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The Da Vinci Dode


Submitted By Vav16
Words 950
Pages 4
The Da Vinci Code, which was released in the May of 2006, was about a murder that took place in the Louvre in France. There were clues in all of Da Vinci paintings throughout the museum. These clues lead to a discovery of a religious mystery that has been protected and kept hidden for two thousand years. This throws Robert Langdon and the victim’s granddaughter into a bizarre murder and crazy mystery, Not only is this movie a good movie and an interesting mystery to watch. But I can also connect what I’ve learned in sacred geometry to this movie in many aspects. One of the first examples of something I connected to our class, sacred geometry, was the shape of the museum that the dead body was found. The building that the body was found in was the Louvre museum. The Louvre museum is located in Paris, France and was established in 1793. In front of the actual museum there is something that is known as the Louvre pyramid. The Louvre pyramid is a large glass and metal pyramid surrounded by three smaller pyramids. The large pyramid serves as the entrance to the Louvre museum and was opened in 1989. The reason that I can connect this to our course in sacred geometry is the actually structure of the pyramid. There are many small triangles on it, which are also known as the triad. The triad is a three-sided shape and also is known as the first and oldest number. Also this is a pyramid and has many pyramids throughout it. The pyramid is something that we talked about in class to as one of the
Zimmer 2 platonic solid. But the pyramid is known as the tetrahedron when we talked about the platonic solids. Another aspect sacred geography that is found in this pyramid is also known as the Sierpinski triangle. The sierpinski triangle is when there is triangle inside of triangles, and then inside those triangles there are more triangles. So this was the first thing that I saw in the movie that I could connect to our class, and I could connect it in many ways. The next thing in the movie that I connected to the class is the way that the dead body was left and found. There was a murder at the beginning of the film that was what the rest of the movie was based on. The murdered left the dead body lying in a circle, which we talked a lot about in our sacred geometry and also in a shape of a drawing that the artist Da Vinci once drew. What the drawing is that I am referring to be known as the Vitruvian Man. The Vitruvian man is a drawing is of a man that is lying in a circle. This drawing that Leonardo made was his way of representing the concepts of equal proportions. The way that the dead body was lied out was almost a replica of this drawing that Da Vinci made. When Tom Hanks is looking at the dead body he realizes that there are many number’s lying next to the dead body. He says that he thinks that it is the Fibonacci sequence. We talked a lot in our class about the Fibonacci sequence and what it meant. What we talked about in class was that the Fibonacci sequence is order and what it meant. The Fibonacci sequence is when you add the two numbers before to get the next number. The thing that was different in the movie was that the Fibonacci sequence was out of order and one of the main characters, played by Tom Hanks, had to unscramble in. Zimmer 3
Another concept of this that was found in the movie we watched was the golden ration. The golden Ratio sort of goes along with the Fibonacci sequence and has to do with numbers having the same ratio. Two quantities are in the golden ratio if their ratio is the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities.
In one scene of the movie Langdon talks about Phi. He tells his class that Da Vinci “was the first to show that the human body is literally made of building blocks whose proportional ratios always equal Phi.” This is another important concept that we discussed in our class, and also brings us back to the drawing that Da Vinci drew, the Vitruvian man.
My opinions of this movie were that it was something I probably would not have watched on my own, and not my type of movie. But I actually enjoyed it and was not bored when I was watching it. I assumed that it was going to be a movie that was going to bore me so I wasn’t going to pay attention. It was a movie that had a good story line where you just wanted to find out the rest of it. I also enjoy that it was a mystery and kind of kept you on your feet the whole time because you were curious to how they did something, or what was going to happen next. I also found it very interesting that a lot of things that we talked about came up in the movie. I thought that this was interesting because some of the concepts that we talked about seemed kind of crazy and something that wouldn’t come up in real life. And then there was a lot of the concepts in the movie. Over all I thought that it was very useful to watch this movie for our class and it was also very enjoyable for me.

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