...The Life of Jesus Christ The story of Jesus begins even before he was born. We may think how can this be, but it’s true and John the fisherman, a disciple of Jesus, puts it this way: ‘In the very beginning, before anything else existed, the Word (Jesus) existed. The Word was with God and the Word was God.’ Mankind had forgotten the existence of God completely and had sinned beyond pardoning. Therefore, God sent His son Jesus Christ into the world to remind us that there is God, to set aside those from doing errant and give eternal life to whosoever believed in Him. The Bible says, ``If you keep on sinning, it shows that you belong to Satan … But the Son of God (Jesus) came to destroy these works of the devil. The person who has been born into God`s family does not make a practice of sinning, because now God`s life is in him``(1 John 3:8-9). Christ Jesus came into the world to save us from bondage and Satan. God chose the right time for Jesus to come God prearranged that the time was right for His Son (Jesus) to come into the world. It was the right time in the world and was also the right time in God`s great plan. From the beginning of the world, God had prepared for this. This should both surprise and impress us, because God showed his love for men. Galatians 4:4, 5 tell that, “But when the right time finally came, God sent His own Son. He came as the son of a human mother and lived under the Jewish Law, to redeem those who were under the Law, so that...
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...Online 29 July 2008 Death and Resurrection of Jesus To get a clear understanding of the complicated events that took place leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus, it is first necessary to understand the background. Lots of things have been written about these courses of events. But it is sometimes difficult to combine all the details into a single story. The events of some days follow each other in calm sequence, while others are more of a swirling, splashing stream. Lots of things happen around the same time. We are dealing with two levels of events: things that actual happen and the intention behind the action. Along with the events leading to the death and resurrection, we also have divergent interests at work: interests of Judas, the Sanhedrin, the people and the disciples. Sometimes things coincide, sometimes they become entangled. For the sake of organizational purposes, we will interact: the plot against Jesus, the Passover Feast, Jesus’ trial, his approach to death and crucifixion, and the resurrection of Jesus. At first we might be lead to think only the plot to have Jesus arrested by means of a traitor (Judas). If you do more in depth studying, you will see that this does not do justice to the facts. After facing much opposition for his teaching, Jesus is betrayed by Judas Iscariot. Judas, like the other disciples expected Jesus to start a political rebellion and overthrow Rome. As...
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...I can claim it, and I can testify to it that Jesus is the center of life, and I know for sure that He is at the center of my life. Many people struggle with Jesus today, especially in the last ten years or so. It seems like since 9/11 happened people have lost touch with God, and some have even turned to other gods. It is a sad world we live in, if you look at it from a worldly point of view. This is not the way to look at things; you have to look at it from a spiritual point of view. God is in complete control and always has been, He has a plan and He is definitely putting it into action. Just read the book of Revelation and you will see that God’s plan is coming together perfectly. I could spend all day here with many quotes from Revelation but by the time I got done we would have a thousand pages or so of just quotes, so I will just say this, Just READ IT! Before I continue any further, I will state this and claim it, that there is only ONE GOD AND THAT IS JESUS CHRIST THE LORD!!! He is the “The Way, The Truth and The Life.” (John 14:6 ESV) I will always believe that, no matter what the world says. John 14:6 alone sums it up in my opinion that Jesus Christ is the center of life, and the only true living breathing Son of God; another one of my favorite quotes from God’s Holy Word, and it sums it up as well, that Jesus Christ is the true God, it is in 1 John 5:20, and states it very plainly; “And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that...
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...I had a life changing experience when I started going to church, and taking discipleship class. I developed a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, I learned to build Christlike character, and achieve spiritual victory. In my family going to church was something we did faithfully. I can remember as a little girl every Saturday and, Sunday we would have Morning Prayer at Grandmother’s house. I like going to church, but I didn’t like going every Sunday. When I was a teenager, I would tell myself, when I get older, and move away, I’m never going to church again. When I was eighteen I moved to Atlanta, and I did that exactly, I stopped going to church. At first it was good, I enjoyed my Sundays, working, relaxing, or just doing nothing. Some Saturday nights, I stayed out late, partied knowing that there would be no prayer or church first thing Sunday morning. I did this for many years went by, I didn’t attend church while living in Atlanta. Then one day I started feeling like something was missing from my life, I started missing going to church. First I had to find a church, one that I would enjoy praise, worship and the sermon. I sent out to find that church, and I did that. I went for a little while as a visitor and I joined church at Voices Of Faith. One Sunday, an announcement was made for discipleship class, I didn’t know what the class was about, but I was curious after church I spoke to a representative, and I signed up. Little did I know that the classes were every...
