...East Asian Crisis Financial crisis is a situation in which some financial institutions or assets suddenly lose a large part of their value. East Asian crisis was a series of currency devaluations and other events that spread through many East Asian countries beginning in the summer of 1997. The countries majorly affected by this were: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. South Korea Japan Thailand Indonesia Malaysia Philippines The countries at the center of the recent crisis were for years admired as some of the most successful emerging market economies, owing to their rapid growth and the striking gains in their populations' living standards. With their generally prudent fiscal policies and high rates of private saving, they were widely seen as models for many other countries. No one could have foreseen that these countries could suddenly become embroiled in one of the worst financial crises. Their very success led foreign investors to underestimate their underlying economic weaknesses. Partly because of the large-scale financial inflows that their economic success encouraged, there were also increased demands on policies and institutions, especially those safeguarding the financial sector; and policies and institutions failed to keep pace with these demands. Only as the crisis deepened were the fundamental policy shortcomings and their consequences fully revealed. Also, past successes may have led policymakers to deny the need for action when problems first appeared1. Several factors contributed...
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...East Asian Economic Crisis A large economic downturn in East Asia threatens to end its nearly 30 year run of high growth rates. The crisis has caused Asian currencies to fall 50-60%, stock markets to decline 40%, banks to close, and property values to drop. The crisis was brought on by currency devaluations, bad banking practices, high foreign debt,loose government regulation, and corruption. Due to East Asia's large impact on the world economy, the panic in Thailand, Indonesia, Korea, and other Asian countries has prompted other countries to worry about the affect on their own economies and offer aid to the financially troubled nations (Sanger 1). The East Asian crisis has affected almost all of the Asian nations, but the three hardest hit countries are Thailand, Indonesia, and South Korea. The panic began in Thailand in May of 1997 when speculators, worried about Thailand's slowing economy, exces sive debt, and political instability devalued the baht as they fled for market-driven currencies like the American dollar. Indonesia's economy soon fell soon after when the rupiah hit a record low against the U.S. dollar. Indonesia is plagued by more than $70 billion worth of bad debts and a corrupt and inefficient government. Thailand and Indonesia also suffer from being overbuilt during real estate booms that Reven2 were the result of huge influxes of cash by optimistic foreign investors. South Korea faltered under the weight of its huge foreign debt...
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...on the controversial roles of IMF in East Asia Financial Crisis Introduction Now and then, nation to nation, financial crises are inevitable: Mexico in 1994, the whole East Asia region in 1997, Brazil in 1999, and the most recently Argentina in 2001. Looking back to the victims of such financial crises, we found that most of them are labeled as the developing countries, whose financial sectors were still weak at that time yet were impetuously exposed to the advocated ‘Liberal financial market’ which was supported by the Neoclassical Liberalism social economists. Among all these financial crises, the financial storm in East Asia, starting from the year of 1997, wreaked beyond doubt the greatest havoc on the Asia and the world economy as a whole, dragging down the ‘Asian tigers’ (Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippine, Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan and Singapore) from the peak of the glorious ‘Economic Miracle’ in the past few years. Because of the severity and contagion of the East Asia Crisis, important questions have been raised such as the causes of the crisis, the role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the financial architecture of international capital markets. As one of the most important international organizations, IMF has its great impact on the world economy. In this paper, the influence of IMF before the eruption of the crisis and its role in the recovery of East Asia economy will be presented. The...
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...The East Asia’ Regional Economic Integration Tutor: Griffith, Edward Student ID: 20647046 Student Name: Hong Xu (Eric) Word Count: 2369 Date of Submission: 18/1/2016 The East Asia’ Regional Economic Integration In the past twenty years, the East Asian economies realized the freedom of foreign trade and direct investment (FDI) because of the influence of GATT/WTO and APEC and as a result, it further promotes the economic growth of East Asia. The mutual economic dependence of each countries has increased a lot and therefore, close economic cooperation among Asian countries is necessary for healthy economic development. Many countries try to deepen their cooperation by establishing agreement and carrying out negotiation or discussion (Kawai 2004). Besides, the East Asian countries want to have their own institutions where they have vital voice in decision making after the financial crisis. As a consequence, the regional economic integration become an inevitable trend. The structure of this essay is organized as follows. The first part of this essay will discuss the driving forces of...
