...The Fault in Our Stars The novel, The Fault in Our Stars by John Green is about two teenagers that fall in love, but unlike most other young adult romance stories, there’s an irresolvable plots twist in which they both have an incurable cancer. The story is told by one of the main characters Hazel Grace Landcaster, who is a 17 year old cancer patient that is forced to attend a support group because her parents think she is depressed. The support group is where she then meets Augustus Waters who is an amputee which resulted from the cancer. They both know if they were to get in a relationship together, it wouldn’t be something that lasts forever. Even though they know this, they begin to grow closer, while making lots of memories during this journey together which makes them forms a bond that may never be broken. This is why John Green is one of my favorite authors just because it may come off as a sad cancer book, but it’s nothing but two people that fall in love that have obstacles to overcome. Hazel Landcaster fascinated me from the start by the way she looks at herself as a person. All she wants in her life is to be a normal teenager, this is troubling because where ever she goes, she is obligated to bring her oxygen tank because she cannot breathe without in. In this novel she explains to the readers that she is a grenade, because in the matter of time she is going to explode and hurt the people around her. So her thinking of a well lived life is all about walking lightly...
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...My ISP novel is called The Fault In Our Stars, by John Green. In fact, the movie was just released last Friday, and this novel is one of the most popular books amongst teens. The story takes place in Indianapolis, which is where sixteen year old protagonist Hazel Grace Lancaster is battling Stage 4 Thyroid cancer. Since she has terminal cancer, Hazel is required to carry an oxygen tank everywhere she goes, which makes it very obvious that she has cancer (physically). This causes a barrier between Hazel and society, thus resulting a character vs society conflict. Hazel states, “I could feel everyone watching us, wondering what was wrong with us… That was worse part about having cancer, sometimes: The physical evidence of disease separates you from other people.” (144) Hazel believes that her time on Earth isn’t as long as most people, and decides to distance herself from others to minimize the number of causalities she leaves behind, and that makes her very anti-social. Even though Hazel doesn’t go to school, she is VERY smart and because she has cancer she spends a lot of time thinking about life; She is very philosophical. Being faced with several situations that have threatened her life, she is very cautious of who becomes close to her because she knows that there is a good chance she will die and she doesn’t want to leave behind emotional damage, and therefore distances herself from people. This internal conflict is important because it affects most of the decisions she...
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...The Fault in Our Stars John Green “That’s the thing about pain” Augustus said “It demands to be felt” (10, Green). Who among us has been plagued with feelings? For most teenagers it seems par for their course, but this is especially true for the two main characters Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters of the novel The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. It is about the reality of two young teenagers facing love, life, and death in a different way than most people. The story of Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters proves and exposes the realistic lives of what people with cancer experience, the love two people can share, and the depressing truth of death. John Green was able to capture the truth behind these three phenomenons through his own personal journey with a young girl named Esther Earl in which he helped her face cancer, love, and death. There is time when the word “cancer” is too heavy of a word for some people to pronounce, knowing people who have lost their lives to it or are suffering through it at this very moment. Imagine a person living with cancer, most people see a hairless and lifeless human being just waiting for their time. The Fault in Our Stars shows the truth behind real cancer patients and how they live their lives. Although people living with cancer may have obstacles or they are unable to do certain things all people have that challenge for something and that’s what John Green wanted to prove. Hazel Grace is 16 years old living...