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...The Life of Jesus and the Followers/Adherents of Christianity Today Christianity is the name given to a religion based on the first century CE life and ministry of Jesus if Nazareth. The followers of Jesus claimed that he was Jewish Messiah-the Anointed One, the long awaited deliverer sent to the people of Israel by God to bring hope and salvation. During that first century, the followers of Jesus broke away from Judaism and, what we now identify as Christianity, spread throughout the regions controlled by the Roman Empire and established itself as a tradition separate form Judaism. Early Christianity was centered on life, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth as told through the writers of the gospels and the early missionaries- those who were sent out to spread the gospel. Christianity’s Jewish heritage was fundamental and the major text for Christianity and still today is the Bible. From its very beginnings in Jerusalem, Christianity has been profoundly influenced by various events. Christianity suffered many early persecutions but by 381 CE, it had been confirmed as the central religion of the Roman Empire. However, the collapse of the Roman Empire and its eventual division into the Eastern and Western Empires brought more conflict, and by the 11th century the Christian Church has become the Church of the West- the Roman Church- and the Church of the East- the Orthodox Church, known as The Great Schism. The sixteenth century brought more division with the Reformation...
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...Introduction In John’s Gospel, John provides clear evidence that Jesus is the Son of God and that by believing in Him believers in Christ may have eternal life. In the Gospel of John, it is easily discovered that John discusses the issue of sin compared to the other Gospels. John 3:16 states, “For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” Therefore, John makes it very clear that unless sin is cleansed through faith in Jesus Christ, people will perish eternally. Thusly, this scripture illustrates the ultimate demonstration of God’s love for believers by giving the gift of eternal life through the sacrifice and resurrection of His only Son, Jesus Christ. Further, despite there being a final judgement in the future, eternal life is in the preset-tense. For example, in John 5:24 Jesus says, “I tell you the truth, whoever hears my words and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to...
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...Jesus and Mohammed Paper Jesus and Mohammed Jesus Christ and Mohammad are two prophets that have changed many individuals’ views on both Christian and also Islamic religion. Both religions originate from the Middle East. Christianity and Islam worshippers obey the Ten Commandments. It is also important for each worshipper of the two religions to love their neighbor as well as forgive one another. Although there are many similarities within the two religions there are also major differences that separate the two. Jesus as well as Mohammad’s death had a major impact on the path of Christianity as well as Islamic religion. Life of Jesus Christ Jesus was born in Bethlehem to a spiritual Jewess Mary and a carpenter named Joseph. It is taught that Jesus was conceived by a miracle of the Holy Spirit (Religion Facts 2010). The Gospels do not have any narratives on the early life of Jesus Christ. The book of Luke goes on to explain the life of Christ as age 12. During this time in his life Jesus was found discussing religion in the temple to a rabbi about the torah. The answers that he gave to the rabbi he left many astonished. This was a turning point in Christ life; he was discovered to be the Son of God. At the age of 30 Jesus began his ministry. One of his first acts was when he was baptized by John the Baptist. John the Baptist was known as a captivating and alluring person. He called many to repent and baptized those that responded to his calling...
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...Wright Report There are numerous ways to view Jesus. His life, teachings, and impact on the world have different meanings to people around the world. In Simply Jesus, N.T. Wright takes a look into Jesus’ life as well as the world in which he lived and the people he lived among. By diving deep into history, Wright attempts to portray Jesus as something larger than people often times imagine. Wright begins Simply Jesus with one of the most important visualizations of Jesus: his entry into Jerusalem on a donkey. Through years of academic study and contemporary events, such as Jesus Christ Superstar, Wright has come to believe that “Jesus – the Jesus we might discover if we really looked! – is larger, more disturbing, more urgent than we – than the church! – had ever imagined” (4-5). In part one, Wright compares Jesus’ life to a “perfect storm,” where a set of circumstances combine to create unexpected and unmatched conditions. This “perfect storm” is composed of skepticism and conservatism, the growing and dominating power of Rome, and the divinity of God’s kingdom, with Jesus striding out into the eye of the storm. Part two focuses on how Jesus brought the kingdom of God to the Jews of the first century. Wright shows how Jesus himself had, in a way, become a new Temple for the Jews. Jesus taught the Jews with parables, spoke of a great battle against “a satan” (119), and the cleansing and rebuilding of the Temple. Jesus both fit into and yet did not fit the roles of...
