Premium Essay

The Hero Of Odysseus In Homer's The Odyssey

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The definition for hero according to the Oxford English Dictionary is “A person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities”. Odysseus was shown as a hero in The Odyssey because he was the main character. If The Odyssey did not portray Odysseus as the main character then I would still think that Odysseus would be main male heroic figure. Odysseus was a person who was praised by most people such as the swineherd, Eumeaus. Odysseus was a “male character in a book, play, or movie, who is typically identified with good qualities, and with whom the reader is expected to sympathize.” according to OED. The reason we should sympathize to Odysseus because he was away for many years and he did not get to see his wife or son for over ten years. Odysseus is considered very heroic in the story so he uses an alias identity to go places with the help of Athena. Odysseus is considered a hero because he was loyal, brave and clever throughout his journey to home which is Ithaca.
Odysseus and his men stop at an island when they were travelling. They went in a cave and found food and fell asleep. …show more content…
He also learned an important lesson that he would be nothing without the gods. Athena is the one who helped him with the disguises and told him what to do. She also told Telemachus to go to search for his father. The only reason he went was because she was disguised as Mentor and he was trusted. He is a strong leader and warrior and shows that fate will take place even if you do not want it to happen. Odysseus’s most prominent quality was that we was not afraid. He stood up to the gods even thought they were more powerful than him. Everyone praised him including the gods and mortals. The only god who did not think of him as a worthy character was Poseidon. The book focuses on Odysseus and his journey home to his wife and son as a brave

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