...2 Esdras Summary: The book of 2 Edras starts with Ezra receiving a prophetic call from God. He explains that God is upset with Israel because as time goes on, they keep on sinning. He continues and says that they are going to be driven out of their land and that there will be a people coming from the East (1:38). His prophecy ends with God saying that he will judge Israel and protect the church that is to come. Then there is a cut and we jump into Ezra’s discussions with the angel Uriel, and he his three visions. Ezra talks about two main things, the first being his struggle with sin and how God is disappointed with Israel. The next big topic is Ezra’s visions about things to come and the end times. Ezra struggles to grasp God’s decisions and actions and Uriel makes it clear that man cannot comprehend God’s actions. The last two chapters of the book talk about God’s judgment on people and cities that oppose him, such as Babylon. From here, the writer encourages believers to stay strong for there is much persecution to come. Date and Evaluation: Many scholars believe that 2 Esdras wasn’t written by Ezra or during the time he was alive, but rather the book was written by Christians in the first and second century A.D. After reading through this book I understand that the author has many questions about why things are what they are. We read over and over again that “Ezra” is disturbed by questions about God’s chosen people and sin. More than this, I see that Ezra really respects...
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...“Kite runner” by Khaled Hosseini the childhood of a small town boy by the name of Amir unfolds, when we realize that he lives under a shadow of guilt. He grows up, changes and is affected by his environment –whether that is Afghanistan or California. Transforming into a portrait of an immensely likeable and dominant character. After proving himself honorable when he makes up for his mistakes, overcomes his fears and acknowledges his misdeeds. Amir is a credible protagonist as he took the recognition to become a better person and seek redemption for all his mistakes. Although at first he tried to bury his sins by forgetting the past and living in the present day America, he was called home with an unexpected opportunity to work towards forgiveness. “There is a way to be good again…Rahim Khan had said on the phone just before hanging up, said it almost as an after thought.” (Hosseini, 202) Amir’s opportunity to be “good again” appears unforeseen, when suddenly returning to Afghan seems like the only way to atone for his sins now. He seeks out for Hassan’s orphaned son, Sohrab as he risks his life in order to rescue him. Through saving Sohrab’s life in a way, Amir has saved his own. “Been peeking into that deserted alley for the last twenty-six years.”(Hosseini, 1) This is a little teaser in the beginning of the book that hints an event that has largely defined the course of Amir’s life ever since. This foreshadows the incident in the alley and him being unable to conceal his feelings...
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...Analysis: “Late Wife” by Claudia Emerson “Late Wife” by Claudia Emerson is a book that contains a collection of poems focused on her struggle with being divorced, and starting a new life by herself. The book is separated in three parts: Divorce Epistles, Breaking up the House, and Late Wife, and each section shows Claudia dealing with a new problem. The separation of the poems made it easy to identify the theme patterns found in the collection. For every chapter there was theme to be centered around, it also helped that collection was in chronological order and in narrative writing, for the book starts by retelling the sadness on her mind when she was going through her divorce, then she makes a quick summary of her single life, and ends it with the struggle of being the second wife of a man who recently lost his wife. At the end, she admits that she finds happiness, but that her journey to be happy was rough yet worth it. The first section is “Divorce Epistles” and the theme of it is divorce. This chapter starts by showing the reader some flashbacks of how her marriage was like before the divorce and then it ends by showing what she did right afterwards. The first poem is “Aftermath” (5) and it is her reflection of her divorce she admits that she knew it was going to happen eventually. In these lines, “I confess that last house was the coldest I kept. In it, I became formless as fog, crossing / the walls, formless as your breath as it rose” (8), she was being ignored by her...
