...will discuss the trial of Casey Anthony and the various components within it. We will present a summary of the criminal process, from arrest through conclusion of trial, the various elements of the trial and crime, legal defense used by the her counsel, and the evidence that ultimately found her non guilty. Court Room TV Paper: Trial of Casey Anthony Criminal procedures that occurred in the Casey Anthony case In August of 2008 Casey Anthony is accused of supposedly killing her two year old daughter Caylee. In June 2008 Casey Anthony had claimed that her daughter Caylee had gone missing and had mentioned to police that she had left her with the babysitter named Zenaida Fernandez- Gonzales. Casey had...
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...Muhlbauer #462436 Legal @ Social Environment of Business Heidi Noonan-Day Section 03 Casey Anthony Trial For the past three years, people have tuned-in to television, radio, newspapers, and the internet to hear the latest news on the famous Casey Anthony trial. During June and July of 2011, there wasn't a TV station that didn't have coverage on it. It was a case many mothers and fathers could relate to because it dealt with the everlasting love between a parent and their child; or so they thought. In this paper I'm going to talk about why the jury found Casey innocent of first degree murder and what is wrong with the American Justice System that allows guilty people like her walk free. How far does reasonable doubt go? Also, I want to talk about why the case hit so close to home for many people that followed along with the case, and what needs to be done regarding child abuse laws in Florida. First off, let us get the facts of the case straight. Casey Anthony waited 31 days to report her two-year-old daughter Caylee missing, in the summer of 2008. At first she told authorities that her nanny had kidnapped her, then went back on her word and said later in the trial process that she drowned in her parents swimming pool. Casey also lied to police about having a job and made up stories about future plans she had with her daughter. Testimonies and video footage also showed Casey out shopping, drinking, and hanging with friends during the time Caylee was “missing”. Friends...
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...Case Study 3: Casey Anthony Trial In June of 2008, Cynthia Anthony reported her two year old granddaughter, Caylee Anthony missing to the authorities of Orange County in Orlando, Florida. During questioning, Casey Anthony, the mother of Caylee Anthony informed the authorities that her child hand been abducted by her nanny and that she had been searching for her unsuccessfully for a month (Alvarez, 2011). Throughout the initial investigation, detectives found a number of inconsistencies with Casey Anthony’s story which lead them to suspect she had a role in Caylee’s disappearance; this ultimately lead to charges being brought against her (Alvarez, 2011). This report will give a brief description of the background, charges and trial of Casey Anthony in the death of her daughter. It will also analyze the digital forensic evidence associated with the prosecution’s case. Investigation Details Casey Anthony stated to authorities that on the evening of June 9, 2008, after leaving work at Universal Studios she arrived at her nanny, Zenaida Fernandez’s, residence to find that both she and her daughter were gone. Casey Anthony informed detectives that she began a search of her own but was unable to locate her daughter (Alvarez, 2011). Upon further investigation, the detectives found that Casey Anthony’s statements were false. There was no record of a Zenaida Fernandez occupying an apartment at the complex Anthony listed. Additionally, she was unemployed...
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...Casey Anthony Trial The Casey Anthony trial took place in 2011, on July 5, 2011 the jury returned not guilty verdict, she was cleared of the murder of her daughter. Here is a quick synopsis of the Casey Anthony case; Caylee Anthony, the two-year old daughter of Casey Anthony was last seen on June 9, 2008. Casey Anthony did not report her missing daughter until a month later when her mother contacted the authorities about Caylee (www.orlandsentinel.com). Based on the reports from the authorities, it was difficult for them to figure out what was truth from lies. Casey Anthony had told the authorities many different stories about the ware about of her daughter Caylee. One report was that she dropped Caylee off at the babysitters but was not there when she went to pick her up that afternoon. The authorities had a hard time believing that this was true, as when they looked into the babysitter and where she lived the apartment had been vacant for months (www.orlandosentinel.com). In October 2008 Casey Anthony was arrested for first degree murder, along with child neglect, aggravated manslaughter and four counts of providing false statements and obstructing a criminal investigation. The body of Caylee Anthony was found on December 11, 2008 and the remains were confirmed through DNA match on December 19, 2008 (www.cnn.com). The digital forensic investigation into the death of Caylee Anthony included the computer that was located in the home of Cindy and George Anthony...
