The Art of Suduction
The book profiles nine types of seducers and eighteen types of victims. Greene uses examples from historical figures such as Cleopatra, Giacomo Casanova, Duke Ellington and John F. Kennedy to support the psychology behind seduction.[6] The book contains 24 seduction techniques.[7] Greene saw The Art of Seduction as the logical follow-up to The 48 Laws of Power since seduction is "about power and manipulation as much as it is about romance, about how to make someone fall under your spell."
The Art of Seduction was an international bestseller and has sold more than 500,000 copies.[3][9] It is mentioned in Neil Strauss' book The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists as a recommended book in the seduction community.[10] Jessica Alba was given The Art of Seduction from friend and filmmaker Bille Woodruff after a break-up and American Apparel founder and CEO Dov Charney found the book to be a fascinating study in human behavior.[11][12] The Art of Seduction and Greene have been featured in The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, Newsweek, The New Yorker, New York Magazine, The New York Post, Esquire, and Wired.
Greene considers himself a Reformed Rake, one of the types of seducers mentioned in the book,[14] and states that he used the book's techniques to attract his current girlfriend, Anna Biller.[19] He is working to develop a television series based on the book.