Research Paper
The experience of ethnic minority workers in the hotel and catering industry: Routes to support and advice on workplace problems
Ref: 03/06
Prepared by:
Tessa Wright and Anna Pollert
(Working Lives Research Institute, London Metropolitan University)
Funded by Acas and the European Social Fund For any further information on this study, or other aspects of the Acas
Research and Evaluation programme, please telephone 020 7210 3673 or email
Acas research publications can be found at ISBN 0-9554830-0-X
ISBN 978-0-9554830-0-4 The Experience of Ethnic Minority Workers in the Hotel and
Catering Industry: Routes to Support and Advice on Workplace
Ref: 03/06
Prepared by:
Tessa Wright and Anna Pollert (Working Lives Research Institute, London
Metropolitan University)
Funded by Acas and the European Social Fund Acknowledgements
The authors would like to thank the European Social Fund and Acas for providing financial support to the project, and Acas staff also for their guidance during the project, in particular Margaret Fox, Anthony Gould and Gill Dix.
The project benefited greatly from the contributions of the Project Advisory
Group, both in suggestions made on methodology, access and content at meetings, and help in accessing research participants. Many individuals and organisations helped us in gaining access to workers to interview, including those in trade unions, employers, community organisations, advice agencies, local government, community interpreters and friends and Working Lives Research
Institute colleagues, many of whom also proved to be helpful key informants. We are also very grateful to the fieldworkers who carried out interviews: Jan Alam,
Mohammed Iqbal Choudhury, Violetta Parutis,