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...CIS 417 WEEK 7 CASE STUDY 3 CASEY ANTHONY TRIAL To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/cis-417-week-7-case-study-3-casey-anthony-trial/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM CIS 417 WEEK 7 CASE STUDY 3 – CASEY ANTHONY TRIAL On July 5, 2011, Casey Anthony was found not guilty of first-degree murder in the 2008 death of her daughter, Caylee. Further research this incident using quality and reputable resources. Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: 1. Provide a brief summary of the background, charges, and trial of this high-profile court case. 2. Explain, from a forensics perspective, the digital evidence found on the Anthony family computer that helped the prosecutors build a case against Anthony. 3. Describe what the prosecution was unable to prove based on the digital evidence found. Indicate whether or not you think this is a common problem with digital evidence and provide a rationale for your response. 4. Explain the software issue that was found to have caused inaccurate evidence to be admitted into the trial. More Details hidden… Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of CIS 417 Week 7 Case Study 3 Casey Anthony Trial in order to ace their studies. CIS 417 WEEK 7 CASE STUDY 3 CASEY ANTHONY TRIAL To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/cis-417-week-7-case-study-3-casey-anthony-trial/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM CIS 417 WEEK...
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...All summer, the case against Casey Anthony in an Orlando courtroom had audiences discussing her life as if she were the star of a reality television show. The narrative became familiar: Hard-partying single mother fails to report her toddler missing for a month, then lies to police about a kidnapping by a non-existent nanny. Then there was the suspiciously foul smell in the trunk of the mother's car before Caylee Anthony's remains were found in a wooded area. Inside Courtroom 23, however, the seven women and five men of the jury in the Anthony case had to look beyond the salacious details and decide: Was there enough evidence to prove Casey Anthony killed her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee? Their answer was no. On Tuesday, the jury acquitted Anthony, 25, of murdering her child in June 2008. The reason, legal analysts and court watchers said, is that despite the seemingly endless hype surrounding the investigation and trial, the prosecution's case simply didn't hold up. There was no forensic evidence — such as DNA or fingerprints — directly linking Anthony to her daughter's death. In fact, the precise cause of the girl's death was unclear. "The prosecution put out a lot of dots, but they couldn't connect them," says Lawrence Kobilinsky, chairman of the Department of Sciences at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York. Kobilinsky had advised Anthony's attorneys on the forensic case against her but was not involved in the trial. After a trial of a month and a half, jurors...
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...Born in Ohio on March 19, 1986, Casey Anthony stepped into the national spotlight after the suspicious disappearance of her daughter, Caylee Anthony. As her story unfolded, many believed she was unquestionably guilty. The jury, however, felt differently. Anthony was acquitted of the murder charge, but she found herself loathed by the general public. EARLY YEARS Born on March 19, 1986, in Warren, Ohio, Casey Anthony was one of two children of Cindy Anthony and George Anthony, who worked in law enforcement. Casey was a bright, personable young girl, with friends and what many thought was an ordinary American family. However, friends say that a pattern of lying began when Casey was in high school. Cindy and George attended Casey's graduation, along with Casey's grandparents—only to discover that she was several credits short of graduating. Casey had stopped attending classes toward the end of the school year, but led her family to believe she would walk with the graduating class. When she was 19, Casey gave her family yet another shock. She had put on weight, and her parents suspected she was pregnant. Casey denied it, claiming she was a virgin. Seven months into her pregnancy, she told her parents the truth. The identity of the baby's father, however, remained a mystery. Casey pointed to different men, including her fiancé, Jesse Grund, as well as a young man she had dated previously, who had died in a car crash. On August 9, 2005, Caylee Anthony was born. A friend of Casey's...
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...daughter. Casey Anthony gave birth to a beautiful little girl named Caylee Marie Anthony in 2005. Caylee was only two years old at the time of her disappearance and the last person to see her alive was her mother. It wasn’t until a month later that the grandmother, Cindy, informed the police of the missing child. The grandparents became alarmed when George Anthony picked up Casey Anthony’s car at a tow yard and it smelled like there had been a dead bod in the truck. The mother was charged with the murder of the child but was acquitted of the charges months later. Casey Anthony was, however, found guilty and sentenced to four years in jail for lying to law enforcement. People became outraged at the verdict and to prevent this from happening to another child they petitioned for a law that makes it a felony for the parent or the guardian not to report their child missing or dead. Caylee’s Law Casey Anthony, a high school dropout, became pregnant at the age of nineteen. She gave birth to a daughter named Caylee Marie Anthony on August 9, 2005. Caylee lived with her mother and grandparents, Cindy and George in Orlando Florida. The identity of the baby's father, however, remained a mystery. Casey pointed to different men, including her fiancé, Jesse Grund, as well as a young man she had dated previously, who had died in a car crash. A DNA test would later found that Grund was not Caylee's father. The identity of Caylee's father remained unknown. On June 15, 2008 Cindy and Casey got...