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...RefJ. Tuzzolo THEO 104-C07 LUO Spring Semester 2010 April 4, 2010 Jesus Christ Reflection Paper I. Introduction Jesus. This one name will bring out many different emotions. This one name will bring millions of people together to worship the God who holds this name. This one name will be cursed by man. This one name will be the topic of many discussions and heated debates. This one name is the name under which man will be saved. This name is not just a name; this name is Jesus Christ, Savior of the world, Jesus Christ the Son of God. This name is the name by which millions of people live their lives on a daily basis. This name is the name in which thousands of churches love their community. Through the name of Jesus power is given to powerless, strength to the weak, love to the loveless and hope to the hopeless. II. Section One – Jesus is God Jesus Christ claimed to be God. So what? A man who walked on this earth claimed to be God. Does this claim make this statement true? The man who claims to be Jesus Christ would have to “demonstrate God-like moral attributes of holiness, love and goodness. He would also have to back up His claim with demonstrations of power, vast knowledge and omnipresence.” (The Deity of Christ). There are eight aspects to Jesus’ claim to this deity. The eight aspects are as follows: 1. Jehovistic I AM 2. Old Testament Adonai 3. Identifies Himself with God in the baptismal formula 4. Be one with the Father ...
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...Ernst Käsemann’s insight that the Johannine Jesus is like a “god striding over the earth”? John presents a very different Jesus compared to the synoptic gospels. It is clear that for John Jesus has many complex elements to his personality and without all of these the picture is not complete. The above quote by Käsemann suggests that in the gospel of John Jesus’ divinity is definite and his presence is felt on the entire world through his words and actions. This allows for the human Jesus but implies the divine Jesus is imperative. The divinity of Jesus Christ is something that is very apparent in the gospel of John. Käsemann’s quote describes Jesus as a ‘God’, which offers an immediate insight into the ‘high Christology’ of Jesus in the gospel of John. The divine Jesus far outweighs the human Jesus. From the introduction of John’s gospel the divinity of Jesus Christ is immediately addressed when John writes ‘In the Beginning..,’ implying that Jesus was there with God at the start of creation. ‘Where the other gospels’ tell us about the human origins of Jesus, John speaks about his divine origin,’ which is with God in heaven, ‘Before all things the word was.’ The fourth gospel paints Jesus as a picture of total control who has descended from heaven to perform his duties to reveal God to humanity. This is evident in the final words of Jesus Christ ‘It is finished’ , implying that Jesus made the decision to end his life. Jesus is given very powerful and direct titles in...
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...Life and teaching of Jesus Jesus was of Jewish descent about 2,000 years ago in the land of Israel and spoke Aramic. The Apostle Paul spreaded the teaching of Jesus to both Jews and non Jews (Gentiles). Jesus is the Savior of the world and the sonship of Jesus is the incarnation of God. Ordinary bread and wine are transformed into the body and blood of Christ. Jesus provides a mode of love and sinlessness. Christians celebrate a yearly cycle that leads them through the life of Jesus and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Christmas,Easter,Ascension and the Pentecost are celebrated through Christ. Jesus was executed by the the Roman Government and after his death attempts was made to record his teaching. Life and teaching of Jesus Jesus was of Jewish descent about 2,000 years ago in the land of Israel and spoke Aramic. The Apostle Paul spreaded the teaching of Jesus to both Jews and non Jews (Gentiles). Jesus is the Savior of the world and the sonship of Jesus is the incarnation of God. Ordinary bread and wine are transformed into the body and blood of Christ. Jesus provides a mode of love and sinlessness. Christians celebrate a yearly cycle that leads them through the life of Jesus and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Christmas,Easter,Ascension and the Pentecost are celebrated through Christ. Jesus was executed by the the Roman Government and after his death attempts was made to record his teaching. Christianity Ethel Ragland | 6/11/2014 | [Edition 1, Volume...