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...Research Paper on “The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini Introduction: The international best-selling novel, The Kite Runner was first published in 2003 by Riverhead Books, written by the Afghan-born American novelist and physician, Khaled Hosseini. He was born into a Shia family in Kabul, and later on in his life when the family moved to Paris because of his father’s occupation, Hosseini’s family was unable to return to Kabul due to the bloody Saur Revolution; hence they had to seek political asylum in the United States. Being as young as he was, roughly 11 years of age, the actions of his home country must have left an impression on him. It is such a great read because among many other themes such as betrayal, redemption, bullying, inhumanities of revolution, discrimination, loyalty, hypocrisy, horrors of rapes etc. the main focus of this story is of a man who is haunted by his past demons. We see in some of the opening lines of the novel, “I became what I am today at the age of twelve, on a frigid overcast day in the winter of 1975… That was a long time ago, but it’s wrong what they say about the past, I’ve learned, about how you can bury it. Because the past claws its way out.” These opening lines gets the ball rolling on what is to come and to be expected from the story, of possibly an aged man who is looking back at the past and justifying how it has made him the way that he is to date. The setting vividly takes place in the disorderly country of Kabul, Afghanistan...
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...LGBTQ+ Representation in the Media The media has become a protuberant fraction of our society today, as we rely on it for coverage on the presidential election, the weather, the traffic, and using it to form our opinions on subjects we would not know much about without it, but how does the media affect the way the LGBTQ+ community is seen and treated? From Russia to America, LGBTQ+ laws are viewed worlds apart, with Russia concocting anti-gay laws, while America sustains marriage-equality, however, did the media have an impact on this? Does absence of representation in this medium account for the misunderstanding and lack of knowledge of LGBTQ+ people? These are the inquiries I would enjoy to discus as I think it is a tremendously important...
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...Book Report: Dream Psychology by Sigmund Freud Yvette R. Gibbs Grand Canyon University: Personality Psychology June 27, 2014 Dream Psychology Chapter Summaries Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, was a physiologist, medicinal physician, psychologist, and instrumental intellectual of the 1900’s. Freud said dreams are windows into our unconscious mind where the angsts, longings, and feelings exist that we stifle in some type or another to conceal from conscious thought. In other words, we do not want to realize them so they get constrained into the alcoves of the subconscious. Thus, with respect to the concept of wish- fulfilment and dreaming, we desire that the thing that concerns us in the subconscious, expressed by means of the dreams. Consequently, on this basis, both “undesirable” and “positive” (things we wish do happen) dreams are the result of wish-fulfilment. Chapter I: Dreams Have a Meaning Freud was a true believer that all dreams had some meaning. Dreams are our unconscious feelings. Whether good or bad thoughts we have and do not act on manifest into our dreams; they are usually indirect clues. Freud (1920) states the basis on “a peculiar state of psychical activity”. Some spectators recognize the dream may be capable of exceptional successes in selected areas (e.g. Memory) (Freud, 1920). Some medical writers believe that dreams are merely stimuli from the body; contrary to their beliefs, dreams do have some meaning (Freud, 1920). Reading one’s...
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...e Runner begins with our thus-far nameless protagonist explaining that the past cannot be forgotten. A single moment in time defined him and has been affecting him for the last twenty-six years. This moment was in 1975 when he was twelve years old and hid near a crumbling alleyway in his hometown of Kabul, Afghanistan. When the protagonist's friend, Rahim Khan, calls him out of the blue, he knows that his past sins are coming back to haunt him even in the new life he has built in San Francisco. He remembers Hassan, whom he calls "the harelipped kite runner," saying "For you, a thousand times over." Rahim's words also echo in his head, "There is a way to be good again." These two phrases will become focal points for the rest of the novel and our protagonist's story. Chapter Two The protagonist remembers sitting in trees with Hassan when they were boys and annoying the neighbors. Any mischief they perpetrated was the protagonist's idea, but even when Hassan's father, Ali, scolded Hassan, he never told on the protagonist. Hassan's father was a servant to the protagonist's father, Baba and lived in a small servant's house on his property. Baba's house was widely considered the most beautiful one in Kabul. There Baba held large dinner parties and entertained friends, including Rahim Khan, in his smoking room. Though the protagonist was often surrounded by adults, he never knew his mother because she died in childbirth. Hassan never knew his mother, either, because she eloped with...
