Premium Essay

The Great Deppresion


Submitted By jaredisgood
Words 611
Pages 3
After Black Tuesday the U.S went into an economic crisis known as the Great Depression. During the depression the poltical, economic, and social institutions in the U.S were in bad conditions. The government, various groups and individuals sought ways to address the problems that Americans faced. The Great Depression began during the stock market crash of 1929. Americans faced many challenges during the Great Depression. The government, various groups and many individuals tried to find ways to solve these problems. During the Depression Americans faced many challenges economically. Paper fortunes had vanished but money was the foundation of American life. Disbelief turned into panic as people tried to withdraw their life savings, many of them were often too late and they lost all their savings from the stock market crash. People invested so much money in the stock market during the economic boom of the 1920s. Some people had expected for the market to crash because of how much money people had gotten off of the stock market. (O.I) That’s when people put more and more in and eventually put everything into the stock market and then lost everything on Black Tuesday. (Doc. 2) The rise of unemployment took place after the stock market crashed. This was because businesses began doing worse and worse and had to lay off employees. Because of the stock market crash more and more people began to lose their jobs. This was because the companies began losing money so the only way that they could save money is by laying people off. This led to people not being able to afford to pay their rent or their taxes and that led to many people not being able to afford to live. These people who couldn’t afford too live in a house...

Imagine this. You wake up one morning in the year 1929, in your luxurious, pricey mansion. You then make your way downstairs to eat that nice big

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