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...Caylee Anthony Murder Caylee Anthony was a two-year old American girl who lived in Orlando, Florida. She lived with her mother, Casey Anthony and her maternal grandparents George and Cindy. On July 15, 2008 she was reported missing to 9-1-1 by Cindy her grandmother, who said she had not seen Caylee in 31 days and that Casey’s car smelled like a dead body was hidden inside of it. Casey had claimed she knew where Caylee was but after a few weeks she said she did not know her daughters whereabouts and claimed she was kidnapped by her nanny on June 9. She said she was trying to find her daughter but was too frightened to alert the authorities later on that year in October Casey was charged with first-degree murder an pleaded not guilty. The police began to look for Caylee to see if she was kidnapped or if she was killed. They found her skeletal remains near her house and found out Casey was lying about her whereabouts. When they found out she was lying about her own daughters whereabouts finger were immediately pointed at Casey and she was charged for her daughter’s murder. The next step they took was a jury session in Clearwater, Florida instead of Orlando where the whole situation took place. They began investigating further into the murder. “During the investigation, multiple witnesses, including a police officer with experience with decomposed remains through the homicide department, noticed a “decompositional” odor in Casey Anthony’s car.” Stated in Casey Anthony Trial. Soon...
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...Casey Marie Anthony has been charged in the 2008 death of her daughter Caylee Anthony. The official charges against Casey are; First degree murder, Aggravated child abuse, Aggravated manslaughter of a child, and 4 counts of providing false information to a law enforcement officer, which include; That she worked at Universal Orlando in 2008, That she left Caylee with a babysitter named Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez, That she told Jeffery Hopkins and Juliette Lewis that Caylee was missing, and That she received a phone call from Caylee on July 15, 2008. (Casey Anthony Trial, FAQ) If Casey Marie Anthony is found guilty for first degree murder she could face life in prison with no parole after 25 years or the death penalty (Bytensky LL.B., September 11, 2008), for the aggravated child abuse she could face a minimum of 34 ½ months up to 15 years (Hornsby, 2004-2011), on the aggravated manslaughter of a child Casey could face up to 30 years ( Casey Anthony: What She’s Facing if Jury Finds Her Guilty, July 15, 2011) and for providing false information to a law enforcement officer she could face a year on each count ( Casey Anthony). If the jury finds Casey Marie Anthony guilty on all charges I feel that she should be sentenced to the maximum sentences allowed. This would mean that Casey would receive life in prison with no possibility of parole after 25 years for the murder charge, 15 years for the aggravated child abuse, 30 years for the aggravated manslaughter of a child and 1 year...
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...Kimberly smith CJS/251 March 30,2015 Kenneth Bitting Introduction The Casey Anthony trial involves the death of her two year old daughter Caylee Anthony. Casey Anthony is accused of killing her daughter. Casey Anthony claims her two-year-old Caylee Anthony is missing On June 9, 2008 in Orange County, Florida. Anthony later tells police she dropped Caylee off at a babysitter's apartment. The name that Casey had given to the police officers was Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez. On June 16th 2008 was the last Caylee grandparents saw her alive. Casey didn’t give her parents any details about nothing. Later on in July of 2008 a post from the internet allowed Casey parent to locate the car which had been towed. There was a foul smell coming from the trunk of the car. 30 days after Caylee went missing or hadn’t been seen a missing person report was filed. Criminal process On July 16, 2008 Casey Anthony had been lying to the police investigators about Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez babysitting Caylee. Casey was arrested on suspicion of child neglect, filing false misleading statements and hindering a criminal investigation. The sheriff’s office then searched the car with a cadaver dog and the dog picked up the scent of human decomposition, Also they were satins in the trunk and hair. Casey was then was charged with child neglect. In August 21, 2008 she was released out on a 500,000 bail after being detained from about a month. Casey bond was revoked on charges of check forgery, petty theft and fraudulent...
