Premium Essay

Text Messaging and Teenagers


Submitted By alicedu
Words 378
Pages 2
* Text messaging and teenagers :
Cell-phone texting has become the preferred channel of basic communication between teens and their friends, with cell calling a close second . Among all teens, their frequency of use of texting has now overtaken the frequency of every other common form of interaction with their friends . It seems like text messaging has become popular among teenager lately . So , why do teens prefer text messaging that much ?
On the one hand , since cellphone is now being upgraded more often , it now integrates so many kinds of keyboard which is very comfortable for teenager to type . As you can see , in the cell phone market nowadays , there are so many kinds and styles of cell phone which concluded QWERTY keyboard so that teenager can text quicker . Besides , with its pocket size , cell phone is easy to carry out . So , with those outstanding features and just a press of a button , they can tell their friend what is going right away . On the other hand , the growth of the telecommunication network companies has also play an important role in promoting teenager to text messaging . They offer teenagers , mostly known as students several promotional package to encourage them texting to save more money . In comparison with voice calling , text messaging now cost much less expensive because there are a variety of payment plans for cell phones, as well as bundling plans for how phone minutes and texts are packaged . For example , Viettel offers a promotional package of which teenager just spend about 2500 dong for 100 messages if they text with an internal network one . Last but not least , texting gives teenager more privacy than voice calling . Text messaging makes the conversation to be encapsulated in words . Since it is more privacy and to avoid the conversation of being heard , teenagers prefer text messaging than making a voice call. Moreover ,

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