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...Published: January 10, 2012 Author: John Green Publisher :Dutton Juvenile Adaptations: The Fault in Our Stars (2014) Characters: Augustus Waters, Hazel Grace Lancaster, more Genres: Young-adult fiction, Romance novel Awards: Goodreads Choice Awards Best Young Adult Fiction 1)The-Fault-in-Our-StarsCancer is such a dreadful disease, indiscriminate in its choice of victim, choosing with aplomb regardless of age, gender, or status. There are a myriad of stories behind the tragedy and many of them remain untold. In The Fault In Our Stars by John Green, he builds a story out of darkness and despair. He takes the tragedy of cancer and immerses us in the lives of characters that could very well be real. Many know of the heartaches in dealing with those who fight the fight, and many of those scars last a lifetime. He brings his story in the form of a teen girl, Hazel Lancaster. Stricken with cancer from a young age, she believes she has come to terms with what her life has become. Then she meets a young man, Augustus Waters, a survivor of cancer. He is drawn to her in a way that is initially uncomfortable, and as she tries to push him away in her sarcastic vein, he finds her to be exactly the type of girl he has been looking for. Throughout the story there is a beauty and humor, a 'candle in the wind' for each of those whose lives have been touched by such an uncaring disease. For cancer touches not just the victim but all those who love and are in anyway touched by them. Be...
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...Name Mrs. Kehres English 9 15 February 2014 IRP Reading Essay There are some people in the world who hate getting close to people because they are scared or like to be alone. Then there are other people, like Hazel in The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, who are scared to become close to people because they don’t want to hurt them. In this book a teenage girl named Hazel has cancer, she goes to a Support Group for kids with cancer and meets a boy named Augustus Waters. Their relationship starts off by just staring at each other, “Look, let me just say it: He was hot. A nonhot boy stares at you relentlessly and it is, at best, awkward, and at worst, a form of assault. But a hot boy... well.”(41) We bet most of the teenagers you know don't have cancer, right? We can thank our lucky stars for that, but for Hazel, Augustus, and Isaac in The Fault in Our Stars, that means a whole lot of isolation. Sure, Hazel hangs out with her friend Kaitlyn, and Isaac starts off the book with a lovey dovey girlfriend, but when the going gets tough, their illnesses separate them from most other people. Add that to their physical limitations, and they find themselves in a world that is oftentimes very, very lonely. “That was the worst part about having cancer, sometimes: The physical evidence of disease separates you from other people.”(58) Not only do people leave when there are some rough patches, but when Hazel goes out in public people stare. When she gets on the airplane to go visit...
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...“That’s the thing about pain” Augustus said “It demands to be felt” (10, Green). Who among us has been plagued with feelings? For most teenagers it seems par for their course, but this is especially true for the two main characters Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters of the novel The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. It is about the reality of two young teenagers facing love, life, and death in a different way than most people. The story of Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters proves and exposes the realistic lives of what people with cancer experience, the love two people can share, and the depressing truth of death. John Green was able to capture the truth behind these three phenomenons through his own personal journey with a young girl named Esther Earl in which he helped her face cancer, love, and death. There is time when the word “cancer” is too heavy of a word for some people to pronounce, knowing people who have lost their lives to it or are suffering through it at this very moment. Imagine a person living with cancer, most people see a hairless and lifeless human being just waiting for their time. The Fault in Our Stars shows the truth behind real cancer patients and how they live their lives. Although people living with cancer may have obstacles or they are unable to do certain things all people have that challenge for something and that’s what John Green wanted to prove. Hazel Grace is 16 years old living with stage 4 thyroid cancer and has been for the past...
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...The Fault in Our Stars Is suffering necessary in our daily lives? Why do we have to suffer, why is it a part of our lives? These questions were always in the back of my mind while reading the novel The Fault in Our Stars. It is a tragic love story about two teenagers, who are both cancer recipients and their journey to falling in love. The two protagonists were constantly dealing with the theme of suffering. In the novel, the author John Green uses his protagonists Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters to develop the theme of ‘the necessity of suffering’ as he writes these characters to undergo the feelings of pain and suffering. John Green uses the character of Hazel Grace to explore the theme ‘the necessity of suffering’ by writing Augustus Waters’ faith as destined to die. I admire Hazel because she shows tremendous strength and was able to handle it. Throughout the course of the novel, Hazel was constantly worried about dying first and not getting close to Augustus. She did not want to get close to Augustus because she made a connection between herself and a grenade. She believed that when she dies, she’ll be a grenade - injuring innocent others around her. However in actuality, Augustus was the grenade as he passed away first. I think that Green did this because Hazel was constantly worried about being a grenade, she did not comprehend the necessity of suffering. It was necessary for Augustus to suffer because he was able to go to a better place. Also, Green also...