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...Casey Anthony Murder Case For the last few decades,there were many murder cases that have happened.One famous murder case was the Casey Anthony Murder Trial that happened in 2008.The event began on July 15,2008 in Orlando,Florida when Caylee Anthony was reported missing in a 911 call made by Cindy Anthony who was the child’s maternal grandmother.She reported that she had not seen Caylee in 31 days and that Casey’s car had a smell coming out of it and it smelled like a dead body was in the car.Cindy Anthony also said that Casey had given a explanations to Caylee’s whereabouts before finally telling her that she had not seen Caylee for weeks.But Casey Anthony told the detectives that her child had been kidnapped by her nanny on June 9 and she was also trying to find her.Casey Anthony was charged with a first-degree murder and not guilty but if Casey Anthony was found guilty,she could be sentenced to death. After a few month,Caylee’s skeleton remains were found with a blanket inside a trash bag near the family home.Investigators and trial testimony reported that there was duct tape found near the front of the skill and the mouth of the skull.Medical examiners said that the duct tape was one reason that Caylee’s death was a homicide but it was officially listed as “death by undetermined means”(Death Of Caylee Anthony).Casey Anthony’s lawyer,Jose Baez claim that Caylee Anthony drowned in the family’s swimming pool on June 16,2008 before she was reported missing(Hopper-Banfield).However...
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...Jillian Morris Mrs. Flowers Criminalistics CH300-01 April 17, 2015 Journey through Forensic botany of the Casey Anthony trial Forensic science is a vital tool in the search for the truth in any legal proceeding. “Regardless of the type of legal proceeding or which side uses scientific evidence, the forensic scientist must be able to write a report and testify under oath about, what facts or items of evidence were analyzed or tested; what tests or analyses were used; how valid or reliable those tests or analyses have been found to be by other courts; why and how the forensic scientist was qualified to conduct those tests or analyses; and, what the results of the tests or analyses were and how those results are relevant to the issues in dispute.”(Coyle 2005). One analysis done during the Casey Anthony trial was forensic botany, which will be discussed later in this paper. In 2008, the case of Casey Anthony became a public obsession, when she was charged with the murder of her two year old daughter Caylee. Casey was a 22-year-old single mother; she and her daughter lived with Casey’s parents in their Orlando home, but soon after Casey took her daughter and left her parents home. Casey waited an entire month before revealing to her family and authorities that her child was missing. She claimed her nanny a woman no one could prove existed had kidnapped Caylee. Casey’s car was in the tow yard, and her father George, picked up the car, and smelt a strong odor coming from the...
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...Palma Forensics Mr.Johnson 11/5/2016 The Case of Caylee Anthony On July 15th, 2008 Cynthia Anthony, mother of Casey Anthony and grandmother of Caylee Anthony, called 911 to report that her daughter Casey Anthony had stolen a car and money. Then in another 911 call Cynthia Anthony had called saying that she discovered that Caylee had been “kidnapped”. Also she had told the 911 operator that her daughter’s car “smells like there’s been a dead body in the damn car.” Casey Anthony mother of Caylee Anthony said that she last saw her when she dropped her off the babysitter on June 9, 2008. The nanny’s name was Zanaida Fernandez Gonzalez. Casey led the investigators to go look at Zanaida’s apartment after discovered that the apartment was not being used since late February. Casey also told them that she was employed by Universal Studios, but the investigators then found out that Casey was last employed by Universal Studios about 2 years before. Due to Casey’s official statements to the police along with not reporting the missing child when she was suppose to, they made an arrest for neglect of child, false official statements and obstruction of a criminal investigation....
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...For my court observation, I chose to watch the Casey Anthony trial that started on May 24, 2011 and concluded on July 5, 2011. This was a long trial because of the amount of evidence admitted (over 400 pieces) and the large number of witnesses called to testify for both the prosecution and the defense. I am pretty sure everyone knew something about this case, but what I witnessed watching the actual trial was appalling, to say the least. This case tugged at my heart because a mother, Casey Anthony, was being accused of killing her own daughter, 2-year old Caylee Anthony. The case drew national attention because of the gruesome facts and because of the many lies Casey told investigators and police authorities. The in-depth search by numerous agencies and private citizens to find clues kept the case in the media spotlight. In fact, I wondered how “fair” the trial would be due to the amount of national coverage the case actually received. I found myself going into the trial with already formed opinions about Casey’s culpability. As such, I was very anxious to actually watch the proceedings and see the facts as presented in the courtroom versus the national media. The opening arguments by the prosecutor set the stage for what was to come. The prosecutor stated: “It’s time to tell the story of a little girl named Caylee Anthony.” From there she went on to describe in detail this 2-year old’s life with her grandparents, who adored her, and her mother who seemed more concerned...
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