Premium Essay

The Belgrave Quadrant Summary

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Right at the begging of the book we get an introduction to the main team of characters by watching them steal a cargo ship. The leader, Jeth and his right hand girl Celeste, took down three ITA (International Travel Association) guards and started to steal the ship. Unlucky for them, a rogue ITA leader was waiting for them inside the ship and told them that his boss was going to give him a big job to do and instead of giving the merchandise back to his boss, they should return it to the ITA.

Like the ITA member (Renford) had warned him, his boss (Hammer) had a new job for him. Hammer wanted Jeth and his team to take the Avalon, wich was his dead parents old ship, into the most dangerous part of space, nicknamed the Belgrave Quadrant. The …show more content…
It had perfectly circular holes dotted around the abandoned ship. The team ran a scan on the ship and found ot the three people were still on the ship. Jeth and another team member, Shady, put on their spacesuits and explored the ship, only to find a little girl and two teenagers roughly the same age as the rest of the team.

Once they had the three survivors on board jeth questions the two older kids. One was named Sierra, and the other Vince, brother and sister. The little girl was cora and just as they were about to question the 5 year old he, and the rest of the team heard a loud booming sound in the control room. He found the nav panel had gained of of the holes that they saw on the donrail. They quickly made repairs and got out of the Belgrave Quadrant in fear of Avalon being destroyed.

Earlier when Hammer and Jeth were making the deal about the Avalon, one of the rules were that nobody could go into the ship, which jeth had previously broken. He knew he couldn't go back to Hammer so he to Celeste about going to Renford instead, but Sierra, who had some beef with Renford, refused. She grabbed a blaster and shot everyone on the them and threw their unconsince bodys onto the Donrail and stole the …show more content…
He had his guards tortured him until his spirit was broken, then told him that he was never going to free him and his sister Lizzie, who was also working for hammer. Instead Hammer put an implant into the back of Jeth head so that Hammer could remotely control and kill Jeth whenever he felt like it. With this control he made jeth and his team go back and try to steal back the Avalon. Upon finding the Avalon, the traitors we not there, instead it was Renford that occupied the ship. He had kidnapped Cora and wanted to kidnap Lizzie because something has happened to there DNA in the Believe that made them very valuable. A space tech called Meta Drives allowed for space travel at extreme speeds. The ITA keaped the info about how the tech was made, until Renford explained it. The power for Metatech was actually biological and the species was dying, but Renford detected a cure of the power source in Lizzie, Cora and Jeth’s

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