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...The Fault In Our Stars by John Green, he builds a story out of darkness and despair. He takes the tragedy of cancer and immerses us in the lives of characters that could very well be real. Many know of the heartaches in dealing with those who fight the fight, and many of those scars last a lifetime. He brings his story in the form of a teen girl, Hazel Lancaster. Stricken with cancer from a young age, she believes she has come to terms with what her life has become. Then she meets a young man, Augustus Waters, a survivor of cancer. He is drawn to her in a way that is initially uncomfortable, and as she tries to push him away in her sarcastic vein, he finds her to be exactly the type of girl he has been looking for. Throughout the story there is a beauty and humor, a 'candle in the wind' for each of those whose lives have been touched by such an uncaring disease. For cancer touches not just the victim but all those who love and are in anyway touched by them. Be prepared for a story of romance and anger, excitement and humor, and friendship and bravery for that is the direction we are led as Green develops the personality of a group of teens that have the courage to bring both laughter and tears. The stories that encircle each individual give you a glimpse of the character and daring as well as abiding hope. Hidden within that strengththey also hide the depression and hopelessness as they try hard to protect their family and friends by showing only the smiles and strength...
Words: 384 - Pages: 2
...Jheny Haynes Dr. Mary Barnes English 101 9 December 2014 Exploring Life in Death The meaning of facing death is explored in The Fault in Our Stars in the lives of Hazel and Augustus throughout the book; in a way to push them forward to live, and make a meaning out of it. In the book both Hazel and Augusts were trying to find a reason to live. For Hazel, she could have easily just given up and waited to die; instead she let herself live and fall in love with Augusts which was really hard for her. In the book Augustus told Hazel “I’m in love with you, and I’m not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I’m in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we’re all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we’ll ever have, and I am in love with you.” (Green 153) at that very moment Hazel found a reason to live and a reason to explore life in way that she did not before. Green’s intention was to show the readers that even if you are faced with death you should not just roll over and give up, but instead live to the fullest, and not let something hold you back. In the book Augustus says “If you don’t live a life in service of a greater good, you’ve gotta at least die a death in service of a greater good, you know? And I fear that I won’t get either a life or a death that means anything.” (Green...
Words: 450 - Pages: 2
...ALSO BY JOHN GREEN Looking for Alaska An Abundance of Katherines Paper Towns Will Grayson, Will Grayson W ITH DAVID LEVITHAN DUTTON BOOKS | An imprint of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. DUTTON BOOKS A MEMBER O F PENGUIN GRO UP (USA ) INC . Published by the Penguin Group | Penguin Group (USA ) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, U.S.A . | Penguin Group (C anada), 90 Eglinton A v enue East, Suite 700, Toronto, O ntario M4P 2Y3, C anada (a div ision of Pearson Penguin C anada Inc.) | Penguin Books Ltd, 80 Strand, London WC 2R 0RL, England | Penguin Ireland, 25 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, Ireland (a div ision of Penguin Books Ltd) | Penguin Group (A ustralia), 250 C amberw ell Road, C amberw ell, V ictoria 3124, A ustralia (a div ision of Pearson A ustralia Group Pty Ltd) | Penguin Books India Pv t Ltd, 11 C ommunity C entre, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi - 110 017, India | Penguin Group (NZ), 67 A pollo Driv e, Rosedale, A uckland 0632, New Zealand (a div ision of Pearson New Zealand Ltd) | Penguin Books (South A frica) (Pty ) Ltd, 24 Sturdee A v enue, Rosebank, Johannesburg 2196, South A frica | Penguin Books Ltd, Registered O ffices: 80 Strand, London WC 2R 0RL, England This book is a w ork of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously , and any resemblance to actual persons, liv ing or dead, business establishments, ev ents, or locales is entirely coincidental. C opy right ©...
