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The Confederate Flag

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In the United States of America during the period of the Civil War, the flag of the South called the Confederate flag was a representation of a culture that the south was trying to preserve. After the war ended, with the south losing, the flag began to take on a controversial meaning due to the connection it had to slavery. The connection the Confederate flag had towards slavery in the past is why using it today, as a southern heritage symbol is controversial. Due to the nature of the meaning of the confederate flag and it connection to slavery during the civil war, its meaning becomes blurred when when it flies anywhere except a museum dedicated to the civil war. When it is displayed elsewhere, it begins to represent a reminder and celebration …show more content…
The racism that is attached to the flag continues to divide people because it is standing for African Americans being inferior to whites. In the online news article it states that the flag is “viewed by many people as racist because of its ties to the South at the time of slavery”. In another source Mama and the Confederate Flag Wallace Best states, “It has come to represent a history of black oppression, racial division, and the myth of white superiority.” Several board members of the Delaware country fair supported the flag that is being described in the article as being a “racially divisive symbol”. The NAACP is mentioned in a source petitioning against the Confederate flags in Georgia and Mississippi, they cited that the symbols were, “offensive symbols of racism and segregation.” If the Confederate flag is viewed by, many and it stated in many sources as being a flag that divides people because it is racist, then it is hard for a flag that so many people state being a hateful symbol to represent anything but. The racism that the flag represents and divides the people with, also relates to the idea of the flag being about southern …show more content…
In the article from the Telegraph, the KKK are rallying against the taking down of the Confederate flag in South Carolina. In the article it states, “Some from the white supremacist group waved a flag with a swastika. KKK members chanted and shouted at an onlooking crowd, but made no speeches.” The fact that the KKK is protesting against getting rid of the Confederate flag and using swastika flags to make that point, proves that the flag is a horrible divisive symbol because it is universally known that the swastika is a symbol of the holocaust that killed millions because they were Jewish. The white supremacy groups connects to the last point on the flags meaning, which is

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