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Texting While Driving Research Paper

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There are many accidents while driving. Most of these accidents are caused by distractions, one of the most dangerous distractions are texting while driving. Many people get injured or even killed because the driver has to answer one text. States try to fine people or imprison them just to make sure those drivers don’t do it again, but they haven’t made it illegal. In order to keep the driver, passenger or pedestrian safe, it is better to make it illegal.
Texting while driving is a huge reason why there so many accidents on the road. “Texting messaging creates a crash risk of 23 times worse than driving while not being distracted” (The Dangers of Texting while Driving). This risk is big, but that's just half of it. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration filed that in 2012 most distractions while driving was 18 percent of fatal crashes, wounding 421,000 people and killing 3,328 others (The Dangers of Texting while Driving). Those distractions were because of cell phone use. It also says a simple text like “I love you” can be the cause of a fatal accident (46 Important Texting while Driving Fatalities Statics). These statements support why texting while driving is so dangerous. …show more content…
“Distracted driving is any activity that diverts a person’s attention away from the primary task of driving. All distractions endanger driver, passenger, and bystanders safety” (Fact). Because people are distracted while driving with texting, states like Utah decided that drivers aren’t allowed to text while driving, and if so they will spend 3 months in jail and will be fined $750 (Cell Phone and Texting Laws). “Because text messaging requires visual, manual, and cognitive attention from the driver, it is by far one of the most alarming distractions” (Fact). You are endangering others and yourself when you text and drive, so it’s best for your health and others you don’t text while

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