Words: 67221 - Pages: 269
...Apply the tort of negligence to a given fact situation |Level |5 | |Credits |3 | Purpose People credited with this unit standard are able to explain the law of torts, and apply the tort of negligence to a given fact situation. |Subfield |Business Environment | |Domain |Business Law | |Status |Registered | |Status date |17 July 2009 | |Date version published |17 July 2009 | |Planned review date |31 December 2014 | |Entry information |Open. ...
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...The novel The Fault In Our Stars shows the story of a sixteen-year-old cancer patient named Hazel Grace Lancaster, who is forced by her parents to attend a support group where she subsequently meets and falls in love with the seventeen-year-old Augustus Waters, an ex-basketball player and amputee. Important themes in the novel acceptance in society and the fear of oblivion. Acceptance in society is an important theme shown in this novel. It is shown by both of the main characters in the novel as they both have a type of cancer and are viewed differently by society. For example, because Hazel has lung cancer she requires an oxygen tank to breathe properly. Due to this she receives weird looks in public. Another example of this is near the end of the book when Augustus is at the petrol station getting cigarettes and his G-tube is messed up and requires the assistance of Hazel. He says “...but I wanted...to do it by myself. Do one little thing myself”. Through this as a reader we can see that Augustus feels the need to prove that although he has cancer he can still do small things like go to the petrol station to buy something, although it majorly failed and he ended up in hospital. This theme was very important in this book because in the generation that we live in, everyone has the need to fit in and proved themselves to their peers. Fear of oblivion is also an important theme shown in the novel.The main characters in the novel are forced to confront death in a way that...
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...Despite the fact that the characters attempt to live by their support group mantra, "Living our best lives today", every action, relationship, and experience is thrown in the shadow of their approaching death. The subject of life and death unfolds through Hazel's association with Augustus. It is no misstep that Hazel initially shapes a bond with Augustus through a conversation about death and oblivion while at their support group. Both Hazel and Augustus are especially touchy with regards to their own particular death. They are forced to go up against questions that most youngsters don't need to confront, however their worries rotate around normal existential difficulties, for instance, how would you discover importance in life and passing? How would you leave a legacy? How does one's passing influence others? Is there an afterlife,...
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...In the book The Fault In Our Stars by John Green, the character Hazel feels dull about having cancer and how her mom wants her to go to a support group , but she ends up showing the growth mindset. Throughout the book Hazel go to the support group like her mom has bugged her to go to, and she finds a boy named, Augustus Waters. Augustus suffers from cancer, specifically Osteosarcoma. Osteosarcoma is a malignant tumor of bone in which there is a proliferation of osteoblasts. Augustus teaches Hazel that you have to live life to the fullest before it’s all gone. Hazel takes his advice and becomes more positive with the life that she has. “The world is not a wish-granting factory.” Clearly, Augustus feels very strongly about helping Hazel on getting...
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...The Fault In Our Stars Timeline By: Julia Styrbicki, 2nd Hour Event #1: Hazel is dragged to a cancer support group. Hazel’s parents are worried she’s becoming depressed, all she does is stay home, read, and watch tv, so they make her go to a cancer support group. She doesn’t really take the support group seriously and doesn’t feel comfortable sharing anything about her cancer there. Event #2: Hazel meets the love of her life, Augustus Waters. A few support groups later, Hazel sees a “Person of interest.” at support group who to Hazel’s surprise is a mutual friend of her friend, Isaac. Augustus, like Hazel, was dragged there by Isaac and felt the same about support group as she did. Afterwards they talked, and Augustus invited Hazel over to his house....
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