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...Leadership Lessons of Jesus Christ When we talk about Jesus as a leader, we may imply two different forms: Jesus as the only Son of God, God of the universe, or the risen Christ as being one with God; or Jesus as the 1st century flesh and blood human being, the historical figure. Since the purpose of studying leadership is to improve one's own leadership skills, it makes sense to analyze Jesus' applicable traits, actions, and accomplishments as a good leader—in his historical role—so his leadership skills can be feasibly related to ourselves as human beings. I will attempt to analyze, using modern leadership criteria, how Jesus of Nazareth, the Jew and carpenter's son, was an effective spiritual leader of his time. Let us first examine the leadership attitude Jesus showed in his ministry. According to the address Thomas Cronin delivered at the Western Academy of Management in 1982, part of what makes leaders appealing is their confidence and faith: Leaders have those indispensable qualities of contagious self-confidence, unwarranted optimism, and incurable idealism that allow them to attract and mobilize others to undertake tasks these people never dreamed they could undertake. (To Lead or Not to Lead, Unit One 36) Jesus had infectious self-confidence that attracted all types of people to his cause. A teacher of the law said to Jesus, “Teacher, I will follow your wherever you go” (Matt. 8:19). He was also an optimist: Jesus said, “But seek first...
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...because depending on what is said after those words can determine who the person is or isn’t that is speaking these words. When Jesus spoke these words about 2,000 years ago they had some strong meaning and usually they upset a lot of people in those days. Jesus was not just an ordinary man speaking these words, He was God. This is how Jesus affirmed His deity by applying Himself to the statements of Jehovah which was “I am that I am” in the Old Testament (Exod. 3:14-15; John 4:26; 18:5-6). The Jews hated Him because by using these words, Jesus was claiming to be equal to the God of the Old Testament and they did not agree with that. I Am Paper Out of those seven “I AM” statements recorded in John I would like to discuss the one found in John Chapter 14. In this chapter Jesus tells His disciples that, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6 NLT). When Jesus had spoken this He was in the upper room with His disciples and it was just after Passover service. Jesus knew where He was going to be heading, so He was preparing His disciples for the things that lied ahead and His departure. His disciples had been with Him for over three years and they have learned many things from Jesus by His teachings and His examples. They did not understand Jesus when He said that He would no longer be with them. Jesus wanted to teach them everything that they needed to do after He was gone. One of the main things that He taught was to “Love...
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...WHAT’S IMPORTANT! 1 John 1:2 This one who is life from God was shown to us, and we have seen him. And now we testify and announce to you that Jesus is the one who is eternal life. He was with the Father, and then he was shown to us. 1. INTRODUCTION a. Life is filled with opportunities to be who we say we are. There are also countless situations to complain about. There are conditions that challenge our faith. There is an ongoing temptations, accusations and deceptions. We often find ourselves looking for answers in darkness and criticize the light. We live in a time when the prevailing winds are blowing in a direction counter to the Ruach, the Pneuma, the Holy Spirit of God. b. It is natural and normal to look down and painstakingly describe thr stench of the sewer. c. It is not rocket science to invest in evaluating our life results with gages that are inaccurate. Or measure what we treasure with scales that are out of calibration. Many of us suffer with a hole in the soul resulting from unfulfilled promises. There is much compliance to Church without true commitment to Christ. Matter of fact we have started to question if God really exist and if He does, does He really care. We try to invalidate the truth of God. The enemy’s propaganda machine is so effective that the majority of our time is spent watching commercials that dictate how we are suppose to live. Can we trust anything we hear, see or feel? 2. JESUS IS THE FULFILLMENT a. 2 Tim. 1:10 And now he...
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...Jesus (/ˈdʒiːzəs/; Greek: Ἰησοῦς Iesous; 7–2 BC to AD 30–33), also referred to as Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus Christ,[e] is the central figure of Christianity, whom the teachings of most Christian denominations hold to be the Son of God. Christianity regards Jesus as the awaited Messiah (or Christ) of the Old Testament,[12] while Islam regards Jesus as a major prophet, second in importance only to Muhammad.[13] Virtually all modern scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus existed historically,[f] and historians consider the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) to be the best sources for investigating the historical Jesus.[20][21][22][23] Most scholars agree that Jesus was a Galilean, Jewish rabbi[24] who preached his message orally,[25] was baptized by John the Baptist, and was crucified by the order of the Roman Prefect Pontius Pilate.[26] In the current mainstream view, Jesus was an apocalyptic preacher and the founder of a restoration movement within Judaism, although some prominent scholars argue that he was not apocalyptic.[21][27] After Jesus' death, his followers believed he was resurrected, and the community they formed eventually became the Christian church.[28] The widely accepted calendar era, abbreviated as "AD" or sometimes as "CE", is based on the birth of Jesus. Christians believe that Jesus has a "unique significance" in the world.[29] Christian doctrines include the beliefs that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, was born of a virgin named Mary, performed miracles...
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