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Texas Voter Turnout

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A few reasons why voter turn out is so low in the state of Texas is due to the widespread of immigrants, the older white population that may have lack of transportation to make it to the polls, the younger population that doesn’t care enough to cast a vote and the rest of the population that may feel as though they aren’t educated enough about politics to vote. In each of theses cases you can almost guarantee to experience low voter turnout . This has become a huge problem for Texas because people that are lower income, young, and less educated most likely are typically not goin to exercise their right to vote.

As crazy as it may sound there are a lot of people in Texas that do not feel smart enough to vote in a election and because …show more content…
But a breakdown of the population by age shows a third of Texas Hispanics aren’t even of voting age. In fact, those under 18 make up the state's largest Hispanic age group. Meanwhile, those aged 45 to 64 make up the biggest age group of white Texans.
Certainly , Hispanic adults participate in elections at lower rates than their white and black peers overall, which makes them an easy target due to lack of voting But when it comes to convincing Texas voters to play bigger roles in upcoming elections, it doesn’t help that they’re already starting from behind. “Texas as a whole is a young state, claiming the third-lowest median age in the country.” But the older Texans are morethan likely to turn out for both presidential and midterm elections. Voters who are typically older than age 65 set the bar as the highest turnout rate as voters in the state, followed by voters aged 45 to 64.
Its not hard to understand why their turnout rates are so high.
These voters, are more or so likely to have stable housing, be married and have children. And they probably pay closer attention to issues that may get voters to the polls with concerns about whats going on in their community. They are the ones to also to have a voting history that will help them show up on voting

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