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...did the Asian Financial Crisis (AFC) take many by surprise? Explain the major contributing factors that caused the crisis (and their effects), and discuss the lessons that can be learned in relation to preventing and/or responding to future crises. The Asian Financial Crisis (AFC) of 1997 was a period of financial turmoil and volatility that spread across Asia. Prior to July 1997, most of the South East Asian currencies were tied to the US dollar. The crisis began primarily in Thailand when the Thai baht came under pressure that its value would not hold. The pressure on the Thai baht caused a widening of the Thailand’s Current Account Balance (CAD) and the using up of Thailand’s foreign reserves. This forced the Thai government to float its currency and lead to its devaluation. Real estate and real asset value began to fall and foreign investors began pulling out of South East Asia, triggering the financial crisis that would spread across Asia. The next section of this paper will attempt to answer questions of why the AFC was unanticipated by so many economists and experts. It will also attempt to address the major contributing factors that lead to the AFC and in turn its effects. Lastly this paper will conclude with the lessons that could be learnt from one of the most shocking currency crises of recent times. Upon careful reflection, many experts (Krugman 1998; Radelet & Sachs 1998; Stein 2004) have asked how such a crisis came as such a surprise to these Asian economies...
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...RESEARCH PAPER 99/14 11 FEBRUARY 1999 The Asian Economic Crisis This paper considers the economic crisis that began in the financial markets of South East Asia in 1997 and the consequences for the economies of the region and the rest of the world. The paper provides a chronology of and explores the factors that led to the crisis. An overview is given of the policy measures that the international financial institutions (IFIs), such as the IMF, have taken to deal with the crisis. Some of the arguments and policy proposals made to try to avoid future crises are also covered. Eshan Karunatilleka ECONOMIC POLICY AND STATISTICS SECTION HOUSE OF COMMONS LIBRARY Recent Library Research Papers include: 98/119 98/120 99/1 Unemployment by Constituency - November 1998 Defence Statistics 1998 The Local Government Bill: Best Value and Council Tax Capping Bill No 5 of 1998-99 16.12.98 22.12.98 08.01.99 99/2 99/3 99/4 Unemployment by Constituency - December 1998 Tax Credits Bill Bill 9 of 1998-9 The Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill: 'Age of consent' and abuse of a position of trust [Bill 10 of 1998-99] 13.01.99 18.01.99 21.01.99 99/5 99/6 99/7 The House of Lords Bill: 'Stage One' Issues Bill 34 of 1998-99 The House of Lords Bill: Options for 'Stage Two' Bill 34 of 1998-99 The House of Lords Bill: Lords reform and wider constitutional reform Bill 34 of 1998-99 28.01.99 28.01.99 28.01.99 99/8 99/9 99/10 99/11 99/12 Economic Indicators Local Government...
Words: 16600 - Pages: 67
...Name: Dang Tran Bich Ngoc Student ID: BB110407 Assignment 1: Case Studies: Case studies in east and Southeast Asia in comparative perspective to show the similarities and differences of the development experiences in the region. I. Introduction: This paper reviews the pattern and trends of the development in East and Southeast Asia to recognize the similarities and differences in the region. It offers an extensive view of the Southeast Asian economic miracles in comparative East Asian perspective by comparing and contrasting the Southeast Asian experiences with those of the other high performing East Asian economies, as the World Bank (1993) chose to describe them. The following discussion will focus on the development experiences of Southeast Asia that have been considered high-growth economies, as well as East Asia countries. The Southeast Asia economies have been rather successful in applying public policies to realize their chosen developmental objectives, from the viewpoint of better advancing the course of human development, will be identified. II. East and Southeast Asia (ESA) economies • Human Development (HD): As well as being substantially different in the starting level of human development achieved, and although all have made substantial progress over the two decades, these economies show marked differences in the pace of this progress. Being already high-achieving, Japan recorded a modest rate growth of 0.26%, Singapore 0.61% and South...
