Premium Essay

The Forgotten Group Member


Submitted By daisy386
Words 955
Pages 4
A team is a group of people who are trying to achieve the same common goal. With Christine the goal that she was trying to achieve was getting an A in this class. When Christine and her group first started, they were at the forming stage. This means that members come together and form initial impressions. As for right now they are in the storming stage. This stage is characterized as team members struggling to deal with expectations and status. This is reflected by conflicts over tasks and how the team works together. To support what I am saying, when Christine and her group first started, they all were willing to work together to get the group project done. Now because of one person (Mike), the group dynamic has suffered. With Mike making excuses for why he could not be there, this is hurting them as a group. By the final weeks of the group project, Mike was showing signs of not being a team player. First it started with him being a class clown, even though that is not a problem at all. There might be those who see that as someone who is not a serious team member. The next few weeks Mike started making excuses for why he could not be there for the group meetings. In her leadership role as “Team Coordinator”, an understanding of the stages of group development would have assisted her, by developing a perception before hand of when somebody within the group is not fulfilling their part. The primary problems facing the group are Mike and the group’s diverse personalities. With Mike as part of the group, you get the feeling that he feels like there not treating him as a member of the group. With the diverse personalities everyone is viewed and treated differently, like Mike who is the class clown and Diane who is the quiet one. The secondary problem is Christine’s inability to recognize and deal with diverse personality problems affecting the group’s

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