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...authority? Why and how, law is of common observance? Why and how, law is of common benefit? ============================ Introduction to Law Series Part 2.1 - Evolution of the Concept of Law A.) Classical Greek Concept of Law ============================ Side Notes: - Literature is the reflection of reality. -Greek civilization is two things, politics and drama. -Greek drama is two things, tragedy and comedy -Alexander the Great's teacher is Aristotle. -Aristotle's school is the Lyceum. -Aristotle's teacher is Plato. -Plato's school is the Academy. -Plato's teacher is Socrates. -Socrates' teachers are the Sophists. -One of the sophists is Sophocles. -Sophocles is an ancient Greek tragedian (tragedy writer). *For our study, we will look at two of his tragedies, Oedipus the King and Antigone. ============================ Sopholes' Definition of Law Oedipus the King Antigone In the video, it said, "Doing what is right is more important than following the will of a king or a country." Before Sophocles, law is made by God, or simply extra-human. During Sophocles, it is shown the...
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...authority? Why and how, law is of common observance? Why and how, law is of common benefit? ============================ Introduction to Law Series Part 2.1 - Evolution of the Concept of Law A.) Classical Greek Concept of Law ============================ Side Notes: - Literature is the reflection of reality. -Greek civilization is two things, politics and drama. -Greek drama is two things, tragedy and comedy -Alexander the Great's teacher is Aristotle. -Aristotle's school is the Lyceum. -Aristotle's teacher is Plato. -Plato's school is the Academy. -Plato's teacher is Socrates. -Socrates' teachers are the Sophists. -One of the sophists is Sophocles. -Sophocles is an ancient Greek tragedian (tragedy writer). *For our study, we will look at two of his tragedies, Oedipus the King and Antigone. ============================ Sopholes' Definition of Law Oedipus the King Antigone In the video, it said, "Doing what is right is more important than following the will of a king or a country." Before Sophocles, law is made by God, or simply extra-human. During Sophocles, it is shown the...
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...man’s struggle on his journey home from the Trojan War, but of his struggle from the consequences of revenge. The Odyssey weaves in different characters’ tales of revenge from the gods and what impact revenge actually had on those characters. Revenge is an important underlying theme in The Odyssey because, in essence, it explains why Odysseus’ journey was so prolonged and treacherous. A few examples of revenge in the poem include Orestes’ revenge on Aegisthus, Zeus’ revenge on Odysseus and his men, and Poseidon’s revenge on Odysseus. These different examples of revenge in The Odyssey show the importance of the gods’ revenge in the epic journey of Odysseus. Orestes’ revenge is the first important example of the gods’ revenge in the poem. In Book 1, Hermes told Aegisthus, “’Don’t murder the man,’ he said, ‘don’t court his wife. Beware, revenge will come from Orestes…” (Homer 260). King Nestor delivers the story of Orestes’ revenge to Odysseus’ son Telemachus, while Telemachus is visiting Nestor to discover answers about his fathers’... The Character Medea's Revenge in Euripides' Medea Medea is a tragedy of a woman who feels that her husband has betrayed her with another woman and the jealousy that consumes her. She is the protagonist who arouses sympathy and admiration because of how her desperate situation is. I thought I was going to feel sorry for Medea, but that quickly changed as soon as I saw her true colors. I understand that her emotions were all over the place. First...
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...The UFO phenomenon has become one of the most controversial and culturally embedded supernatural beliefs to emerge in the Western world during the later half of the twentieth century. Reports of strange flying objects in the sky have been recorded from the dawn of human history. The earliest UFO sightings can be found in 4th century Chinese texts, claiming that a "moon boat" hovered above China every 12 years. Other enthusiasts cite the Book of Ezekiel, in which an inquisitive ship dropped from the sky and landed in Chaldea, modern-day Kuwait. A flourish of sightings occurred near Rome in 218 B.C. and again in Germany in 1561. During World War II, Allied pilots coined the term foo fighters for the bizarre orbs of light that flew alongside their planes during combat (Stephey, 2009). Although sightings have been reported for centuries, it was the sighting by American Pilot Kenneth Arnold in 1947 that sparked the current public interest in the UFO phenomenon. Days later, the foundations of today’s UFO beliefs were perpetuated by a report that the U.S. Army had recovered alien bodies and a crashed “flying disk” in Roswell, New Mexico. The press originally reported the recovered material was from a UFO, however higher military authority quickly dismissed this report. The United States Air Force (USAF) claims the downed aircraft was a top-secret weather balloon designed to spy on Soviet forces. This retraction from the USAF caused people to question the events that took place in...