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... What were the origins of the Asian currency crisis? The Asian currency crisis was a period of financial crisis started in Thailand in July 1997. Many Asian countries experienced a financial crisis are a large drop in the value of its currency and a large drop in its traded equity prices. Before the crisis happened, many Asian countries produced a dramatic reduction in poverty and rapid economic growth. Behind the boom, there are lots of imbalances: large current account deficit was financed increasingly by short-term inflow; the real exchange rate had appreciated to an unsustainable level; and export growth had slowed obviously. Based on a literature review, a great deal of effort has been made to trying to understand the origins of the crisis. One view is that weaknesses in Asian financial systems were at the root of the crisis. The lack of incentives for effective risk management created by implicit or explicit government guarantees against financial failure caused the weaknesses. The large capital inflows, rapid economic growth and pegged exchange rates also accentuated the weaknesses of the financial sector. An alternative view is that there was not anything wrong with East Asian economies with historical good performance. The large capital inflows to finance productive investments made them vulnerable to a financial panic. The inadequate policy responses to the panic caused the financial crisis and the economic disruption (Sachs and Radelet 1998)...
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...An Overview of The Asian Financial Crisis Prepared for Mahrufa Bashar Assistant Professor Course Instructor: International Finance Prepared by S.M. Ishtiuaque (ZR 30) Md. Sakib Khaled (ZR 55) Md. Mahmudur Rahman (ZR 82) Mazharul Islam Bin Towhid (ZR 89) Debojit Saha (ZR 110) BBA 18th batch Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka October 02, 2013 Contents 1. Introduction 2 2. Background of the Asian Financial Crisis 2 3. Development of the Crisis 3 4. Reasons Behind the Crisis 4 5. Solutions to Problem 5 6. Conclusion 6 ------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction In 1993 the Worldbank, celebrating the outstanding performance of eight Asian economies, coined the term ‘The Asian Miracle’. Less than five years later, four of these economies (Indonesia, Malaysia, Korea, and Thailand) and the Philippines found themselves in one of the sharpest economic crises of the last decades. The resulting economic recession shocked the world with its staggering economic and social costs. Over a million people in Thailand and approximately 21 million in Indonesia found themselves impoverished in just a few weeks, as personal savings and assets were devalued to a fraction of their pre-crisis worth. As firms went bankrupt and layoffs ensued, millions lost their jobs. Soaring inflation raised the cost of basic necessities. Strapped fiscal budgets imposed a financial squeeze on social programs, and the absence of adequate...
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...Role of the International Monetary Funds (IMF) in the East Asian Debt Crisis of 1997 By Yaro Sadek Tahirou Minnesota State University, Mankato 2 ABSTRACT During the East Asian Financial crisis in particular, the IMF has been criticized of promoting international cooperation because of the supervised enforcement of its rules. The purpose of this research is to find out how the IMF responded to the East Asian debt crisis and whether or not its responses were the best possible responses to this crisis. Through my research, I talked about the causes of the East Asian financial crisis, the role of the IMF in the international monetary system, and if the IMF responses to Thailand, South Korea and Indonesia were the best responses or not. After analyzing the IMF responses in this crisis, I found that the IMF policies need to be reformed in order to monitor and prevent future financial crises spill-over effects at the global and regional levels. I will analyzed 5 scholarly journals on the financial crisis in East Asia, 3 scholarly articles on the role of IMF in the East Asia financial crisis, and 1 novel called POLITICS IN SOUTHEAST ASIA DEMOCRACY OR LESS by William Case. INTRODUCTION Several financial crises have occurred in the world economy through the last decades. Some examples include the East Asian financial Crisis of 1997, the Latin American debt crisis of 1994-95, the Russian crisis of 1998, and the Brazilian crisis of 1998-99 which spread out to other areas also known...
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...| Asian Crisis of 1997 | | | Prepared by:Azra Becirovic and Sanela Bilalic | | April 21, 2012 | Long before Asian financial crisis has started, South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia had an increasing economic performance; economy was fast growing, saving rates were high, and inflation low. Turning point in Asian economy was 2 July 1997, the day when Thai Baht fell around 20 % against the $US. “It all began in Thailand’ summarizes the conventional explanation of the early stages of the crisis.” (Hill, p.3) How it all began, what factors caused the crisis, what segments were affected the most, what was the backup plan, and what policies should have been taken to prevent the crisis are the points that this paper will cover. First and Second-Generation Models According to 1996 annual report of Bank for International Settlements (BIS), pre-crisis fundamentals exhibit economic performance of Asian countries. They’ve experienced moderate inflation rates of about 6%, high savings rate of 32%, and trade openness indicators of 39%. Table 1: East Asian Economic Conditions Before Crisis Although accounting and macroeconomic analytics have failed to foreseen the currency crisis, which is inevitable, first and second-generation models explain us was it due to weakening macroeconomic fundamentals or financial contagion. In accordance to first-generation model developed by Krugman 1979, market-speculative movements, in response to policies, are incompatible...
