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The Language of Classification


Submitted By yxztangt
Words 548
Pages 3

State Schools in England and Wales
The vast majority of children in Britain (87%) attend state (local authority) schools which provide compulsory education from the age of 5 to 16 years. These schools can be classified according to the age range of the pupils and the type of education provided. Basically, there are two types of school, primary and secondary, although in some area there are also middle schools. Primary schools cater for children aged 5-11, and secondary school for ages 11-16 (and in some areas up to 18 years). Primary schools can be sub-divided into infant schools (for ages 5-7) and junior schools (for ages 7-11).

Secondary schools are normally of one type for all abilities, known as comprehensive schools. More than 90% of children in state schools attend this kind of school. In some areas middle schools exist as an extra level after primary school for children aged 8 or 9 to 12 or 13. Pupils then transfer to comprehensive schools. In a very small number of areas, pupils may be grouped according to their ability and selected by means of an examination at the age of 11. In these areas, grammar schools cater for those who pass the exam. Those who fail go to another secondary school.

When pupils reach the age of 16 there may be three choices open to them. Firstly, they may leave school. Secondly, they may stay on at school for two more years if it has a Sixth Form. Thirdly, they may transfer to a Sixth Form College, a Tertiary College or a Further Education College.

Primary Schools
There are two types of school primary and secondary. Primary schools can be sub-divided according to age into infant schools and junior schools. Infant schools cater for children aged 5-7 and junior schools for children aged 7-11. Secondary schools are for children 11-16+ years and may be grouped according to whether or not an

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