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...disguise. Few have abilities so much needed by the rest of the world as to be caressed on their own terms; and he that will not condescend to recommend himself by external embellishments must submit to the fate of just sentiments meanly expressed, and be ridiculed and forgotten before he is understood. --Samuel Johnson Men must be taught as if you taught them not; And things unknown propos'd as things forgot. --Alexander Pope Style in painting is the same as in writing, a power over materials, whether words or colors, by which conceptions or sentiments are conveyed. --Sir Joshua Reynolds Whereas, if after some preparatory grounds of speech by their certain forms got into memory, they were led to the praxis thereof in some chosen short book lessoned thoroughly to them, they might then forthwith proceed to learn the substance of good things, and arts in due order, which would bring the whole language quickly into their power. --John Milton Introduction Good writing depends upon more than making a collection of statements worthy of belief, because writing is intended to be read by others, with minds different from your own. Your reader does not make the same mental connections you make; he does not see the world exactly as you see it; he is already flooded daily with thousands of statements demanding assent, yet which he knows or believes to be false, confused, or deceptive. If your writing is to get through to him--or even to be read and considered at all--it...
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...Copyright Copyright© 2013 University of Namibia. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the publishers. Edited and Published by the Unit for Professional Development University of Namibia, Windhoek Date next revision: 2018 Unit for Continuing Professional Development University of Namibia Private Bag 13245 Pioneers Park Windhoek Namibia Tel: +264 61 206 4671 Fax: +264 61 206 3521 E-mail: cpd@unam.na Website: www.unam.cpd.na Acknowledgements The Unit for Continuing Professional Development wishes to thank those below for their contribution to this support guide: Ms Alina Hambelela Angula Mr Simson Shaakumeni Ms. Laetitia Willemse Ms. Agatha Lewin Mr Simson Shaakumeni Author Content Editor(s) Instructional Designer Technical Care of Template Quality Controller Water Contents About this support guide 1 How this support guide is structured ................................................................................. 1 Course overview 3 Welcome to Water (Natural Science and Health Education) ............................................ 3 Water (Natural Science and Health Education)—is this course for you? ......................... 3 Study skills ........................................................................................................................
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...Birth: Indianapolis, Indiana Brief Life Story: John Green was born in Indianapolis, Indiana. Immediately after his birth, Green’s parents moved to Orlando, Florida. During his youth, he attended Lake Highland Preparatory School, a boarding school near Birmingham, Alabama. Later, he attended Kenyon College where he graduated in 2000 with a double major in English and Religious Studies. After graduating from Kenyon, Green worked in a children’s hospital while he enrolled in divinity school with the intention of becoming an Episcopal Priest. He never attended divinity school, however, because his experience working in the hospital with children suffering from life-threatening illnesses inspired him to become a writer. He lived in Chicago for several years, writing book reviews, writing for radio, and working in publishing. During this time he wrote his first novel, Looking for Alaska (2005) to immediate, and increasing, success. He followed that first novel with An Abundance of Katherines (2006), Paper Towns (2008), and The Fault in Our Stars (2012), which reached #1 on the New York Times bestseller list for children. Green currently lives in Indianapolis with his wife and two kids, where he continues to write, produce videos, and speak publicly about an array of topics. chronicle his artistic journey in making the film adaption of his novel. The film's trailer gained over 3 million views in less than 24 hours after it was released. PLOT SUMMARY PLO Hazel Grace Lancaster is a seventeen-year-old...
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...narrative types are used to enhance understanding of the ways in which stories are culturally constructed, using data collected through one focus group discussion and two in-depth interviews with each of 12 women who had experienced breast cancer. The author then conveys the significance of this form of analysis for future research. r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Breast cancer; Qualitative and narrative Introduction Frank (1995) writes that those who are ill ‘‘need to become storytellers in order to recover the voices that illness and its treatment often take away’’. (p. xii) Frank’s ideas are supported by the fact that stories of breast cancer have become ubiquitous in Western culture (Couser, 1997), while Bury (2001) provides compelling illustration of the historical failure of biomedical narratives to address illness experiences and the subsequent ‘‘expansion of information about illnessyvia media coverage, the internet and alternative forms of...
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