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“the Gunslinger” by Stephen King


Submitted By ValentinaFox
Words 659
Pages 3
The book “The Gunslinger” by Stephen King is the first book in “The Dark Tower” series. The main character Roland Deschain of Gilead, who was the gunslinger, the last one, was trying to reach The Man in Black that was supposed to inform him about the Dark Tower.
The story took place in a world which had had “moved on”.
As Roland traveled across the desert in search of the man in black, he met Brown, a farmer, who offered him to put up for the night. While Roland was there, we learn of his time spent in the town Tull, where he had killed everyone in order not to be killed by them.
He awoke the next day and proceeded to go.
At the way station Roland met a boy, Jake Chambers, who had died in his own universe (our own). Jake didn’t remember anything. Roland hypnotized him to determine the details of his death, but made him forget it, as Jake's death had been extremely violent and painful.
After leaving the way station, Jake and Roland got out of the desert. Jake and Roland made their way into the twisting tunnels below the mountain.
Suddenly they met the Man in Black, and as Jake fell from the tracks and now hanged above the abyss, Roland had to decide: save Jake or pursue the Man in Black. Roland chose the last. And Jake fell. He was a sacrifice.
After it the man in black read Roland's fate from a pack of cards. Then he created a representation of the universe, attempting to frighten Roland by showing him how truly insignificant he was. After it he was made to fall asleep by the man in black. When he woke up, ten years had passed and there was a skeleton next to him – the man in black.
Roland then sat on the edge of the Western Sea, thinking about the three people he had to “draw” (извлечь) – the Prisoner, the Lady of Shadows, and the Pusher.

Roland Deschain (pronounced dess shane) of Gilead is a gunslinger [ˈgʌnsliŋə]. He is descended from a long line of gunslingers, peacekeepers and diplomats of Roland's society. Roland became a gunslinger at the age of 14.
Roland's original desire is to climb to the Dark Tower's top to see if god lives there and to somehow repair the world, as it is now “moved on”. He is very purposeful, as his aim for him is the main thing in the world. He is a strong and disciplined man, capable of working through injuries and illnesses.
Roland always carries 2 big revolvers with him. He never misses with his guns. And they were originally made of the melted down metal from the legendary Excalibur sword.
Emotionally, Roland at times appears to be detached or unsympathetic, often reacting with anger, if someone shows cowardice or self-pity. However, he possesses a strong sense of heroism, often attempting to help those who need it.
Roland prefers not to over-plan his actions, trusting greatly in his instinct and skill at improvising according to the situation.
He is not deprived of his feelings. For example, when he is traveling with Jake, he realizes that he loves this boy, and he cares about him, and he is afraid for him. But still, even this love didn’t force him to turn out of his way to the Dark Tower.
He is shown to be mentally injured from the deaths of all his friends and family, he often thinks about their words and actions.
He is said to have lack imagination. He also describes himself as “not very good in thinking around corners”, it means he has a very practical character, and he never seeks other meanings or intentions behind what he sees, although he is very perceptive and intelligent. Cuthbert, Roland's best friend in his childhood, once said that the gears in Roland's head turn slow, but grind extremely well.

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