milestones: November 28, 1996: Received the Cellular license from the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Bangladesh government. March 26, 1997: Grameen Phone launched its service on the Independence day. December 1998: Launched the GP-GP service. September 1999: Launched a unique billing system, EASY which is the Prepaid service. The shareholders Grammen Phone has equity of 55 USD. It is divides among four partners of which Telenor is major. The equity structure of Grameen Phone is as below: [pic] Telenor: It is the state owned telecommunications company in Norway, a country with one of the highest mobile phone densities in the world. Telenor is using the expertise it has gained in its home and international markets and putting it to use in an emerging market such as Bangladesh. Grameen Telecom: It is a non-profit company registered as per the laws of Bangladesh for attaining certain social objectives. Marubeni Corporation: It is one of the leading Japanese trading companies. Gonofone Development Corporation: It was established in New York in the early 1994 for the sole purpose of organizing Grameen Phone. The major lenders are International Finance Corporation, Commonwealth Development Corporation, Asian Development Bank and NORAD. It has given Grameen Phone loan of 50 USD. It also has preferred shareholders of USD 5 million. Industry...
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...POTENTIALITY OF FDI INFLOW IN BANGLADESH 1. INTRODUCTION Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is considered as one of the crucial ingredients for fostering economic development of a developing country. Countries that are lagging behind to attract FDI are formulating and implementing new policies for attracting more investment. Even compared to other South Asian countries, FDI inflow to Bangladesh has traditionally been lower. Foreign direct investment (FDI) is investment directly into production in a country by a company located in another country, either by buying a company in the target country or by expanding operations of an existing business in that country. Foreign direct investment is done for many reasons including to take advantage of cheaper wages in the country, special investment privileges such as tax exemptions offered by the country as an incentive to gain tariff-free access to the markets of the country or the region. Foreign direct investment is in contrast to portfolio investment which is a passive investment in the securities of another country such as stocks and bonds. 2. TYPES OF FDI As a part of the national accounts of a country FDI refers to the net inflows of investment. There are two types of FDI: inward foreign direct investment and outward foreign direct investment, resulting in a net FDI inflow (positive or negative). Inward FDI occurs when foreign capital is invested in local resources. The factors propelling the growth of inward...
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...Report E-Commerce in Bangladesh: Status, Potential and Constraints Najmul Hossain December 2000 A report prepared for JOBS/IRIS Program of USAID. The author gratefully acknowledges comments received from Thierry Van Bastelaer, Catherine Mann, Dewan Alamgir, Asif Khan, Abu Saeed Khan, Tahmina Begum, Shabnam Nadiya and Tonmoy Bashar. The views and analyses in the paper do not necessarily reflect the official position of the IRIS Center, the University of Maryland or that of USAID. E-Commerce in Bangladesh: Status, Potential and Constraints ACRONYMS ASM B2B B2C B2G BB BGMEA BTRC BTTB CS DDN DFID DI DSL e-commerce EDF EFT e-mail e-market FDI GOB GSP IDA IOC IPO IPR IRIS ISO ISP IT ITU JOBS L/C LCA LMDS MMDS MOPT NIP OECD OSP Asian Sources Media Group Business-to-Business Business-to-Consumers Business-to-Government Bangladesh Bank Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association Bangladesh Telecommunications Regulatory Commission Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board Contract System Digital Data Network Department For International Development Data International Digital Subscribers Line Electronic Commerce Export Development Fund Electronic Fund Transfer Electronic mail Electronic Market Foreign Direct Investment Government of Bangladesh Generalized System of Preferences International Development Association International Oil Companies Import Policy Order Intellectual Property Rights Center for Institutional Reform and the Informal Sector at the University of...
Words: 16371 - Pages: 66