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Terry Pratchet's Argument Against Euthanasia

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Words 859
Pages 4
Dear Terry Pratchet,
First of all, Would you support assisted suicide? That’s true; euthanasia is considered assisted suicide. If the government resolves to legalize it, subsequently it shall be used for people suffering from non-terminal diseases and may possibly even used as a way to end a life due to bullying or depression. People should not cross the line their moral boundries
Do you believe humans should be given the right to play god? Countless religious leaders have said time and time again that euthanasia is playing God. The person who takes the poison will go to hell as in religion it is an act of suicide. As the three Holy books say that euthanasia is “forbidden” as it is going against gods will. Many people consider euthanasia to …show more content…
Which may end up ruining peoples life’s such as loved ones who could not stop the victim from killing himself using this method of death, thankfully euthanasia is an expensive process, however if there is demand on this act of suicide, people will eventually find a different way of killing them selves maybe even a cheaper yet effective way of …show more content…
40 years later he is still alive and has changed the whole world, in terms of education and assisted dying. Society already discriminates against people with mental and health disabilities, if you legalize euthanasia then your putting most of these lives at risk. The doctors should be trying to cure the patients not kill them.
Thankfully nowadays the field of medicine and health care is improving every day with new discoveries that can save lives. The reason why medical experts continue to work hard to come up with improved medical technologies, medicines and treatment methods is that they want to make sure that the sick people are able to recover faster and healthy people become even healthier. Therefore, If you legalize euthanasia then doctors would result to an easy option and many medical discoveries would not have been

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