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...RETHINKING THE EAST ASIAN MIRACLE JOSEPH E. STIGLITZ AND SHAHID YUSUF Editors RETHINKING THE EAST ASIA MIRACLE JOSEPH E. STIGLITZ AND SHAHID YUSUF Editors A copublication of the World Bank and Oxford University Press i Oxford University Press Oxford • New York • Athens • Auckland • Bangkok • Bogotá • Buenos Aires • Calcutta • Cape Town • Chennai • Dar es Salaam • Delhi • Florence • Hong Kong • Istanbul • Karachi • Kuala Lumpur • Madrid • Melbourne • Mexico City • Mumbai • Nairobi • Paris • São Paulo • Singapore • Taipei • Tokyo • Toronto • Warsaw and associated companies in Berlin • Ibadan © 2001 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20433, USA Published by Oxford University Press, Inc. 198 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016 Oxford is a registered trademark of Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Oxford University Press. Cover design and interior design by Naylor Design, Washington, D.C. Manufactured in the United States of America First printing June 2001 1 2 3 4 04 03 02 01 The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this study are entirely those of the authors and should not be attributed in any manner to the World Bank, to its affiliated organizations...
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...Risk Management in the Asian Banking Sector “What is the best strategy for the implementation of Enterprise Risk Management in the banking sector of the highly expansive but volatile Asian economy?” I chose to do an in-depth study of this area of risk management because as I am Australian, it is extremely important for me to start to fully understand the workings of our closest economic partner and the future of our economy which is driven by the expansive growth that is rolling through Asia. I was also intrigued into the steps needed to fully adopt a risk management system in an entity. It should be noted that the focus of this paper is on the developing region of South-East Asia and less on the more developed parts of Asia including China and Korea. Matthew Dichiera 11167674 Contents 1 – Introduction 2 – 1997 Asian Financial Crisis and effect on vision of risk management 3 – Overview of risks faced by banks in the developing Asian region 4 – Importance of Enterprise risk management (ERM) 5 – Strategies of implementing ERM and the challenges associated. 6 – Conclusion 7 – References Introduction The Asian economy is a vehicle of highly expansive growth and even higher volatility, it is an area of the economic world which must be treated with much anticipation and be viewed with excitement but also must be monitored and watched extremely carefully as was shown by the infamous Asian financial crisis of 1997. Opportunities for growth are high, which...
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...------------------------------------------------- THE CHANGING BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT - LB5228 ASSIGNMENT TASK 2 KARTHIK NAMANI 12806313 KARTHIK NAMANI 12806313 An essay On: The rise of South East Asia and the effect of China Submitted to: Professor Chris Leggett An essay On: The rise of South East Asia and the effect of China Submitted to: Professor Chris Leggett The rise of South-east Asia and the effect of China Contents I, Introduction II, Body 1. Literature review: 2. South-east Asia Economic potentials 3. South-east Asia recent Economic performance 4. The likelihood to become significant players in the global economy Prospects and assessments 5. Implication on global economic III, Conclusion I, Introduction Asia is the most dynamic region in the world economy at present. The development of Asia is twice the rate when compared to the other regions. The policy orientation, which stresses free movement of capital, goods and services across the national boundaries are the reasons for the growth which is possible now. The economic efficiency and transfer of technology which foster shifts in productions and comparative advantages are the results of the enhancement. (Chong) Because of the Global Financial Crisis, Southeast Asia has been the Gold rush modern- day as international companies clamor to get a piece of the action. As the major part of the young population of 600million and the increasing middle class people are the...
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... 1 Asian Contagion 1 Emerging Market Crises 3 Meltdown in Thailand 7 The International Monetary Fund 9 Implication for Business 11 Malaysia 13 Preventing and Managing Future Crises 14 Conclusion 16 References 18 Introduction Asian Contagion In March 1997 Asia faced a serious crisis in financial sector. This concern was started from Thailand and has spread to a lot of countries in Asia. Obviously it affected to those countries in economy situation such as currency value. Also called the "Asian Contagion", this was a series of currency devaluations and other events that spread through many Asian markets beginning in the summer of 1997. The currency markets first failed...
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